Agenda and minutes

Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Monday 30th May 2005 7.30 pm

Venue: Civic Offices, High Street, Epping

Contact: Simon Hill, Senior Democratic Services Officer  email: Tel: 01992 564249

No. Item



To welcome Members to the first meeting of the new Committee.


The Chairman welcomed Members to the first meeting of the new Committee.



(Head of Research and Democratic Services). To note the new procedural rules for Overview and Scrutiny.


The Senior Democratic Services Officer drew attention to the new procedural rules for Overview and Scrutiny. He advised that this meeting was about setting the scene for the new arrangements and agreeing the membership of panels.  He also explained what could be expected from the next stage of the process.


The Committees attention was drawn to the main elements of the new  structure. Members were reminded that under the arrangements Scrutiny Standing and Task and Finish panels had been established to undertake scrutiny reviews.  It was noted that this Committee had been tasked with agreeing the Membership of these panels their terms of reference, work plans and reporting deadlines.


The Committee noted the  main objectives of  panels . The Senior Democratic Services Officer reported that Standing Panels would have a’ rolling programme’ and consider   ongoing and cyclical issues. Pro rata rules applied to Membership and   all Members were welcome to attend meetings. Attention was drawn to reporting procedures, arrangements for the annual review of Standing Panel work plans and liaison arrangements with Portfolio Holders. It was reported that Task and Finish Reviews would be restricted to dealing with activities which were issued based, time limited, non cyclical with clearly defined objectives which they would report responses to within a set deadline. Pro rata rules did not apply to membership, however   panels must consist of a minimum number of members to  carry out its programme and not consist solely of a single party.


In terms of the role of the Committee itself, it was reported that the Committee could expect to liaise with the Cabinet about work plans, engage  with external bodies and pre scrutiny work at its meeting during the week before Cabinet and deal with those items referred to the Committee by the work programme. Call in would continue and liaisons with the Cabinet would take place to discuss the wider work programme which would be approved and reviewed  annually  by the Committee.


In terms of recent developments it was reported that officers had discussed operational aspects of the arrangements and agreed that a Lead Officer be appointed to each panel to facilitate process. It was anticipated that Lead Officers would liaise on a regular basis with relevant Chairman to discuss work . They would also be meeting to agree terms of references of panels and priorities of reviews and their  work plans.


The Committee were  also  updated on the progress made with the appointment of a Scrutiny Officer to support the structure . It was noted that the closing date for the post was 3 June 2005 and that interviews would commence in the next few weeks. He emphasis that the support provided by the new officer would contribute significantly to the system. It was noted that further developments on the post would be reported to the Committee.


In response to questions, Members were reminded that pro rata rules did not apply to the membership of Task and Finish panels. The Joint Chief Executive (Community) reported that they  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.



(Head of Research and Democratic Services). To report the appointment of any substitute members for the meeting.


It was reported that Councillor Mrs J Davis had been appointed to attend the meeting as a substitute for Councillor P Gode.


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 21 KB

(1)       To confirm the minutes of the Overview and Scrutiny Co-ordinating Group held on 11 May 2005;and


(2)               To confirm the minutes of the meetings of:


(a)            Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1 held on 29 March 2005;

(b)   Overview and Scrutiny Committee 2 held on 5 April 2005; and

(c)            Overview and Scrutiny Committee 3 held on 7 April 2005


as a correct record.

Additional documents:




That the minutes of the meeting of the:


(a)       Overview and Scrutiny Co-ordinating Group held on 11 May 2005;

(b)       Overview and Scrutiny Committee (1) held on 29 March 2005;

(c)         Overview and Scrutiny Committee (2) held on 5 April 2005; and

(d)   Overview and Scrutiny Committee (3) held on 7 April 2005


be taken as read and signed by the Chairman as a correct record subject to  ‘2004/06’ being substituted by ‘2005/06’ in recommendation 3 (Minute 43) of the  minutes of the meeting of Overview and Scrutiny Committee (2).




In relation to the meeting of Overview and Scrutiny Committee (2) a member asked how any outstanding actions arsing form the meeting would be dealt with. The Senior Democratic Services Officer undertook to speak to the Councillor to consider incorporating such activities into the work plan.



(Head of Research and Democratic Services). To declare interests in any items on the agenda.


No declarations of interests were made pursuant to the Council’s Code of Member Conduct.



