Issue - decisions

HGGT Green Infrastructure Framework

11/08/2023 - HGGT Green Infrastructure Framework

(1)            To note the HGGT Green Infrastructure Framework, as agreed by the HGGT Board, as an HGGT technical document and submitted to the relevant portfolio holders/Senior Officers of Essex CC, Herts CC, East Herts DC, Epping Forest DC and Harlow DC for noting by each of the partner Councils;


(2)            That the HGGT Partners consider the inclusion of the development of Action Plans, in line with Strategic Opportunities as set out in chapters 10 and 11 of the Framework, in the programme of work for the HGGT Partners in forthcoming years; and


(3)            To note that the HGGT Green Infrastructure Framework document will be reviewed every five years co-ordinated by the HGGT Partnership.