140 Phase 4 Superfast Essex Broadband Funding PDF 116 KB
(Technology & Support Services Portfolio Holder) To consider the attached report (C-055-2017/18).
Additional documents:
(1) That the use of the existing provision of £350,000 within the Capital Programme for phase 4 of the Superfast Essex broadband rollout, match funded by contributions from BDUK and with an additional contribution from Essex County Council, be agreed; and
(2) That a written agreement be entered into with Essex County Council to confirm this funding would be forthcoming.
The Portfolio Holder for Technology & Support Services presented a report regarding the release of previously agreed funding for phase 4 of the Superfast Essex Broadband programme.
The Portfolio Holder reminded the Cabinet that the Council had seen considerable investment in the enhancement of its superfast broadband infrastructure and network capability in recent years. With coverage scheduled to reach approximately 97% of the District by June 2019, focus had switched to the additional investment in superfast broadband required in order to take the level of coverage across the District closer to 100% of homes and business premises.
The Portfolio Holder reported that, based on the Council’s previously submitted Letter of Intent to invest up to £350,000 of additional funding to provide additional superfast broadband coverage, and match funded by BDUK with additional funding from Essex County Council, a competitive procurement process had been undertaken by Essex County Council to commission a suitable provider to deliver additional broadband coverage in the Epping Forest District. This competitive process had now been completed and the preferred bidder had been selected. Essex County Council was now seeking, prior to the formalisation of the contract award, a written agreement with the Council to commit the additional funding of £350,000 in full and the Cabinet’s confirmed approval of this investment was sought.
(1) That the use of the existing provision of £350,000 within the Capital Programme for phase 4 of the Superfast Essex broadband rollout, match funded by contributions from BDUK and with an additional contribution from Essex County Council, be agreed; and
(2) That a written agreement be entered into with Essex County Council to confirm this funding would be forthcoming.
Reasons for Decision:
To ensure that the Council adopted a modern approach to the delivery of its services and that they were efficient, effective and fit for purpose.
To utilise modern technology to enable Council Officers and members to work more effectively in order to provide enhanced services to customers.
Other Options Considered and Rejected:
The District could choose to not pursue this programme of further investment in superfast broadband, leaving future developments to be determined by market forces. However, this would risk the District falling behind if its location, assets or digital opportunities were not appealing in their own right and would put its residents and businesses at risk of not experiencing the best digital outcomes that were possible.