Agenda and minutes

Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Thursday 31st August 2006 7.30 pm

Venue: Civic Offices, High Street, Epping

Contact: Simon Hill, Senior Democratic Services Officer  email: Tel: 01992 564249

No. Item



Decisions required:


To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 6 July 2006.




That the minutes of the meeting held on 6 July 2006 be taken as read and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.



(Head of Research and Democratic Services). To report the appointment of any substitute members for the meeting.


It was reported that Councillor Mrs A Cooper was substituting for Councillor Mrs H Harding and Councillor Mrs P Smith was substituting for Councillor D Bateman.



(Head of Research and Democratic Services). To declare interests in any items on the agenda.


In considering whether to declare a personal or a prejudicial interest under the Code of Conduct, Overview & Scrutiny members are asked pay particular attention to paragraph 11 of the Code in addition to the more familiar requirements.


This requires the declaration of a personal and prejudicial interest in any matter before an OS Committee which relates to a decision of or action by another Committee or Sub Committee of the Council, a Joint Committee or Joint Sub Committee in which the Council is involved and of which the Councillor is also a member.


Paragraph 11 does not refer to Cabinet decisions or attendance at an OS meeting purely for the purpose of answering questions or providing information on such a matter.


Pursuant to the Council’s Code of Member Conduct, Councillor Mrs D Collins declared a personal interest in agenda item 6 (Development of Services for Children and Young People within the Epping Forest District – Presentation) by virtue of being the Chairman of the Epping Forest PCT. She declared that her interests were not prejudicial and indicated that she would remain in the meeting during the consideration and voting on the item.


Order of business


The Committee were asked to change the order of business for the meeting.




That the agenda item 6 (Development of Services for Children and Young People within the Epping Forest District – Presentation) be taken as the next item of business.


Development of Services for Children and Young People within the Epping Forest District - Presentation



To receive a presentation from Lonica VanClay, the Local Commissioner for Children and Young Peoples Services for the District.


(Joint Chief Executive (Community). Lonica VanClay, the Local Commissioner for Children’s and Young Peoples Services for the Epping Forest District will give a presentation on her role in the identification of and the commissioning of services for children and young people in the 0-19 age range.


The Government’s vision for children’s services was set out in a green paper “Every Child Matters” published in September 2003.  It proposed reshaping children’s services to help achieve the outcomes children and young people themselves had identified as a key to well being in childhood and later life.  These being:


  • be healthy
  • stay safe
  • enjoy and achieve
  • make a positive contribution
  • achieve economic well-being


The Department for Education and Skills produced non-statutory guidance on the role of District Councils in Improving outcomes for children.  A copy of that guidance is attached.


The role of the Local Commissioner is to provide capacity to local Children and Young Peoples Strategic Partnerships (CYPSP’s) to ensure partners are able to work collectively and collaboratively and to ensure the CYPSP is effective.


The Epping Forest CYPSP was formed about three years ago and comprises a large number of partnership agencies.  Its current chair is a representative from the Epping Forest Primary Care Trust.  The District Council is represented by officers from Housing and Leisure Services.


However, the structure of the CYPSP is likely to change as Lonica will cover in her presentation.  District Council Members may be asked to join in the partnership.


The Chairman introduced and welcomed to the meeting Lonica VanClay, the Local Commissioner for Children and Young People (CYPSP) in the District, who was in attendance to report on her role in the identification and commissioning of services for the 0-19 age range.


The Governments vision for children’s services was set out in the Government Green Paper ‘Every Child Matters’ (ECM) published in September 2003. Following this, the Department for Education and Skills produced non statutory guidance on the role of District Councils in improving outcomes for children.  A copy of this was attached to the agenda for the meeting.


A Local Commissioner for Children’s and Young Peoples Services had been appointed in 6 districts (including Epping Forest) of greatest need. The role was to provide capacity to the local Children’s and Young Peoples Partnership (CYPSP) and to facilitate and ensure partnership working was effective.


