Agenda and minutes

Environmental and Planning Services Standing Scrutiny Panel - Wednesday 5th September 2007 7.30 pm

Venue: Committee Room 1, Civic Offices, High Street, Epping. View directions

Contact: Z Folley - Research and Democratic Services  Tel: 01992 564532 Email:

No. Item


Substitute Members (Council Minute 39 - 23.7.02)

(Head of Research and Democratic Services)  To report the appointment of any substitute members for the meeting.


It was reported that Councillor Mrs J H Whitehouse was substituting for Councillor M Woollard.


Declaration Of Interests

(Head of Research and Democratic Services). To declare interests in any items on the agenda.


In considering whether to declare a personal or a prejudicial interest under the Code of Conduct, Overview & Scrutiny members are asked pay particular attention to paragraph 11 of the Code in addition to the more familiar requirements.


This requires the declaration of a personal and prejudicial interest in any matter before an OS Committee which relates to a decision of or action by another Committee or Sub Committee of the Council, a Joint Committee or Joint Sub Committee in which the Council is involved and of which the Councillor is also a member.


Paragraph 11 does not refer to Cabinet decisions or attendance at an OS meeting purely for the purpose of answering questions or providing information on such a matter.


None declared.


Notes of the last meeting held on 26 June 2007

To consider the notes of the last meeting (attached)


The notes of the previous meeting, held on 26 June 2007, were agreed.


Terms of Reference / Work Programme

(Chairman/Lead Officer) The Overview and Scrutiny Committee has agreed the Terms of Reference of this Panel and associated Work Programme. This is attached. The Panel are asked at each meeting to review both documents.


Noted that item 6 of the work programme on travellers issues at Paynes Lane, Nazeing, had been completed within the budget available. A charge had also been put on the land, so if the owner did show up they would be liable to repay the Council for the work carried out.


The Panel agreed that they should now keep a general watch on travellers issues (now that the Paynes Lane issued had been concluded) and remove Paynes Lane specifically from the work programme.




That the Panel keep a watch in brief on travellers issues in general in the District.


Change in Order of the Agenda


With the permission of the meeting  the Chairman agreed to take item 7, Climate Change, as the first item of business.


Climate Change

(Head of Environmental Services). To consider the attached report.


The Environmental Health Manager introduced the report on the Nottingham Declaration. This was designed specifically for Local Authorities to enable them to show their commitment to the issue of climate change and set in place the following actions:


  • to work with Central Government to contribute locally to the UK Climate Change Programme, the Kyoto protocol and the 2010 Carbon dioxide reduction target;
  • to participate in local and regional support networks;
  • develop plans with partners and local communities to address the causes and impacts of climate change, tailored to local priorities and community benefits;
  • to publicly declare within appropriate plans and strategies, the commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the Council’s own activities;
  • assess the risks of climate change and the implications for Council services and communities and adapt accordingly;
  • to encourage all sectors in the local community to adapt to the climate change impacts
  • to monitor progress and publish results.


So far, over 200 local authorities have signed the declaration. It was noted that DEfRA  had recently published proposed guidelines on climate change, these may well turn into Performance Indicators in the future. By signing the declaration, the Council would go a long way in meeting the proposed BVPIs.


Currently the Council’s Environmental Co-ordinator is pursuing various initiatives such as organising a green festival in Buckhurst Hill, holding an energy efficiency week and a warm homes initiative, going out and talking to schools, writing informative articles in the local press and has produced an informative DVD. There is also an event planned for 28 November for local businesses. Internally, council staff have been made aware of the need to switch off machines when going home at night, an audit is planned for the near future on what the council does and from the results improvements can then be agreed upon. They are also seeking advice from the carbon trust, who will be looking at the council’s fleet of vehicles and how planning and development works. In the future the funds gained from savings made could be reinvested into more efficiency savings.


Asked if a district audit was carried out, the Environmental Co-ordinator replied that there was an east Essex group, that the Council worked with, that was looking into home energy information. The Housing Services have to produce a figure of the tonnage (of carbon) put into the atmosphere per year.


