Agenda and minutes

Scrutiny Panels Review Task and Finish Panel - Tuesday 25th November 2014 7.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 1, Civic Offices, High Street, Epping. View directions

Contact: Stephen Tautz, Governance Directorate  email: Tel: 01992 564180

No. Item


Appointment of Chairman


In the absence of both the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Panel, it was agreed that Councillor Mrs. A. Grigg act as Chairman for the duration of the meeting.


Substitute Members


It was reported that Councillor D. Wixley was substituting for Councillor K. Angold-Stephens and that Councillor Mrs. G. Shiell was substituting for Councillor Mrs. M. Sartin.



(Director of Governance) To declare interests in any items on the agenda.


In considering whether to declare a personal or a prejudicial interest under the Code of Conduct, Overview & Scrutiny members are asked pay particular attention to paragraph 11 of the Code in addition to the more familiar requirements.


This requires the declaration of a personal and prejudicial interest in any matter before an OS Committee which relates to a decision of or action by another Committee or Sub Committee of the Council, a Joint Committee or Joint Sub Committee in which the Council is involved and of which the councillor is also a member. Paragraph 11 does not refer to Cabinet decisions or attendance at an OS meeting purely for the purpose of answering questions or providing information on such a matter.


No declarations of interest were declared in respect of any items on the agenda for the meeting.


Notes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 34 KB

To agree the notes of the meeting of the Panel held on 20 October 2014.


The notes of the meeting of the Panel held on 20 October 2014 were agreed as a correct record.


Overview & Scrutiny Panel Review - Framework Options pdf icon PDF 88 KB

(Director of Governance) To consider the attached report.

Additional documents:


Following its discussions with various chairmen and vice-chairmen of the current overview and scrutiny panels to gather feedback as part of the information gathering stage of the review, the Task and Finish Panel considered a comprehensive report presenting possible options for the future structure of the scrutiny panel framework. In order to complete the review in accordance with the timescale agreed by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, members were reminded that it was necessary for the Panel to indicate its preferred option at the meeting, in order for this to be taken forward to the consultation phase of the review.


The Panel was advised of the general outcomes arising from the workshop session facilitated by an independent overview and scrutiny advisor on 22 November 2014, and issues arising from consideration of options for the future structure of the scrutiny panel framework by the Audit and Governance Committee at its meeting on 24November 2014.


It was reported that contribution to and participation in the recent workshop had been good, and that a positive combination of members of the current scrutiny panels, the Task and Finish Panel, the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and members of Cabinet had been in attendance. The workshop had sought to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the current scrutiny panel arrangements and members’ aspirations for the future provision of effective scrutiny. As part of this exercise, participants at the workshop had sought to apply insights gained from such analysis to the different types of panel framework (the current five panel structure, the four panel directorate-aligned structure, and a ‘commissioning’ model) that had been identified as possible framework options.


The workshop had also offered an opportunity to present a further option for a scrutiny panel model, based on five thematic ‘Select Committees’ that broadly reflected the existing panel structure. As with the directorate-aligned proposal, this approach was considered to allow for scrutiny responsibilities to be allocated appropriately, as the current arrangements appeared to have resulted in a situation where not all service areas were subject to scrutiny (if required) or allocated to a particular panel for scrutiny purposes. The establishment of an ‘Audit and Standards Select Committee’ as part of the select committee approach, had also been suggested, which could act in a cross-cutting role and assume some of the responsibilities previously identified for the responsibility of the Governance Scrutiny Panel in the directorate-aligned model. This option could also allow the existing Audit and Governance and Standards Committees to be absorbed into the new Select Committee.


For each option, it was felt that the existing Constitution and Member Services Scrutiny Panel could be re-established as a task and finish panel, in order to complete the ongoing review of the Constitution. At this point it could then be disbanded and any future related workload transferred to a new scrutiny panel or select committee.


A note of the findings of the workshop in relation to each framework option was circulated at the meeting and members noted the general consensus  ...  view the full minutes text for item 17.


Date of Next Meeting

(Director of Governance) To note that the next meeting of the Panel will be held at 7.00pm on 20 January 2015.


It was reported that the next meeting of the Panel was to be held at 7.00pm on 15 January 2015, rather than 20 January 2015 as incorrectly stated in the agenda.