39 Staff Appeals Procedure PDF 59 KB
(Technology & Support Services) To consider the attached report.
Additional documents:
On behalf of the Technology and Support Services Portfolio Holder, Councillor C. Whitbread submitted a report seeking permission for the Monitoring Officer to remove the reference of the Staff Appeals Panel from the constitution following the cabinet’s adoption of the Staff Appeals Procedure Policy.
That the Monitoring Officer be authorised to remove all reference of the Staff Appeals Panel from the Council’s Constitution.
30 Staff Appeals Procedure PDF 136 KB
(Technology and Support Services Portfolio Holder) To consider the attached report (C-008-2018/19).
Additional documents:
(1) That the proposed Appeal Procedure be approved and adopted; and
(2) That, pursuant to the adoption of the policy, a report be made to Council recommending that the Monitoring Officer removes reference to the Staff Appeals Panel from the Constitution.
The Technology and Support Portfolio Holder introduced the report on revising the Staff Appeals procedures. He apologised that the wrong document had got into the agenda and that a revised version had now been issued. The cabinet noted that it was proposed that the procedure was amended and as a consequence the member Staff Appeals Panel was removed from the constitution.
It was proposed that officer dismissals and appeals (of employees below Chief Officer level) were dealt with by a wider number of senior managers rather than Directors and Members, subsequently freeing up Directors and the Chief Executive in order to chair any dismissal appeal hearings.
Councillor Mohindra asked what would happen to the report now, how did it get circulated to staff and how did they get informed of this. The Portfolio Holder replied saying that this would now form the standard processes adopted by the authority and would also appear on the website.
(1) That the proposed Appeal Procedure be approved and adopted; and
(2) That, pursuant to the adoption of the policy, a report be made to Council recommending that the Monitoring Officer removes reference to the Staff Appeals Panel from the Constitution.
Reasons for Decision:
This was a change to the existing Procedure which the Committee was asked to consider. The proposal was timely due to the exit of the Director of Governance who was the Council’s representative on the Staff Appeals Panel. The proposal adopts one procedure for all employees (below Chief Officer, as separate arrangements apply) appealing against any formal action or dismissal taken against them.
Other Options for Action:
The Committee could substitute other arrangements.
The Joint Consultative Committee proposed an alternative option whereby a member of the Executive is a joint Hearing ‘Officer’ with a Director or the Chief Executive at an Appeal Hearing for dismissal.