Further report
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 28/05/2024
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Melissa Kemp-Salt
Notice of decision: 26/03/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
Seeking approval to enter into contract following a successful tender process
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 17/03/2025
Wards affected: Loughton Roding;
Lead officer: Surjit Balu
Notice of decision: 16/02/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
Decision Maker: Communities Scrutiny Committee
Decision due date: 25/06/2024
Lead officer: Surjit Balu
Notice of decision: 16/02/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
Decision Maker: Communities Scrutiny Committee
Decision due date: 25/06/2024
Lead officer: Surjit Balu
Notice of decision: 16/02/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
Decision Maker: Place Scrutiny Committee
Decision due date: Not before 02/07/2024
Lead officer: Nigel Richardson
Notice of decision: 30/01/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: Not before 01/08/2024
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Georgina Blakemore
Notice of decision: 30/11/2023
Anticipated restriction: Open
Conclusion of the Task and Finish Panel
Decision Maker: Communities Scrutiny Committee
Decision due date: Not before 01/07/2024
Lead officer: Jennifer Gould
Notice of decision: 29/09/2023
Anticipated restriction: Open
Decision Maker: Council
Decision due date: 17/12/2024
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Paula Maginnis
Notice of decision: 31/08/2023
Policy Document.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: Not before 01/07/2024
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Mandy Thompson
Notice of decision: 02/08/2023
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Melissa Kemp-Salt
Notice of decision: 01/12/2022