57 Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking - Transparency Statement and Policy PDF 124 KB
(Safer, Greener & Transport Portfolio Holder) To consider the attached report (C-020-2017/18).
Additional documents:
(1) That, in order to meet legal and moral safeguarding obligations, the Modern Slavery Transparency Statement for the Council be adopted, along with the associated Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy; and
(2) That this item be included in the Leader’s Report to Council at the next Council meeting, scheduled for 1 November 2017, in order to raise awareness of this issue throughout the Council.
The Portfolio Holder for Safer, Greener & Transport presented a report on the Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Transparency Statement and Policy.
The Portfolio Holder stated that modern slavery was prevalent across the United Kingdom (UK) and was a growing safeguarding concern for all local authorities due to its serious and often brutal criminality, in which people were treated as commodities and exploited for criminal gain. The true extent of modern slavery in the UK was unknown, but human trafficking particularly was an international problem and victims might have entered the UK legally, on forged documentation, although they could also be British citizens living in the UK.
The Portfolio Holder reported that there had already been a range of Modern Slavery cases identified within the District, including a recent and very serious case of slavery and child sexual exploitation, where the Council had worked with Essex Police and this had resulted in the arrest and conviction of several perpetrators. The Cabinet was, therefore, requested to adopt the Modern Slavery Transparency Statement for the Council and the associated Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy in order for the Council to meet its legal obligations.
The Cabinet was appalled that these activities could happen within the District. However, it was acknowledged that this did happen and it was important for any suspicious behaviour to be reported to the right authorities. Therefore, it was essential for the Council to adopt the proposed Transparency Statement and Policy. It was noted that a training programme on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking for Members was being prepared by Officers, and the Leader of Council agreed to include this item in his report to the Council at its next meeting on 1 November 2017 to further raise awareness of this issue throughout the Council.
(1) That, in order to meet legal and moral safeguarding obligations, the Modern Slavery Transparency Statement for the Council be adopted, along with the associated Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy; and
(2) That this item be included in the Leader’s Report to Council at the next Council meeting, scheduled for 1 November 2017, in order to raise awareness of this issue throughout the Council.
Reasons for Decision:
It was a legislative requirement for all organisations with a turnover of £36 million or more to have a Modern Slavery Transparency Statement.
As part of Section 11 Children’s Safeguarding Audits and inspection of safeguarding relating to the Care Act 2014, all local authorities were required to have a range of policies in place which related directly to district level safeguarding. This included Modern Slavery, as it affected children, young people and adults of all ages and abilities.
Other Options Considered and Rejected:
None, as this was a statutory requirement that the Council had to comply with.