Agenda and minutes

Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday 10th July 2007 7.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Offices. View directions

Contact: Simon Hill, Senior Democratic Services Officer  email: Tel: 01992 564249

No. Item


Webcasting Introduction

1.         This meeting is to be webcast. Members are reminded of the need to activate their microphones before speaking.


2.         The Chairman will read the following announcement:


“I would like to remind everyone present that this meeting will be broadcast live to the Internet and will be capable of repeated viewing and copies of the recording could be made available for those that request it.


If you are seated in the lower public seating area it is likely that the recording cameras will capture your image and this will result in the possibility that your image will become part of the broadcast.


This may infringe your human and data protection rights and if you wish to avoid this you should move to the upper public gallery”


The Chairman made a short address to remind all present that the meeting would be broadcast on the Internet, and that the Council had adopted a protocol for the webcasting of its meetings. The Committee noted the Council’s Protocol for webcasting of Council and Other Meetings.


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Decisions required:


To confirm the minutes of the meetings of the Committee held on 7 June 2007.




That the minutes of the committee meeting held on 7 June 2007 be taken as read and signed by the Chairman as a correct record subject to the third paragraph in minute number 5 being amended to read Zone 4 and not Zone 3.



(Head of Research and Democratic Services). To report the appointment of any substitute members for the meeting.


It was reported that Councillor Jon Whitehouse was substituting for Councillor Mrs Haigh and that Councillor B Rolfe was substituting for Councillor Mrs Harding.



(Head of Research and Democratic Services). To declare interests in any items on the agenda.


In considering whether to declare a personal or a prejudicial interest under the Code of Conduct, Overview & Scrutiny members are asked pay particular attention to paragraph 11 of the Code in addition to the more familiar requirements.


This requires the declaration of a personal and prejudicial interest in any matter before an OS Committee which relates to a decision of or action by another Committee or Sub Committee of the Council, a Joint Committee or Joint Sub Committee in which the Council is involved and of which the Councillor is also a member.


Paragraph 11 does not refer to Cabinet decisions or attendance at an OS meeting purely for the purpose of answering questions or providing information on such a matter.


Pursuant to the Council’s Code of Member Conduct no declarations of interest were made.


2007/08 Cabinet Forward Plan. pdf icon PDF 43 KB



To discuss the Cabinet priorities for the year ahead and the forward work programme for 2007/08


The Overview and Scrutiny rules state that this Committee should ..’arrange meetings with the Leader and other Portfolio Holders to discuss their plans for the year ahead and… agree with them on any items for inclusion in the work programme which may be undertaken by the Committee on the Cabinets behalf’.


Accordingly attached is the Executive Work Programme incorporating the Forward Plan  for the period 1 July 2007 – 31 October 2007.


The Leader of the Councillor, Councillor Mrs D Collins has indicated that they have the following priorities for this year:


(a)               Sound Finances

(b)               Youth – to carry forward dialogue with the Epping Forest Youth Council on a regular basis

(c)               Housing – to  investigate new proposals for affordable housing

(d)               Green Belt/East of England Plan – Final Version –  work with other Local Authorities

(e)               Waste – monitoring of the new contract

(f)                 Safer Communities – liaise with local police and our community officers with regular progress reports on Anti – Social Behaviour and Graffiti etc. 


The Leader and Portfolio Holders  will be attending this meeting to present their plans and answer questions on their work.




The Leader of the Council, Councillor Mrs D Collins presented the Cabinet’s plans for the year ahead. She drew the Committee’s attention to the Cabinet’s six priorities which would be the main thread running through their whole work programme. These priorities are:

a)      Sound Finances;

b)      Youth – to carry forward dialogue with Epping Forest Youth Council on a regular basis;

c)      Housing – to investigate new proposals for affordable housing; and

d)      Green Belt/ East of England Plan – final version – work with other Local Authorities;

e)      Waste – monitoring of the new contract; and

f)        Safer Communities – liaise with local police and our community officers with regular progress reports on Anti-Social Behaviour and graffiti etc.


 She welcomed views on the content, which was still a work in progress to be developed over the year.


Portfolio Holders in attendance were invited to present their Portfolio’s work plan in turn.


The Committee considered the work programme with a view to selecting issues for pre-decision scrutiny.


(i)            Finance, Performance Management and Corporate Support Services


The Finance and Performance Management and Corporate Support Services Portfolio Holder, Councillor Whitbread introduced his Portfolio’s forward plan. He emphasised that they were preparing for the next budget round and the upcoming audit.


(ii)            Community Wellbeing


The Community Wellbeing Portfolio Holder, Councillor Ms Stavrou commented that their current main priority was the Graffiti Draft Policy that was agreed by Cabinet. It gave her flexibility to accommodate any comments to be received from Town and Parish councils.