Decisions required:


(1)            To appoint members to the following Standing Panels in accordance with pro rata in the proportions shown below:


Standing Panels

Appointments to places required:


Lab: 1

Cons: 4

Lib Dem: 2

LRA: 1

Ind: 1

BNP: 1

Constitutional Affairs

Lab: 1

Cons: 4

Lib Dem: 2

LRA: 1

Ind: 1

BNP: 1

ICT and E-Government

Lab: 1

Cons: 4

Lib Dem: 2

LRA: 1

Ind: 1

BNP: 1

Finance and Performance Management

Lab: 1

Cons: 4

Lib Dem: 2

LRA: 1

Ind: 1

BNP: 1

Environment and Planning

Lab: 1

Cons: 4

Lib Dem: 2

LRA: 1

Ind: 1

BNP: 1


(2)            To consider requests for appointments to Standing Panels by non affiliated members; and


(3)            To appoint a Chairman and Vice Chairman to the following Standing Panels:


Housing            Chairman:

          Vice Chairman:


Constitutional Affairs                        Chairman:

          Vice Chairman:


ICT and E-Government                        Chairman:

          Vic Chairman:


Finance and Performance            Chairman:

Management           Vic Chairman:


Environment and Planning            Chairman:

                        Vic Chairman:


The Council has agreed that pro rata apply to Standing Panels only. The Overview and Scrutiny rules provide that membership should be kept to the minimum required to allow each Group to have representation. Additionally individual members, not affiliated to a group, have the right to apply for membership.


The Committee are asked to make appointments to Standing Panels in accordance with the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure rules.


Nominations to Chairman and Vice Chairman of these Panels are excluded from the calculation required under the Council's protocol regarding allocation of Chairman and Vice-Chairman positions between the political groups.


The Committee were asked to make appointments to Standing Panels in accordance with the Overview and Scrutiny rules. The Committee were reminded that the Council had agreed pro rata applied to Standing Panels and that membership should be kept to a minimum to allow each Group to have representation .  It was noted that on this basis it had been calculated that Panels would consist of 10 Members.


It was reported that nominations to Chairman and Vice Chairman to Standing Panels were excluded from the pro rata calculation rules required for such positions contained in the Council’s constitution.


The Committee considered the nominations for the various positions. Despite the fact that Councillor Murray had not put his name forward for panel Membership, it was agreed  that in view of the Councillors expertise on Housing issues he should be appointed Chairman of the Standing Panel on Housing Services. It was agreed that should he decline the invitation, the position would be reconsidered  to at a future meeting.




That the appointments to Standing Panels annexed to these minutes be adopted.



Decisions Required:


(1)            To appoint members to the following Task and Finish Panels in accordance with Overview and Scrutiny procedure rules:




Requests to be considered

Review of externally funded Leisure Services  and Youth Provisions

Leisure Services – Review of Externally funded services, Youth Provision in the District

Traveller issues

Former Traveller Site at Paynes Lane, Traveller Incursions

Register of local interests

Establishments of Register of significant concerns for Development Proposals, Road and Pavements in District and Parking Policy in residential areas.

Members Training

Members Training  - General and scrutiny skills


(2)            To appoint a Chairman and Vice Chairman to the Task and Finish Panels


The Committee is asked to consider appointments to Task and Finish Panels. The Overview and Scrutiny Co-ordinating Committee has reviewed the requests for reviews and has determined that four Task and Finish Panel Reviews should be undertaken. These are outlined above.


The Overview and Scrutiny Rules state that 'Task and Finish' Scrutiny Panels shall be flexible as to the number of Councillors appointed to membership.  There is no restriction on the numbers appointed.


Any Councillor may be a member of a 'Task and Finish' Scrutiny Panel, save that a member of the Cabinet may not be a member of any Panel which bears directly on his or her portfolio. Additionally no 'Task and Finish' Scrutiny Panel can be comprised of members of a single political group only.


It is a requirement of the procedure rules that a Chairman and Vice Chairman should be appointed to each Panel.


The Committee were asked to consider appointments to Task and Finish Panels. The Committee  noted that four  panels were to be set up and  the matters they would review.


It was noted that any Member could be appointed to Task and Finish Panels. However Cabinet Members would not be able to serve on panels which bore directly on their Portfolio. In addition no panel  could  comprise of members of a single political group and restrictions on numbers did not  apply.


Members were also asked to appoint a Chairman and Vice Chairman to each Panel. 




That the appointments to Task and Finish Panels annexed to these minutes be adopted.




A member asked whether Members would in future receive all agendas for scrutiny or be able to select which agendas they received. The Head of Democratic Services reported that this matter would be considered as part of the Member connectivity review.


In terms of topics for review, a Member suggested that the operation of this years election in the District   needed to be reviewed. It was noted that this matter would be referred to the Standing Panel on Constitutional Affairs.


It was also suggested that the Chairman of the Task and Finish Panel on Traveller issues liaise with appropriate officers as soon as possible to arrange a meeting of the Panel.


It was noted that the next meeting would consider the work of panels in detail.




That the Standing Panel on Constitutional Affairs undertake a review of the operation of this years Parliamentary and County Elections.