Issue - decisions

Sheltered Housing Assets

08/02/2018 - Rationalisation of Sheltered Housing Assets - Initial Scoping Report

(1)        That further consideration be given to reducing the amount of low-demand sheltered housing in the Council’s ownership and developing the resultant vacant land or buildings to provide either general needs housing, temporary homelessness accommodation and/or more appropriate accommodation for older people in order to help meet the housing needs of local people registered on the Housing Register in the future;


(2)        That the “Sheltered Housing Standard”, attached at Appendix 1 of the report, be adopted - with an objective of all sheltered housing schemes retained in the long term meeting the Standard over a reasonable period of time;


(3)        That a further report be submitted to a future meeting of the Communities Select Committee with:


            (a)        recommendations about which sheltered housing schemes should be             decommissioned over a period of time and their site(s) redeveloped;


            (b)        an initial proposed approach to decanting the existing residents;


            (c)        a Communication Strategy for the Project;


            (d)        initial redevelopment proposals for each of the identified sites;


            (e)        indicative budget costs; and


            (f)         an Equalities Analysis; 


(4)        That the following criteria be used for the assessment of sheltered housing schemes considered most suitable for redevelopment:


            (a)        the number of bedsits;


            (b)        the lettability, demand and location of the scheme;


            (c)        the long term costs of improvements/repairs;


            (d)        the amount of sheltered housing within the locality;  


            (e)        the number of lettings to local residents compared to applicants on the

            Supplementary Waiting List; and          


            (f)         the demand for general needs housing in the locality; and


(5)        That a further report from the Select Committee be submitted to the Cabinet with its recommendations, after it had considered the further report in decision (3) above from Officers.