84 Provision of a Creche at Loughton Leisure Centre PDF 116 KB
(Leisure & Community Services Portfolio Holder) To consider the attached report (C-031-2017/18).
(Leisure & Community Services Portfolio Holder) To consider the attached Appendices alongside the main report (C-031-2017/18).
Additional documents:
(1) That, given the level of ongoing subsidy required for a relatively small number of customers and the alternative new opportunities being provided by Places for People, the provision of a crèche at Loughton Leisure Centre be not supported; and
(2) That provision be made in the Capital Programme in the sum of £324,000 for 2018/19 to fund the refurbishment of the Changing Village at Loughton Leisure Centre.
The Portfolio Holder for Leisure & Community Services presented a report concerning the provision of a Crèche and the refurbishment of the Changing Village at Loughton Leisure Centre.
The Portfolio Holder reminded the Cabinet that there had never been a requirement for the Council’s Leisure Management Contractor to provide a Crèche facility at Loughton Leisure Centre. There had also never been a purpose built Crèche at the Centre, and Crèche facilities had been provided in the small Hall, which was being redeveloped. Although the demand for the Crèche was not high, there were a small number of regular users, and it had always been made clear by Places for People Leisure (the Council’s Leisure Contractor) that the Crèche provision would cease when the redevelopment of the Centre started.
Following concerns expressed by existing Crèche users at Loughton Leisure Centre, the Portfolio Holder had requested Places for People Leisure to provide a cost estimate for the provision of crèche facilities as part of the redevelopment of the existing site at Loughton Leisure Centre. It had been concluded that the only option was to provide a further extension to the building and this would cost approximately £325,000; there would be a further operational cost of £25,000 per annum to cover staffing. Given the relatively few users of the Crèche facilities at the Leisure Centre, the Portfolio Holder was reluctantly recommending that Crèche facilities not be provided in the future, as it simply was not cost effective.
The Cabinet had sympathy with the Mothers who had been using the Crèche, but the Council was not under a statutory obligation to provide this service and it would not represent good value for the Council to provide a Crèche facility for seven regular users. The Portfolio Holder informed the Cabinet that Loughton Library and Loughton Town Hall were considered as alternative venues for the Crèche, but neither venue was owned by the Council so there was no jurisdiction. The Director of Neighbourhoods added that Places for People and Officers had gone to considerable lengths to consider alternative venues, but none could be identified.
In response to questions from various Members, the Director of Neighbourhoods stated that the level of subsidy required from the Council would increase if the number of places available at the Crèche increased. However, the evidence indicated that it was the same parents who had used the previous Crèche each time. Places for People had agreed that the consultation exercise could have been performed better, and they were putting steps in place to improve their communication with users generally. Members concurred that the communication from Places for People to users of the Leisure Centre on this issue had been poor. Cllr Chambers, a local Member for Buckhurst Hill West, agreed that it would not be appropriate for the Council to fund a Crèche used by only seven parents, and that the Portfolio Holder had examined every option for an alternative venue.
Cllr Patel, also a local member for Buckhurst Hill West, expressed concern ... view the full minutes text for item 84