Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To consider the scope of the Transformation Project.
To consider the first business cases for the Transformation Programme.
To monitor the progress of the Programme and consider any business cases.
(1) That the purpose of the transformation programme and the benefits statement be agreed;
(2) That the scope and approach to managing change and the transformation methodology be agreed;
(3) That arrangements to govern the transformation programme, including the Transformation Programme Board and Programme Management Office, be noted; and
(4) That the transformation workstreams be agreed and mandate further discovery be mandated to identify opportunities for change.
Report author: David Bailey
Publication date: 10/03/2016
Date of decision: 03/03/2016
Decided at meeting: 03/03/2016 - Cabinet
Effective from: 18/03/2016
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