(iii)            Environmental Protection


The Environmental Protection Portfolio Holder was not present so Councillor Mrs Collins introduced the work programme. The Committee noted that the approval for the appointment of a Waste Management Service Provider had moved to Cabinet for approval and from there would go to the next full Council.


(iv)            Leisure & Young People


The Work Programme for this portfolio was introduced by the Head of Leisure Services who drew the Committee’s attention to the Playing Pitch Strategy, the Play Strategy and the annual review of Leisure Fees and Charges. Councillor Collins added that their emphasis this year would be on the youth of the district and an item on the Youth Council would be added.


(v)       Civil Engineering and Maintenance


In the absence of the Civil Engineering and Maintenance Portfolio Holder, Councillor Whitbread introduced the work Programme. He noted that the parking enforcement contract would be going to the next cabinet meeting, and that the Loughton Parking Review was to be considered in September.


Councillor Bateman asked if the number of residents parking areas could be increased, particularly near underground stations. Councillor D’Souza asked how the September review was to take place. Councillor Whitbread promised that they would be contacted separately to answer their queries. Councillor Angold-Stephens added that the Loughton review was being undertaken by County Highways and so was not a District review.


(vi)            Leader’s Portfolio


Councillor Mrs Collins reported that the sale of the T11 site was near completion and the Top Management Review was  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15.





To endorse the attached terms of references/work plans for the Leisure/Crime and Disorder Task and Finish Panels.


The Committee is asked to endorse the terms of references for the reconstituted Crime and Disorder Task and Finish Panel (attached) and proposals for the ambit of the Leisure Panel (to follow) to be consider at their 5 July 2007. The Chairmen of these respective Panels have been invited to present their proposals to the meeting.


The Committee will note that two further Panels have been established to consider Town Centres and Car Parking  and the Provision of Value for Money in Planning Services. The Panels now need to make arrangements for a first meeting to set the scope of their work and work plans for submission to the Committee for endorsement.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the draft terms of reference for the Crime and Disorder Task and Finish Panel and the Leisure Task and Finish Panel. They noted that the Provision of Value for Money within Planning Services Task and Finish Panel and the Town Centre and Car Parks Task and Finish Panel had not met as yet to draw up their terms of reference.





That the terms of reference for the Crime and Disorder Task and Finish Panel and the Leisure Task and Finish Panel be endorsed by the Committee.



(Chairman of Constitution and Members Services Standing Panel). To consider the attached report.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report from the Returning Officer that came out from the Constitution and Member’s Services Scrutiny Standing Panel review of the May 2007 elections. They had reviewed the organisation and running of the election procedures and made the following recommendations to the Returning Officer:


(a)               future use of Theydon Bois Village Hall as a Count Centre;

(b)               the possibility of future counts being split with some taking place at the close of poll and others the following day;

(c)               the count being available to a wider audience through webcasting;

(d)               a programme for the counting of wards;

(e)               laying out of bundles of counted votes to enable candidates, agents etc to witness the progress of a count.


The Returning Officer commented that:

(a)   he would look again at the use of Theydon Bois Village Hall;

(b)   opinions differed about when the counts should take place, there were some concerns about splitting the vote and about staffing the count for two days in a row, he was currently talking informally to polling staff so see what they thought;

(c)   webcasting is a very useful tool that should be made more use of, especially now that the Youth Council is on the horizon;

(d)   provisional counting to assist members to know when to be at the count for their results, a timetable was being looked at.

(e)   This will be considered.


Members commented that Theydon Bois was a better hall, provided that video screens and ‘bus stop’ signs could be put up.  It has more room and is not so cramped.


There was an additional recommendation in the report that asked that nominations be published before the Easter Bank Holiday. It was noted that half of the Councils had managed to get them out on the Wednesday or Thursday, EFDC are behind the others authorities in letting members know who had been nominated. The Returning Officer  promised to look into the publication date of nominations and said that the ‘bus stop’ signs had been ordered.


Councillor Mrs Richardson agreed that the more traditional time to issues results had been Thursday a night.  The Returning Officer commented that polling is now two hours longer  and this could take the count into the early hours of Friday morning. He was minded that for a close or a complicated count, tiredness could cause problems. Also they had to be sure in advance that  they could staff the count.


Councillor Colling proposed that nominations should be published before the Easter Bank Holiday, this was seconded and carried by the committee.




That the meeting noted the recommendations of the Constitution and Member’s Service Scrutiny Standing Panel and the agreed additional recommendation added by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee that the Returning Officer be asked to ensure that candidate lists be published as early as possible after the close of nominations.



