Issue - meetings

Calendar of Council Meetings 2019/20

Meeting: 21/02/2019 - Council (Item 89)

89 Calendar of Council Meetings 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 70 KB

(Customer Services Portfolio Holder) To consider the attached report.

Additional documents:


Mover: Councillor H Kane, Customer Services Portfolio Holder


Councillor H Kane submitted a report regarding the Calendar of Council meetings for 2019/20. She advised that following the outcome of the ongoing review of the Overview and Scrutiny Select Committee Framework, amendments to the proposed meeting arrangements for the select committees dates could change, although members would be notified.


Report as first moved ADOPTED:




That the draft Calendar of Meetings for 2019/20, attached at Appendix 2 to these minutes be adopted.

Meeting: 07/02/2019 - Cabinet (Item 85)

85 Calendar of Council Meetings 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 113 KB

To consider the attached report (C-033-2018/19).

Additional documents:


That, with minor agreed amendments, the draft Calendar of Council Meetings for 2019/20 be recommended to the Council for adoption.



The Customer Services Portfolio Holder introduced the draft calendar of council meetings for 2019/20. She identified a minor issue with the draft calendar that the DDMC scheduled for 29th May 2019 should actually be a Plans South meeting that was to be held on 29th May. Because of this the scheduled meeting of Plans South on 5th June was now rendered redundant because of its closeness with the end of May meeting and should be removed.


Councillor Philip asked that this now vacant date be used to fit in an extra DDMC meeting for 5th June 2019. This was agreed by the Cabinet.




That, with minor agreed amendments, the draft Calendar of Council Meetings for 2019/20 be recommended to the Council for adoption.



Reasons for Proposed Decision:


To review the proposed Calendar of Meetings for 2019/20, prior to its final adoption by the Council.


Other Options for Action:


Individual frequencies of meetings could be varied. In practice, additional meetings are added as and when issues dictate. Similarly, meetings can be cancelled if there is a lack of business.