Decision details

Planning application EPF/1181/11- Valley Grown Nurseries, Payne's Lane, Nazeing, Essex . - Construction of glasshouse, ancillary warehouse area, office and welfare facility space, habitat enhancement and landscaping.

Decision Maker: District Development Control Committee

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Committee considered a major development application in Nazeing.


The planning application sought the construction of a 87,119 m2 (approximately 9 hectares) glasshouse with ancillary warehouse, office space, welfare facility space and landscaping of the site to include habitat enhancement. The proposed development was to be sited south of an existing glasshouse site in Paynes Lane, Nazeing, but on land outside the local plan designated glasshouse area and therefore contrary to policy.


The proposed site, at the end of a private lane, lay within the Lee Valley Regional Park, it also contained a pond area and a footpath crossed the site. Paynes Lane was also a footpath.


The committee viewed plans of the proposed glasshouse and associated buildings and had visited the site in the week before the meeting. The applicant had also provided details to the local authority of a proposed unilateral agreement covering subdivision, removal of buildings if the site was not being used for production and maintaining a wildlife habitat.


The Committee noted that there had been considerable local objection and received additional representations received since the publication of the agenda including those of Nature England about the habitat area. The Environment Agency had, in a letter dated 24 August 2011, withdrawn their objection to the proposals subject to a number of additional suggested conditions dealing with contamination, groundwater and flooding.


In noting that the site was out with the designated glasshouse area, officers informed the committee that no other suitable site existed in the designated are and this site was immediately adjacent to it. The Highways Authority had commented that the junction of Paynes Lane with the main road was suitable and could accommodate the additional traffic generated by the proposals but had not commented on the use of the use of the private road. The increase in traffic levels of approximately 8% was, in their view, insufficient to refuse planning permission.


The officers stated that the main issue for consideration was whether the governments emerging draft planning policy of the presumption in favour of sustainable economic development and the appropriateness of agricultural development outweighed the potential harm to the Metropolitan Greenbelt and the Regional Park given the visual impact of the building.


The Lee Valley Regional Park Authority had objected to the proposal. The Committee heard representations from the Park Authority, a local objector, the Parish Council and the applicant.


Members were of the view that the access via Paynes Lane was not fit for purpose and use by lorries would increase the chance of accidents along the narrow lane. Moreover members had concerns that the proposed glasshouse would have a material impact on the openness of the Metropolitan Green Belt and upon the residents of the area by its size and position. Members were mindful of the precedent for other such developments and the maintained objection from the LVRPA.


Members considered and approved a motion to refuse planning permission on those grounds.




That planning application EPF/1181/11 be refused for the following reasons:


(1)               By reason of its very large bulk and scale, together with its siting outside of an area designated for glass houses on the Local Plan Alterations proposals map, the proposed glasshouse and associated warehouse would have an excessive adverse impact on the open character of the Green Belt, undermining planning policy objectives for the locality.  The proposed development is, therefore contrary to polices DBE1, DBE4, GB7A, E13A and E13B (i) of the Adopted Local Plan and Alterations;


(2)               The proposed development, by reason of the noise and disturbance caused by related vehicle movements, would cause material harm to the amenities presently enjoyed by nearby neighbouring residents, contrary to policies RP5A, DBE2  and DBE9 of the Adopted Local Plan and Alterations; 


(3)               The proposed development would set an undesirable precedent for similar developments to take place on comparable sites within the Metropolitan Green Belt and outside of designated glasshouse areas, contrary to the principles of Policies GB7A and E13A of the Adopted Local Plan and Alterations; and


(4)               The proposed development, would have a significant adverse impact on the character of the Lea Valley Regional Park contrary to policy RST24 of the Adopted Local Plan and Alterations. 

Report author: Jill Shingler

Publication date: 08/09/2011

Date of decision: 24/08/2011

Decided at meeting: 24/08/2011 - District Development Control Committee

Accompanying Documents: