Agenda and minutes

District Development Control Committee - Tuesday 7th March 2006 7.30 pm

Venue: Civic Offices, High Street, Epping

Contact: Simon Hill, Research and Democratic Services  Tel: 01992 564249 Email:

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 36 KB

To confirm the minutes of the last meeting of the Committee held on 17 January 2006 (attached).




            That the minutes of the Committee meeting held on 17 January 2006 be taken as read and signed by the Chairman as a correct record subject to the correction of the following typographical errors:


            (a)            substitution of “Councillors” for “Councillor” in Minute 21(2) (Declarations of Interest);


            (b)            renumbering of the Resolutions in Minute 25 (Planning application EPF/1643/05 – 5 Avenue Road, Theydon Bois) to (1), (2), (3) and (4); and


            (c)            deletion of the second “6” in Resolution (5) of Minute 29 (Tree Preservation Orders – Applications to fell trees and enforcement – procedural changes and delegated authorities).


Substitute Members (Council Minute 39 - 23.7.02)

(Head of Research and Democratic Services)  To report the appointment of any substitute members for the meeting.


It was noted that Councillor D Stallan was substituting for Councillor B Sandler and that Councillor M Woollard was substituting for Councillor D Kelly.


Declarations of Interest

(Head of Research and Democratic Services) To declare interests in any item on this agenda.


Councillor Ms S-A Stavrou declared a personal interest in Item 6 (Wyldwoods, Woodgreen Road, Waltham Abbey – Demolition of existing “coach house” and erection of new dwelling on same footprint (EPF/2208(05)) by virtue of being the Ward Councillor.  She indicated that she would remain in the meeting for the discussion and voting on that item.


Wyldwoods, Woodgreen Road, Waltham Abbey - Demolition of Existing ‘Coach House’ and Erection of New Dwelling on Same Footprint (EPF/2208/05) pdf icon PDF 22 KB

To consider the attached report.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered planning application ref EPF/2208/05 for the demolition of the existing “coach house” and the erection of a new dwelling on the same footprint.  The application had been referred to the Committee by Area Plans Sub-Committee ‘D’ with a recommendation that planning permission be granted as such a decision would be contrary to the Council’s adopted policy.  Members noted that Area Plans Sub-Committee ‘D’ had been of the view that in practical terms the impact on the openness of the Green Belt would be unaltered by the proposal and that a rebuild was likely to be more energy-efficient than the previously agreed conversion proposals.


The Committee concurred with the views of the Sub-Committee that there were very special circumstances in this case and that planning permission should be granted.  The Committee did not consider that a Section 106 legal agreement requiring the dwelling to become an annex to Wyldwoods and be part of the curtilage of that property when the applicant ceased to occupy the building would serve any useful purpose.  However, members were of the view that conditions should be imposed regarding the removal of permitted development rights and requiring that there should be no physical separation between the new dwelling and Wyldwoods.




            That planning application EPF/2208/05 for the demolition of existing “coach house” and erection of new dwelling on the same footprint at Wyldwoods, Woodgreen Road, Waltham Abbey be granted subject to conditions relating to:


            (a)            time limit for commencement;


            (b)            use of reclaimed materials from the demolition of the coach house and matching, second-hand materials;


            (c)            development to be carried out strictly in accordance with drawing numbers 301c and 302c;


            (d)            notwithstanding the previous condition, the northern access shall be closed;


            (e)            no removal of trees or shrubs without prior consent;


            (f)            removal of permitted development rights; and


            (g)            no physical separation between the new dwelling and Wyldwoods.