Ms VanClay referred to the Essex wide ‘Change for Children’ programme, which she worked to support, designed to attain the 5 outcomes of the ECM, reduce variation, meet local needs, coordinate services and partnership working. She referred to resource allocation advising that funding was provided for early prevention to prevent problems escalating and becoming more costly in the long term. She reported that In terms of priorities, funding was targeted at vulnerable children with complex problems.  Reference was made to workstreams and the twelve proprieties of the Children and Young People’s Plan for improving the wellbeing of the age group.


She advised that CYPSP’s role was to coordinate and encourage service delivery to achieve the twelve identified priority outcomes. The partnership would achieve this by undertaking a local needs and gaps analysis, coordinating provision, identifying priorities, commissioning, disseminating good practice, encouraging services to respond to the programme and challenging underperformance. The partnership was chaired by the Primary Care Trust.


Ms VanClay reported that CYPSP was responsible to the Local Strategic Partnership for the children’s sub block of the Local Area Agreement. The partnership worked with local groupings of schools to provide a coherent seamless service for children and young people and families.


The CYPSP coordinator was based at the Voluntary Action Epping Forest office at the District Council in Epping. The Local Commissioner was located at the Waltham Abbey Health Centre in Waltham Abbey.


Ms VanClay advised that the structure of the partnership was likely to change. Consideration was being given to widening the membership of the organisation and more member involvement. Consultation on this would be held in October/November 2006 and following this invitations would be sent out to specific groupings including the Council. The partnership was looking to set up a series of new working groups to commence in the new year, update its terms of reference, structure and produce an action plan. These steps should come into effect from January 2007.


In response to questions, Members were reminded that central government had introduced a statutory obligation requesting Local Authorities bring together children’s services. That approach was piloted in Braintree in 2005 and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 30.



Attached is the current draft of the Cabinet Work Programme. The Leader of the Council has stated that this is still work in progress but will welcome views from the Committee.


Please bring these papers to the meeting for consideration.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Mrs D Collins presented the Cabinet’s plans for this year. She welcomed views on the content which was still a work in progress to be developed over the year.


Portfolio Holders in attendance were invited to present their sections in turn.


The Committee considered the schedules with a view to selecting issues for pre-decision scrutiny.


(i)            Finance and Performance Management


The Finance and Performance Management Portfolio Holder, Councillor J Knapman advised that additional meetings might be needed to formulate this years budget which he anticipated could be a difficult process. It was clarified that fees and charges were dealt with by the Finance and Performance Management Scrutiny Panel and agreed that this would be stated in the plan.


(ii)            Community Wellbeing


The Portfolio Holder, Councillor Mrs S Stavrou, presented her work plan. She clarified that Licensing Act Policy was a responsibility of the Environmental Protection Portfolio and should be transferred accordingly in the programme. There was clearly a need to work with the Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership (CDRP) in the consideration of the Crime and Disorder issues. To improve performance against crime figures, for which there was a 2% shortfall, Inspector Andy Adams of Essex Police would be putting ideas to the next CDRP meeting.  One proposal was to expand the automatic number plate recognition scheme. Home office funding would be sought.


The Portfolio Holder advised that the Grant Aid decision making process had been extended to involve agencies. She welcomed and undertook to give consideration to the suggestion that ward councillors who had local knowledge be able to input into decision making.


(iii)            Environmental Protection


Works to Bobbingworth Tip were awaiting finalisation of section 278 agreement with the Council.


(iv)            Planning and Economic Development


A member sough the current position on the funding arrangements for phase 3 and 4 of the Loughton Town Centre Enhancement Scheme. The Leader advised that no firm decisions could be made on this or the sums for any other schemes until the cost of the new waste management contract had been identified. The Portfolio Holder advised that difficulties with the utility services were interfering with surfacing works. It was still hoped that the first phase of the scheme would be finished in Oct 2006. She reported the estimated cost of the work and stated that an approach would be made to Cabinet seeking additional funding. A member referred to the removal of trees in Centric Parade for paving works for the scheme. The Portfolio Holder clarified that replacement trees would be sought however this would need County Council agreement. The Portfolio Holder had contacted each political group who had indicated Members were supportive of the progress being made with the scheme. It was reported that the Broadway Town Centre scheme was awaiting completion of section 278 agreement with County. It was anticipated that phase one of the works would be completed ahead of Christmas 2006 and estimated to cost  £2.9 million.


