Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Offices. View directions
Contact: T Larsen, Democratic Services Tel: (01992) 564243 Email:
No. | Item |
Webcasting Introduction This meeting is to be webcast and the Chairman will read the following announcement:
“I would like to remind everyone present that this hybrid meeting will be broadcast live to the internet (or filmed) and will be capable of repeated viewing (or other such use by third parties).
Therefore, by participating in this meeting, you are consenting to being filmed and to the possible use of those images and sound recordings for webcasting and/or training purposes. If any public speakers on MS Teams do not wish to have their image captured, they should ensure that their video setting throughout the meeting is turned off and set to audio only.
Please also be aware that if technical difficulties interrupt the meeting that cannot be overcome, I may need to adjourn the meeting.
Members are reminded to activate their microphones before speaking”. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman made a short address to remind all present that the meeting would be broadcast on the Internet, and that the Council had adopted a protocol for the webcasting of its meetings. |
Declarations of Interest To declare interests in any item on this agenda. Additional documents: Minutes: a) Pursuant to the Council’s Members’ Code of Conduct, Councillor Murray declared a non-pecuniary interest in the following item of the agenda, by virtue of having been approached by the residents in the area as a Ward Councillor and having had in depth conversations and given advice. The Councillor had determined that he would leave the meeting for the consideration of the application and voting thereon:
· EPF – 2688 /23 - 6 Tewkesbury Close, Loughton, IG10 3NT
b) Pursuant to the Council’s Members’ Code of Conduct, Councillor Brookes declared a non-pecuniary interest in the following item of the agenda by virtue of having been in contact with both residents and the applicant. The Councillor had determined that she would remain in the meeting for the consideration of the application and voting thereon:
· EPF – 2688 /23 - 6 Tewkesbury Close, Loughton, IG10 3NT
c) Pursuant to the Council’s Members’ Code of Conduct, Councillor Allgood declared a non-pecuniary interest in the following item of the agenda by virtue of having been in contact with both residents and the applicant, and the main objectors' is known to him. The Councillor had determined that he would remain in the meeting for the consideration of the application and voting thereon:
· EPF – 2688 /23 - 6 Tewkesbury Close, Loughton, IG10 3NT
d) Pursuant to the Council’s Members’ Code of Conduct, Councillor L Morgan declared a non-pecuniary interest in the following item of the agenda, by virtue of being a Chigwell Parish Councillor. The Councillor had determined that she would remain in the meeting for the consideration of the application and voting thereon:
· EPF – 1770 /23 – 191 The Firs, High Road, Chigwell, IG7 5AS
To confirm the minutes of the last meeting of the Sub-Committee held on 28 February 2024. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the Sub-Committee held on 28 February 2024 be taken as read and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
Any Other Business Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972, requires that the permission of the Chairman be obtained, after prior notice to the Chief Executive, before urgent business not specified in the agenda (including a supplementary agenda of which the statutory period of notice has been given) may be transacted. Additional documents: Minutes: It was noted that item 8 on the agenda EPF/1770/23 – 191 The Firs, Hight Road, Chigwell, IG7 5AS had been deferred for a site visit following the Chairmand Briefing prior to this meeting, and the application would not be discussed tonight. Any participants who had come for this application, were given the opportunity to leave the meeting as the Sub-Committee would not determine the application until a subsequent meeting. |
Site Visits To identify and agree requirements for formal site visits to be held with regard to any planning application listed in this agenda, prior to consideration of the application. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no formal site visits requested by the Sub-Committee.
EPF/1770/23 191, The Firs, High Road, Chigwell, IG7 5AS To consider the attached report for the change of use of existing vacant residential property to a day nursery within Class E along with creation of new central vehicular access following closure of existing accesses and associated car, cycle, buggy and scooter parking provision. Additional documents: Minutes: Decision – Referred for a site visit. |
EPF/2089/23 23, Millwell Crescent, Chigwell, IG7 5HX To consider the attached report for the proposed amendments to rear patio. Additional documents: Minutes: Decision: Refused
Members supported the concerns raised by neighbours and felt that the changes made were not sufficient to overcome the previous reason for refusal under reference EPF/1149/22 and dismissal at appeal. The proposal would require the installation of high obscure glazed screens to mitigate the harm created through overlooking. This would then have an adverse impact on outlook.
The proposal was therefore refused for the following reason:-
The proposal due to its height, size and position, would result in an unacceptable loss of privacy for the occupiers of 21 and 25 Millwell Crescent. The proposal is therefore contrary to the requirements of policies policy DM9 (I) of the Adopted Local Plan 2023.
EPF/2688/23 6, Tewkesbury Close, Loughton, IG10 3NT To consider the attached report for the change of use from waste land to garden. Additional documents: Minutes: Decision: Approved
Whilst members empathised with the concerns raised the objector, it was accepted that subject to a condition requiring that the site be kept natural through the planting of trees and biodiverse features, there was no planning reason for refusal. It was therefore approved with the following additional condition: -
Within 3 months of the date of this decision; details of treatment of all parts on the site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The site shall be naturally landscaped strictly in accordance with the approved details in the first planting season after approval of details. Details shall include: a) a scaled plan showing vegetation to be retained and trees and plants to be planted: b) a schedule detailing sizes and numbers of all proposed trees/plants. The applicant is advised that all proposed planting should consist of native species. The landscape plan should include a timescale for its implementation, including a 10-year landscape maintenance period. c) sufficient specification to ensure successful establishment and survival of new planting. d) the grassed area of the site shall be left to grow. No area of the site shall be kept as a manicured lawn. e) details shall include bird boxes, hedgehog boxes and insect hotels. f) the watercourse on the site shall remain uncovered and free flowing.
There shall be no excavation or raising or lowering of levels within the prescribed root protection area of retained trees unless agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Any new tree(s) that die(s), are/is removed, become(s) severely damaged or diseased shall be replaced and any new planting (other than trees) which dies, is removed, becomes severely damaged or diseased within 10 years of planting shall be replaced. Replacement planting shall be in accordance with the approved details.
Reason: Required to safeguard and enhance the character and amenity of the area, to provide ecological, environmental and bio-diversity benefits and to maximise the quality and usability of open spaces within the development, and to enhance its setting within the immediate locality in accordance with policies SP6, DM1, DM3, DM5, DM9 and DM16 of the Adopted Local Plan (2023).