Agenda and minutes

Licensing Sub Committee - Tuesday 2nd May 2006 10.00 am

Venue: Civic Offices, High Street, Epping

Contact: A Hendry (Direct Line 01992 564246)  Email:

No. Item


Election of Chairman

Under the terms of reference for the Licensing Committee each Sub-Committee is required to elect a Chairman on an ad hoc basis for the duration of the meeting.




That, in accordance with the terms of reference for the Licensing Committee, Councillor Mrs P Smith be elected Chairman for the duration of the Sub – Committee meeting.


Declarations of Interest

(Head of Research and Democratic Services) To declare interests in any item on this agenda.


There were no declarations of interest reported pursuant to the Council’s Code of Conduct.


Procedure for the Conduct of Business pdf icon PDF 18 KB


The Sub – Committee noted the procedure agreed for the conduct of business and Terms of Reference.


Licensing Act 2003 - Application to vary Premises Licence - Lindsey Street Community Association , Epping pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Decision Required:


To consider an application to vary a premises licence at the Lindsey Street Community Association, Epping.


The application is outlined in the operating schedule attached. Representations have been received from 3 interested parties also attached.


The three Councillors that presided over this item were Councillors Mrs P Smith, Mrs J Davis and L Martin. Councillor Mrs S Stavrou acted as an observer. Also present was the applicant Mr A Copping.


The Sub - Committee considered an application to vary a premises license at the Lindsay Street Community Association Epping. The application proposed that the premises open between 7pm and 12 pm Monday to Saturday and from 7.30pm to 11.30 pm on Sunday for the sale of alcohol with an additional hour at the end  of each day as drinking up time. The application also sough to enable the provision of live music on Monday, Friday and Saturday and recorded music on Monday and Wednesday between 7pm and 12 pm.


It was noted that three interested parties had submitted a written objection attached to the agenda. These concerned traffic problems, litter, noise from the car park and in general.


(a)            Presentation of the application


Mr Copping anticipated that the hours sought, if granted, would only be used for certain special occasions rather than on a frequent basis due to the costs involved. He referred to two pre booked 18th Birthday parties which he advised would be family orientated events and that such events would not be put on at the premises in the future following these events. In reply to questions, Mr Copping had regard to the objections raised in the written objections about noise from the car park to which he replied that steps had been taken to ensure that only customers used the facility. He noted concern about on street parking outside the premises and stated that there was ample parking for patrons on the site and thus doubted whether any of these vehicles belonged to patrons . The door supervisor monitored the car park. A devise to cut out music exceeding a certain level had been installed at the premises. Licensable activities were being sought for the inside area only.


(b)            Consideration on the application by the Sub – Committee


The Sub – Committee retired to the Members Room to consider the application in private. The Sub – Committee noted that no noise complaints had been submitted about activities at the premises. The Head of Environmental Services obtained clarification from the applicant on the hours the premises was to remain open until under the application. The Sub – Committee considered the applicants intention to only make full use of the proposals when holding special events and agreed that it was only necessary to grant the extension for 12 days a year.




That the application as outlined in the application be granted for no more than 12 events a year with the condition that 14 days prior written notification be submitted to the Licensing Authority for any such event.


Licensing Act 2003 - Application to vary Premises Licence - St John's School, Epping pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Decision Required:


To consider an application to vary a premises Licence at St John’s School, Epping.


The application is outlined in the operating schedule attached. A representation from an interested party has been received also attached.


The three Councillors that presided over this item were Councillors Mrs P Smith, Mrs J Davis and L Martin. Councillor Mrs S Stavrou acted as an observer.


The Sub - Committee considered an application to vary a premises license at St John’s School, Epping. The applicant sought permission to open between 8am to 12pm Monday to Saturday and 9am to 11pm Sunday incorporating the provision of plays, live and recorded music, the performance of dance and indoor sporting activities.


It was noted that an interested party had submitted a representation stating that the proposals were unacceptable in a residential area given the noise nuisance and pollution likely to be generated by them. The statement also said that the proposals would worsened traffic issues and cause crime.






(a)            Presentation of the application


Mr Mark Smith, the business manager for the school anticipated that very few events would be held covering the extension sought possible one event a month. Most would be fund raising events finishing at 11pm. No complaints had been made about noise from the premises during his period of management covering the last four years especially since gates had been fitted to secure the site. In response to a question, Mr Smith estimated that on average one play would be held every other year.  Other minor low key events would be held approximately once every three months. He clarified that the school was not allowed to accept booking from political parties.


(b)            Consideration of the application by the Sub – Committee.


The Sub – Committee retired to the Members Room to consider the application in private and agreed to grant the application subject to condition.




That the application to vary a premises license at St John’s School, Epping be granted.


Councillors Mrs J Davis and L Martin


The Chairman reported that this would be the last meeting of the Sub – Committee to be attended by Councillors Mrs J Davis and L Martin as they were retiring as Councillors. She thanked them for their valuable contribution to meetings and said that she had personally benefited from their experience and knowledge during her time at the Council. She wished them well for the future.