It was reported that early in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 31.



(a)               Updated Schedule/Progress Reports


The Committee is asked to note the updated schedule. To facilitate this Panel Chairmen are asked to attend the meeting to report any significant issues arising from their work not reported elsewhere.


(b)               Task and Finish Panels – Terms of Reference


At the last meeting, the Committee verbally received and considered the Terms of References for the new Task and Finish Panels. Having discussed the issues in some depth, the Committee is now requested to formally endorse the proposals which are attached.


(a)               Work Programme


The Committee considered their work programme. The following Panels had held meetings since the last meetings of the Committee and the relevant Panel Chairmen reported accordingly.


(i)            Environmental and Planning Services Standing Panel


The Chairman of the Panel, Councillor Mrs P Smith, reported that at its last meeting on 29 August 2006 the Panel had commented on the proposed EFDC response to the Panel of Inspectors recommendations on the East of England Plan. The meeting was attended by local interest groups covering areas affected by the proposals. The Leader and the Cabinet had accepted the Panels revisions which would be made to the letter to the Secretary of State. The Panel had recommended that a joint approach be made with Harlow and expressed disappointment that the meeting arranged with the Authority for September 2006 to consider this matter was cancelled. The Panel was also to visit Colchester and Braintree  on 5 October 2006 to see the role and work of  Community Street Wardens in practice and agreed that a focus day be held with the assistance of Essex County Council for the purpose of identifying solutions for the traffic problems in rural areas.


(ii)        Town Centre and Car Parking Task and Finish Panel


The Chairman Councillor M Colling reported that he and the Head of Environmental Services had met to consider the scope of the review. There was some urgent issues requiring consideration by the Panel including the consultants report on the possible development of Council owned car parks.


(iii)       Crime and Disorder Task and Finish Panel.


The Panel had cancelled the meeting scheduled in August 2006 due the unavailability of the Police representative due to attend.


(iv)      Local Strategic Partnership Task and Finish Panel.


In view of the unavailability  of the Chairman, the Vice – Chairman of the Panel, Councillor Mrs P Smith,  reported that at its last meeting on 30 August 2006 the Panel held a question and answer session with Mr David Butler the Chairman of the Epping Forest Local Strategic Partnership. Some of the Chairmen of the various partnership actions groups would be attending the next meeting on 27 September 2006.


(v)       Older Persons and Disabled Task and Finish Panel.


The Vice - Chairman of the Panel, Councillor Mrs J H Whitehouse reported that the Panel had visited Parsonage Court, an older persons facility in Loughton and had attended a  meeting of sheltered forum representatives. The Panel had also been invited to attend a meeting for wardens for the sheltered housing scheme.


(vi)             Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


The Senior Democratic Services Officer reported that following consultation with London Underground Ltd and in view of the lack of responses to the item recently placed in the Members Bulletin seeking questions for the company, it had become clear that there was no real desire for a presentation from them to the October 2006 meeting. As a result it was agreed that the liaison be held back until the new year. Other outstanding external presentations were  ...  view the full minutes text for item 32.





To consider any items to be raised by the Chairman at the Cabinet meeting on 4 September 2006.


(Head of Research and Democratic Services). The Committee is asked to consider the 4 September 2006 Cabinet agenda (previously circulated) to identify any items to be raised by the Chairman of the Committee at the Cabinet meeting.


The Committee considered the Cabinet agenda for its next meeting on 4 September 2006. A main issue for consideration was agenda item 29 (Report of Panel of Inspectors East of England Plan) given scrutiny’s in-depth consideration and response to the draft response.