Councillor Ulkun asked that as the Council was aiming to be in the top 25% of councils, are the targets sufficient to enable  us to do this. Do we know if our Council houses are energy efficient and have we done the calculations on the council offices? The Environmental Health Manager said we were aiming for the right targets but were waiting for the new BVPIs to come in. As for our housing, we need to start at the lowest level savings and work our way up including private houses. There are grants available to offer as incentives to home owners.


Councillor Bateman requested that climate change should  ...  view the full minutes text for item 25.


Nazeing Focus Day - Final Report and Action Plan

(Head of Planning and Economic Development). To consider the attached report.


The Head of Planning Services and Economic Development reported that this has been considered by a couple of sub-groups, whose combined efforts had produced the action plan based on previous drafts. The Senior Planning Officer added that outside groups had been consulted. He highlighted item 11 of the action plan, saying that it was important that a working group be established to monitor progress against the action plan. The Panel noted that there were some key staff changes happening at County level, which would have some effect on the implementation of the action plan.


Councillor Mrs Cooper acknowledged that the action plan was sound but was very dubious about getting the plan implemented, as most of these actions have been asked for before, but had not been actioned by County and the other responsible authorities.


The Panel considered each of the 12 action points in turn, noting that the plan was an evolving working document.


1.             Monitoring Framework – noted the action point to get traffic movement survey data. This would be largely down to Essex County Council as the Highways Authority to collect. Councillor Mrs Cooper was worried that the actions arising from this data collection would not have any ownership.


RESOLVED – that the formal request at 1(b) for a copy of the results of the video traffic survey, be made by mid September 2007.


2.         Essex County Freight Strategy – Noted that the County officer dealing with this issue has left the County’s employ. Officer to follow this up. The Panel would consider the strategy and would be a respondent on the anticipated consultation.


3.         Bridge Issues – Noted that item 3 (c) was out of the District Council’s hands, but officers would monitor. The Head of Planning and Economic Development said that he thought that item 3 (b) should be put under item 1 as it was to do with monitoring.


4.             Enforcement & Road Safety – noted the response from Essex Police on enforcement issues – action plan to be updated accordingly. More information would be needed, this should be pursued by officers and brought back to our next meeting.


Councillor Mrs Cooper wondered if chicanes would prove effective in calming the traffic. The Head of Environmental Services replied that under the current County Speed Policy these were not possible in a location such as Dobbs Weir Road. He would be happy to get a copy of the current rules used by the County and put them in the Members Bulletin.


ACTION: The Head of Environmental Services to circulate the current rules used by County via the Members Bulletin. A copy is also attached to this set of minutes.


5.            Signage – there is a need to find out from the West Area Highways Office of their assessment on the current signage in Nazeing.


6.         Goods Vehicle Licensing – The Panel decided that they would like a representative from the Vehicle & Operator Services Agency  (VOSA) to give a presentation and answer questions on the licensing of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 26.


Parking in Residential Area/Review of Local Area Agreement

(Head of Environmental Services). To consider the attached report.


The Head of Environmental Services introduced the interim report on of street parking and the Highways Local Service Agreement. 


It was noted that:


i)          the recommendations from the 2005 review including commuter parking had still to be sorted out. However the Panel can ask the new West Area Highways Manager to come to a future meeting to answer questions on parking.


AGREED: that the West Area Highways Manager be invited to a future meeting of the Panel.


ii)         the District does not have any direct management control in respect of highway maintenance since the Agency reverted back in April 2005. The EFDC budget for parking reviews etc. was under considerable pressure, in the main arising from the costs of the County Legal Services for their services and advertising the schemes in the local press.


iii)         the Local Services Agreement has been assessed by our Legal Services (the agreement is currently under review by County).


iv)        it was a lengthy and expensive process to take people to court for illegal parking on grass verges etc. and in enforcing the rules in one area creates problems in other areas.


v)         there was still the need to pick through the strategies to sort out what the Local Plan  says in relation to issues raised.


Councillor Bateman  wanted to add items to the list,  The Head of Environmental Services replied that this was a list for members to add to if they thought it appropriate and they could get cabinet to agree. The next list is going to the Cabinet in October, but the issue of resources should be kept in mind.


The Panel wondered about having to advertise parking schemes in the local press, it was expensive and rarely reached the right people, however it was still a legal requirement and had to be undertaken, despite the costs.


The Panel wondered if a sub group could be set up to examine the environmental impact of parking to liase with the public and other official bodies. However, there was the Town Centre and Car Parks Task and Finish Panel still in operation and it should be ascertained exactly what they have been tasked to do so that the Task and Finish Panel and this Panel does not work to cross purposes.


Councillor Mrs Wagland asked if the 6 monthly review was still going ahead, especially in Buckhurst Hill. The Head of Environmental Services said that he had not heard anything to the contrary from the Portfolio Holder.


The Panel wanted to know when they could see a revised draft of the Local Service Agreement.




1)                 That the current position regarding the Highways Local Service Agreement, off-street parking and highways schemes within the district be noted;

2)                 That the new West Area Highways Manager be requested to attend the Panel’s next meeting in October.


Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 - Sub - Group



To consider whether to set up a Sub-Group on the above matters and if supported determine the membership and remit of the work for consideration by the OSC.


The Panel will recall that at the 26 April 2007 meeting, it was proposed that a Sub – Group of Members be set up to consider the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 and the Rogers Review of Enforcement Priorities.


The aim was to consider the matters relevant to the Council and make recommendations on how they could be pursued. Officers will be in attendance to elucidate this.


Since that time, an item was circulated in the Council Bulletin seeking Members for this Sub – Group. In response, Councillors Mrs J H Whitehouse and K Angold – Stephens put themselves forward.


The Panel now need to decide on whether there is sufficient interest in this approach and, if so, identify the remit of the review,  a  reporting deadline and the membership of the Sub-Group . They should also consider the support this may require and submit proposals to the OSC on all of these matters for endorsement. 


Otherwise the Panel will need to identify an alternative course of action for this work.




That a sub-group be set up consisting of Councillors Angold-Stephens, Mrs Sartin and Mrs Whitehouse to consider:


                                 I.      the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 and the Rogers Review of Enforcement Priorities; and

                               II.      the matters relevant to the Council and to make recommendations on how they could be pursued.


West Area Joint Waste Committee Minutes of the Last Meeting on 15 August 2007

To consider the minutes of last meeting of the Joint Committee held on 15 August 2007 (Attached).


Noted that:

  • the Memorandum of Understanding had now been signed by the Cabinet and Essex County Council informed;
  • consideration was being given to the current Joint Committee structure with a view to possibly moving from 3 committees to 2; and
  • the Business Plan will need to be updated.


Reports to be made to the Next Meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee

To consider which reports are ready to be submitted to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee at its next meeting.


Noted that the Chairman will need to report to the next Overview and Scrutiny Committee that:


i)                    That on consideration the Panel recommended to Cabinet that the Council becomes a signatory to the Nottingham declaration.

ii)                  That clarification is sought about the difference in work carried out by the Town Centre and Car Parks Task and Finish Panel and parallel work carried out by this Panel especially the desire for this Panel to look at parking environmental issues.

iii)                That the new West Area Highways Manager be invited to the October meeting of this Panel.

iv)                That the Nazeing Action Plan was agreed.

v)                  That the Panel keeps a watch in brief on travellers issues generally in the district.

vi)                That a representative from the Vehicle and Operators Services Agency be invited to give a presentation to the Panel on the licensing of sites.


Future Meetings

To Panel is next due to meet on 29 October at 7.30 in Committee Room 1 and then on  20 December 2007, 28 February 2008 and 23 April 2008.


Noted that the next meetings for this Panel were scheduled for:


29 October 2007,

20 December 2007,

28 February 2008, and

23 April 2008