Agenda and minutes

Leader Media Briefing - Monday 26th June 2006 2.30 pm

Venue: Leaders Room, Civic Offices, Epping

Contact: T Carne, Public Relations Ext 4039 

No. Item


Examination in Public - East of England Plan


1.1            Councillor Mrs Diana Collins welcomed reporters to the briefing.  She began by explaining that in view of the publication of the Examination in Public Panel report on the East of England Plan, this would form the basis of the briefing. The previously signalled intention to introduce members of the Cabinet at each briefing had therefore been temporarily suspended in view of the significance of this item.


1.2       ‘A Curate’s Egg – good in parts’ was the term used by Councillor Mrs Collins to describe the EiP report. She was ‘very pleased’ that the Council’s arguments had prevailed in reducing the original allocation of housing for the district from 18,500 to 11,000 and now 6,500. This was ‘great news’ and     Mrs Collins extended her thanks to everyone who had helped to achieve such success. Councillor Mrs Collins felt that particular credit should go to Councillor John Knapman and former District Councillor Robert Glozier for their hard work supported by most members of the Council.  


1.3       ‘For the last two years we have been adamant and the drop from 18,500 to 6,500 is a great success. At North Weald there are now no plans for housing at all – this is extremely good news,’ said Councillor Mrs Collins. She also referred to Councillor Mrs Anne Grigg who was similarly pleased.


1.4            However, Mrs Collins then went on to say that ‘not such good news’ was also contained within the EiP report. The report recommended that Harlow should not expand to the North on the ‘Ropemakers’ site and there was not likely to be a ‘northern relief’ road. There was no suggestion of how to deal with the development of Harlow, a southern link road or infrastructure but of the 13,500 extra houses allocated to Harlow, the Panel was recommending that 3,000 be built in Epping Forest District affecting areas such as Jacks Hatch, Roydon and Broadley Common.  


1.5       The Panel recommendations would have serious implications for the Green Belt. Councillor Mrs Collins said that the proposals ‘break all the Green Belt rules – pushing it out’. She felt this was not something people wanted and reiterated the Council position of protecting the Green Belt. 


1.6            Councillor Mrs Collins signalled the Council’s intention to work with Harlow District Council for the benefit of both communities. She felt that the ‘destiny’ of the districts should remain in the hands of the Councils and not a Government-appointed Development Corporation. It was therefore important to come to an accommodation with Harlow District Council – ensuring that the two Councils work together in the right spirit at a local level.


1.7            Returning to her ‘very mixed feelings’ about the EiP report, Councillor        Mrs Collins reiterated her concern for the protection of the Green Belt. At one time, she noted that Epping Forest District had been in a ‘Growth Area’ and that had held out the possibility of the whole District being built on in years to come but that was no longer the case. She now  ...  view the full minutes text for item 1.


Any Other Business


2.1            Councillor Mrs Collins indicated that Parking Enforcement was a likely topic for discussion at the next briefing.


Date of Next Meeting


3.3            Monday 3 July 2006