Issue - meetings

Planning Application ???

Meeting: 27/07/2022 - District Development Management Committee (Item 8)

8 Planning Application EPF/2502/20 - Land and Garages, Chequers Road Site, Loughton pdf icon PDF 107 KB

(Service Manager – Development Management) To consider the attached report for the erection of one residential building, accommodating 8 flats with associated parking spaces and landscaping.

Additional documents:


The Service Manager for Development Management, A Marx, presented a report for the erection of one residential building accommodating eight flats with associated parking spaces and landscaping. This application had been considered by Area Planning Sub-Committee South at its meeting on 8 June 2022 with an Officer recommendation to grant permission. The Sub-Committee deferred the application to this Committee with a recommendation to refuse permission, as they felt the scheme was incongruous, of poor design due to its bulk and overbearing impact, and out of character with the street scene at this location. If the Committee was minded to grant planning permission, Planning Officers were proposing two additional planning conditions pertaining to the provision of a Residual Travel Information Pack to each dwelling within the development, and the installation of all photovoltaic panels prior to first occupation of the residential units.


A Marx stated that the application site had previously contained Council-owned single-storey garage blocks, which had been removed, and backed on to the Central Line on the London Underground. The existing properties on Chequers Road were a mixture of semi-detached and terraced dwellings. The site was not within the Metropolitan Green Belt or a Conservation Area. The building would be roughly rectangular in shape with four flats at first floor level and four flats at second floor level, plus undercroft parking with space for six cars, eight bicycles, store and bin storage. Each flat would have a balcony, and there was a communal garden to the rear of the building. Planning Officers were of the opinion that the application was a modern scheme that would have a positive impact on the existing street scene.


The Committee noted the summary of representations that had been received in relation to this application, and heard from the Applicant’s Agent before proceeding to debate the application.


A Marx clarified the following points during the discussion:

·       There would be a total of six parking spaces for use by the residents of the eight flats;

·       The parking spaces would be allocated such that the one-bedroom flats would share spaces while the two-bedroom flats would be allocated a space each;

·       The Council’s policy was that if the development was within a certain distance of an Underground Station then less parking spaces could be provided;

·       The proposed building would be less than one metre higher than the adjacent buildings;

·       The balconies would have privacy screens and there would be no impact on the neighbouring properties in respect of overlooking;

·       The Council’s policy did not require lifts to be installed, just that some of the units should be accessible – which the ground floor units would be;

·       Planning Officers were unaware of the reasons as to why this scheme had been submitted to replace the scheme previously granted permission in 2015;

·       Development of the scheme granted permission in 2015 had commenced but not been completed.


Cllr C C Pond proposed a further two additional conditions: for the submission of a Construction Method Statement for the scheme to minimise  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8

Meeting: 29/06/2022 - District Development Management Committee (Item 9.)

9. Planning Application EPF/2502/20 - Land and Garages, Chequers Road Site, Loughton pdf icon PDF 107 KB

(Service Manager – Development Management) To consider the attached report for the erection of one residential building, accommodating 8 flats with associated parking spaces and landscaping.

Additional documents: