Issue - meetings

Local Highways Panel

Meeting: 10/05/2012 - Appointment Panel (Item 11.)

Local Highways Panel



(1)        To consider the policy to be adopted in relation to the appointment of the seven Councillors to the new LHP, bearing in mind that this Panel’s terms of reference embrace the whole District; and


(2)        To determine the numbers to be determined by each political group and to be offered to independent or sole Party member Councillors.



1.         (Assistant to the Chief Executive) A copy of the proposals of Essex County Council for new Local Highway Panels is attached. The number of District Council representatives is to match the number of local County Councillors (namely 7) who will also serve on the Panel.


2.         The Safer, Cleaner, Greener Standing Scrutiny Panel has recommended that this Panel determine how the seven district seats should be dealt with, bearing in mind the presumed need for cross-District representation. It should be borne in mind that the elements of  Protocol regarding pro rata representation is currently suspended insofar as it relates to outside bodies.


3.         Representation on the previous Panel was one Portfolio holder with a Deputy Portfolio Holder to cover. The Panel is asked to decide the groups to nominate and the number of seats involved including the position of independent and single party members