The Committee are asked to note the updated schedule.


The Committee reviewed the work programme.


a)            Overview and Scrutiny


Noted that:

a)     item 4, under progress and comments that the word “college” be removed.

b)     Essex Police have been written to and will come back to this committee next July.

c)      That the six monthly review will be carried out at the October meeting.

d)     Item 8 was considered at the June meeting and not the July one.


b)            Housing Standing Panel


Noted that the July meeting had been cancelled due to lack of business.


c)            Constitution and Members Services Standing Panel


Noted that:

a)     They had  reviewed the local government elections inn May 2007.

b)     They are to arrange an extra three meetings to  on the Local Government White Paper.


d)            Environmental and Planning Services Standing Panel


Noted that a sub group had been set up to consider the re-use of buildings in the green belt.


e)            Finance and Performance Management Standing Panel


Noted that they had considered the KPIs for the year at their last meeting.


f)            Leisure Task and Finish Panel


Noted the terms of reference of the Panel. Also that the possibility of Youth Councils be considered in the future.


g)        Crime and Disorder Task and Finish Panel


Noted the Panel’s terms of reference.


Webcasting Evaluation pdf icon PDF 34 KB

(Head of Research and Democratic Services). To consider the attached report.


Having discussed the matter the committee agreed that a special meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee be convened on Thursday, 2nd August to consider the full webcasting report in depth.




That an extraordinary meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee be convened on Thursday 2nd August at 7.30pm to consider the full webcasting report.


West Essex PCT - Proposal for Joint Scrutiny Review



(1)            To agree to explore in principle the establishment of a Joint Scrutiny Panel comprising Members from Epping Forest, Harlow and Uttlesford Councils to consider issues relating to Local Healthcare Services and West Essex PCT.


(2)            To receive a further report in due course.




(Joint Chief Executive (Community) Uttlesford District Council are reviewing their scrutiny arrangements and as part of that process have suggested that consideration be given to the formation of a Joint Scrutiny Panel with Harlow and Epping Forest to consider issues relating to the West Essex PCT.


They suggest the joint panel could contain two or three Members from each authority, who would be tasked with reporting back to the relevant Council’s main scrutiny committee.  They say they had informal arrangements with the predecessor PCT (as did EFDC) and imply the Joint Panel could work on that basis.


It is understood that brief discussions have taken place with Aidan Thomas, the Chief Executive of WEPCT who is said to be generally in support of the proposal.


It has to be remembered however, that statutory authority for health scrutiny rests with the Social Services Authority, which in Essex is the County Council.  For that reason if a joint committee is to be formed then negotiations with the County Council should be part of the process.  Past experience would suggest that the County may support such a proposal if it is dealing with purely local issues but they would want representation on the panel.  This is not necessarily a problem since it secures the link back to the County’s Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee also.


Uttlesford District Council still works under the old style Committee system and therefore has no dedicated scrutiny officer.  The issue of how a Joint Committee would be serviced will, therefore, have to be explored as part of the negotiation.  There are grants available to support initiatives, which lead to improved working in two (three) tier areas.


Members are asked to consider whether this is an initiative that they wish to see pursued further, in order to explore whether any real benefits can arise.


The Committee  debated the proposal to be included in the establishment of a Joint Scrutiny Panel comprising Members from Epping Forest, Harlow, Uttlesford and Essex County Councils and agreed that it would be more beneficial to be part of this review than not.




That the committee agreed to receive a further report in due course on the proposal for a joint scrutiny review between Epping Forest, Harlow, Uttlesford and Essex County Council.





To consider any items to be raised by the Chairman at the Cabinet meeting on 16 July 2007.


(Head of Research and Democratic Services). Members are reminded to bring with them to the meeting their copy of the Cabinet agenda.


The Chairman for the Constitution and Member Services Standing Panel, Councillor Church,  noted that the Cabinet would be receiving a report at its next meeting on matters relating to the proposed Local Government Bill.  The Constitution and Member Services Standing Panel has already taken on board a number of matters that the Council would need to consider once the Bill became law. His Panel would strongly support the option that they undertake any work that this would generate, and consider the issues that would affect the executive and the Council as a whole. He requested that the Cabinet be asked to agree this approach at their next meeting.




That the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee request  the Cabinet to consider referring the executive governance aspects of the Bill to the Constitution and Member Service Standing Panel  for consideration alongside other provisions in the Bill.


John Scott's Last meeting


The Committee noted that it was the last Overview and Scrutiny Committee that the Joint Chief Executive, John Scott, would be attending before his retirement. The Committee wished to convey their thanks and appreciation for the great support he had given over the years and wished him the very best for the future. They would miss him.