22 Approval of draft HGGT Stewardship Charter for consultation PDF 143 KB
(Place – Councillor N Bedford) To approve the draft charter for formal public consultation (C-009-2023-24). Please note Appendix A is attached separately to this agenda.
Additional documents:
(1) That the Cabinet approved the draft Harlow and Gilston Garden Town (HGGT) Stewardship Charter (Appendix A) for formal public consultation planned for summer 2023.
(2) That the Cabinet agreed that the HGGT Director, in consultation with the Chair of HGGT Board be authorised to make minor amendments to the HGGT Stewardship Charter prior to publication for consultation.
Effective stewardship of the four new HGGT communities was critical to the success and delivery of the HGGT Vision. Planning for these stewardship arrangements would ensure that the HGGT had a sustainable and thriving legacy long after the development phase had completed. In June 2022, the HGGT Board recommended the preparation of stewardship guidance to positively influence stewardship proposals across the Garden Town via the development of a draft HGGT Stewardship Charter. On 13 June 2022 the HGGT Board approved the draft HGGT Stewardship Charter for formal public consultation and recommended that each partner council formally agreed to publicly consult on the draft Charter. Details of this were included in the report which was presented by the Place Portfolio Holder.
The report set out the options considered, if any, and the reasons for the recommendation and the decision.
(1) That the Cabinet approved the draft Harlow and Gilston Garden Town (HGGT) Stewardship Charter (Appendix A) for formal public consultation planned for summer 2023.
(2) That the Cabinet agreed that the HGGT Director, in consultation with the Chair of HGGT Board be authorised to make minor amendments to the HGGT Stewardship Charter prior to publication for consultation.