Issue - decisions

Local Council Tax Support Scheme 2018/19

12/12/2017 - Local Council Tax Support Scheme 2018/19

(1)        That the responses to the consultation on the scheme for 2018/19 be noted;


(2)        That the scheme be amended to set six-monthly fixed period assessments for people receiving Universal Credit;


(3)        That the scheme be amended to disregard Bereavement Support Payments in line with other welfare benefits and the Local Council Tax Support scheme for people of pension age;


(4)        That the scheme be amended to allow a decision made by the DWP concerning other benefits to be disregarded when it was clear that their decision was incorrect; and


(5)        That the amended Local Council Tax Support scheme for 2018/19 be recommended to Council for approval.

13/07/2017 - Local Council Tax Support Scheme 2018/19

(1)       That a public consultation exercise on the Local Council Tax Support Scheme for 2018/19 be undertaken between August and October 2017; and


(2)       That the following elements of the scheme be approved for consultation purposes:


(a)       the acceptance of the general principle that the Local Council Tax Support Scheme for 2017/18 should aim to be cost neutral for the Council;


(b)       to seek views on alternative funding options for the Local Council Tax Support Scheme, if the Scheme is not cost neutral;


(c)       the disregard of Bereavement Support Payment in the calculation in line with other welfare reforms;


(d)       the introduction of technical changes relating to the assessment of Universal Credit income to allow for Local Council Tax Support to be awarded for a fixed period of six months before a review is undertaken; and


(e)       a revision to the scheme in order to prevent an excess Council Tax discount being awarded, that would enable the Council, where appropriate, to decide the income to use in the calculation irrespective of any notification from the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions.