Agenda and minutes

Environmental and Planning Services Standing Scrutiny Panel - Tuesday 29th August 2006 7.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Offices, High Street, Epping

Contact: Z Folley - Research and Democratic Services  Tel: 01992 564532 Email:

No. Item


Substitute Members (Council Minute 39 - 23.7.02)

(Head of Research and Democratic Services)  To report the appointment of any substitute members for the meeting.


None reported for the meeting.


Declarations Of Interests

(Head of Research and Democratic Services). To declare interests in any items on the agenda.


In considering whether to declare a personal or a prejudicial interest under the Code of Conduct, Overview & Scrutiny members are asked pay particular attention to paragraph 11 of the Code in addition to the more familiar requirements.


This requires the declaration of a personal and prejudicial interest in any matter before an OS Committee which relates to a decision of or action by another Committee or Sub Committee of the Council, a Joint Committee or Joint Sub Committee in which the Council is involved and of which the Councillor is also a member.


Paragraph 11 does not refer to Cabinet decisions or attendance at an OS meeting purely for the purpose of answering questions or providing information on such a matter.


No declarations were reported pursuant to the Council’s Code of Member Conduct.


Notes of the last meeting - 26 June 2006 pdf icon PDF 25 KB





Terms of Reference / Work Programme pdf icon PDF 9 KB

(Chairman/Lead Officer) The Overview and Scrutiny Committee has agreed the Terms of Reference of this Panel and associated Work Programme. This is attached. The Panel are asked at each meeting to review both documents.

Additional documents:




Draft East of England Plan - Report of Panel of Inspectors pdf icon PDF 50 KB

(Head of Planning and Economic Development). To consider the attached report.


The Chairman introduced Ivan LeGellais (EFDC consultant for the East of England Plan) who presented the draft response to the Panel of Inspectors recommendations to the East of England Plan. He reported the timescale for the submission and the consideration of the recommendations by the Secretary of State who was expected to publish Proposed Changes in November 2006 which would be followed by a formal 12 week consultation exercise.


He referred to the appendix of the report comparing the EFDC view with that of the Panels showing that there was some agreement but also differences. This expressed concerns regarding the proposed deletion of major development at North Harlow, the proposals for housing provision, employment, Harlow urban extensions, green belt, car travel restraint  and highlighted the resources implications of future work.


The Panel supported the report and made the following comments:


(a)            consideration should be given to major development at North Harlow baring in mind its proximity to shopping areas and the commercial railway line.  Such development was also necessary to provide a further junction at the Hastingwood Roundabout in Harlow to the M11 to alleviate congestion;


(b)        the proposed extension of Harlow South/West would threaten the direct route and boundary between Epping and Roydon;


(c)               the reasons for the indicative  employment growth target of 12,000 should be provided . The proposals were unclear in view of the link between Harlow and Epping for homes. The proposals were likely to lead to more migration into London rather than local employment;


(d)               the comments about ‘not a tested strategy’ should be made stronger;


(e)               the report should read as a direct response to the Secretary of State. It required more positive drafting to maximise impact, needed to be split into bullet points to effectively convey the essentials.  In relation to the North Weald the points should be placed in order of priority with the last point about potential alternative uses being placed first.  The letter to the Minister must be harder hitting and to the point to achieve its intentions; 


(f)                 the  reasons for the  preferred figure of 2,400 for housing should be explained in order to demonstrate why this figure was perceived as acceptable and the Panels higher figure was not. It should be asked whether the Panel had a sound base point for housing?.


(g)               there was no reference to the proposals for two reservoirs for water as mentioned at the Members briefing session on the 19 August 2006.


(h)               the concern that the proposals would lead to unrealistic development in the Green Belt should be strengthened. It should be stated that the car travel restraint proposals were not sound as there was no intention to provide public transport investment;


(i)                  concern was expressed at the perceived sacrifice of the principles behind the plan  - the provision of sufficient homes, jobs infrastructure. Clarification was also sought as to why emphasis had switched away from North Harlow to South/ West Harlow;


(j)                  the assumption that the landscaping issues at South/West Harlow  ...  view the full minutes text for item 14.


West Essex Area Waste Management Joint Committee - Decision Summary for meeting held on 28 June 2006. pdf icon PDF 13 KB





Neighbourhood Wardens - current position

Joint Chief Executive (Community) to report.


The Joint Chief Executive (Community) reported that the sites visits to Community Wardens Schemes agreed at the last meeting had been delayed due to a combination of sickness and holiday absence at the participating Authorities Braintree and Colchester. Two potential dates have been identified – 4/5 Oct. The Panel were asked to select a date. The Panel agreed that the visits be held on 5 October 2006 and that an item be placed in the Members Bulletin to invite Members to the visit.




Democratic Services Assistant to put item in Bulletin.


Traffic in the Nazeing and Roydon Area pdf icon PDF 28 KB

(Head of Planning and Economic Development). To consider the attached report.


The Panel considered a reported requesting that an away day be organised with assistance from Essex County Council, that the costs of holding such a focus day be met from existing budgets and the Cabinet receive a further report after the event on any further work required.


A Member stated that simple practical actions such as the provision of signage was desirable to alleviate the problems. Support was expressed for action to control HGV traffic and the re use of buildings for non agricultural purposes. More money was needed to improve the condition of  roads in the areas of concern.


A Member reported that meetings attended by officers of the Council had been held in Nazeing. A report had been produced by local interests. She questioned the need for the day given this previous  work.


The Head of Planning and Economic Development clarified that the purpose of the event was to ascertain available funding, enable Members and officers from the Councils affected to meet. Attempts would be made to ensure the attendance of a government officer to advise on HGV licensing which government had responsibility for.


Requested that the agenda include a report on enforcement regarding glasshouses.


A Member reminded the Panel that the Local Plan amendments sought to control the increase in glasshouse areas, pack houses, the reuse of agricultural buildings for industrial and residential purposes. She referred to a recent case considered at Committee for such development where the officer recommendation was to grant suggesting that the principle was not being upheld in practice.


It was emphasised that planning enforcement information was received. Officers were reminded of the need to make  this available.


It was agreed that the recommendations be reported to the Cabinet on 4 September 2006 for feedback.


Future Gypsy and Traveller provision - response to approach by Go-East

(Head of Planning and Economic Development). This report is to follow, after the Members Briefing Session on Saturday 19 August 2006.


The report will set out the GO-East view of what provision should be made in both the short term and longer term in the district, and how the Council could respond to the Government Officer’s approach.


The Principal Planning Officer reported that officers had not been able to produce in time for this meeting  the report  anticipated following the Member Briefing Sessions on travellers on 19 August 2006. It was hoped that the information would be brought to a future meeting.


Reports to be made to the Next Meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee

To consider which reports are ready to be submitted to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee at its next meeting.




Future Meetings

The next meeting of the Panel will take place on 30 October 2006 at 7.30pm in CR1 and then at the same time on 19 December 2006, 26 February and 26 April 2007.


The next meeting of the Panel will take place on 30 October 2006 at 7.30pm in CR1 and then at the same time on 19 December 2006, 26 February and 26 April 2007.