
Appointment Panel - Tuesday 17th May 2011 7.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 2, Civic Offices, High Street, Epping. View directions

Contact: Simon Hill Tel: 01992 564249  Email:

No. Item



To elect a Chairman for the meeting.


Apologies for Absence


Terms of Reference pdf icon PDF 19 KB

To note the Terms of Reference (as attached).


Group Leaders, Deputy Group Leaders and Groups 2011/12

(a)        Group Leaders and Deputies


To receive the appointments from groups.


(b)       Constitution of Political Groups


To receive the position regarding submission of completed forms.


Chairman and Vice-Chairman of Council 2011/12 pdf icon PDF 235 KB

The nominations process approved at the Council meeting in April 2007 provides:


(a)        Chairman of the Council


The councillor nominated and appointed by the Council as Vice-Chairman of the Council shall normally become the Chairman of the following Council year (assuming he/she is still a member of the Council).


(b)       Vice-Chairman of the Council


Nominees for Vice-Chairman shall submit a nomination form signed by not less than 12 District Councillors drawn from at least two political groups. Nominees may be drawn from any political group or any independent member serving on the Council. The process of agreeing a nomination shall be co-ordinated by the Leader of the Council in consultation with the Leaders of all political groups and independent members.


One nomination has been received and is attached.


Political Group Allocations pdf icon PDF 223 KB

To note Counsel’s advice and procedural note on Pro Rata and allocations schedule.


The pro rata allocations sheet is also attached – (Amended to show additional appointments)

Additional documents:


Leader and Cabinet pdf icon PDF 49 KB

To report on the current position:


(a)        Cabinet Appointments;


(b)        Cabinet Portfolios and responsibilities


(c)        Cabinet Subcommittees and Appointments


Received information attached.


Committees etc - Nominations pdf icon PDF 88 KB

(a)        Nominations


To discuss and agree nominations to Committees, Sub-Committees and Panels.


(b)       Area Plans Sub-Committee South


To receive a report on the current position regarding members who wish to opt in to this Sub-Committee under the arrangements approved by the Council on 20 February 2007.


(c)        Additional Committee Appointments


To receive further nominations to those Committees missed off the original schedule for the following Committees:


·                Standards Committee

·                Committee for the Appointment of the Chief Executive

·                Electoral and Community Governance Review


(d)       Overview and Scrutiny


Nominations to the Overview and Scrutiny Standing and Task and Finish Panels are not required for the Annual Council Meeting. Nominations will be considered at the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting in June 2011. Received nominations are attached.


Representatives on Outside Organisations pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Appointments to the Outside Organisations carrying out


(i)         Executive Functions; and


(ii)        Non Executive functions


are attached – those where members agreement is required are shown as bold.


Council Meeting - Seating Plan 2011/12 pdf icon PDF 403 KB

To consider a draft Council seating plan.


Any Other Business