Agenda and minutes

Youth Engagement Review Task and Finish Panel - Monday 22nd June 2015 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Offices. View directions

Contact: Rebecca Perrin (Democratic Services)  Tel: 01992 564532 Email:

No. Item


Substitute Members (Council Minute 39 - 23.07.02)

(Director of Governance)  To report the appointment of any substitute members for the meeting.


The Panel noted there were no substitute Members appointed for this meeting.



(Director of Governance) To declare interests on any items on the agenda.


In considering whether to declare a pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest under the Code of Conduct, Overview and Scrutiny members are asked to pay particular attention to paragraph 11 of the Code in addition to the more familiar requirements.


This requires the declaration of a pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in any matter before an OS Committee which relates to a decision of or action by another Committee or Sub-Committee of the Council, a Joint Committee or Joint Sub-Committee in which the Council is involved and of which the Councillor is also a member.


Paragraph 11 does not refer to Cabinet decisions or attendance at an OS meeting purely for the purpose of answering questions or providing information on such a matter.


(a)        Pursuant to the Council’s Code of Member Conduct, Councillor S Murray declared a personal interest in agenda item 7, School Questionnaire as he was employed by one of the schools consulted. The Councillor had determined that his interest was not prejudicial and would remain in the meeting for the consideration of the issue.


(b)        Pursuant to the Council’s Code of Member Conduct, Councillor B Surtees declared a personal interest in agenda item 7, School Questionnaire as he was a Chair of schools Governor. The Councillor had determined that his interest was not prejudicial and would remain in the meeting for the consideration of the issue.



Notes of the Last Meeting pdf icon PDF 87 KB

To agree the notes of the meeting held on 18 May 2015. (attached)


The notes from the meeting on 18 May 2015 were agreed as a correct record.


Terms of Reference pdf icon PDF 44 KB

To note that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee agreed the Panels Terms of Reference as attached.


The Panel noted that the Terms of Reference had been agreed by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 9 June 2015.


Youth Council Finance pdf icon PDF 8 KB

The costs of operating the Youth Council can be defined into two main categories, as follows;


Operational budget: this covers direct costs of Youth Councillor training, development events, transport & travel to and from meetings, publicity, equipment and miscellaneous expenses, and,


Associated staff costs: this covers a percentage of the salaries of the Young Person’s Officer and Young Person’s Assistant.


It should be noted however, that the two posts delegated to support the Youth Councillors in their operation also fulfil a range of other youth engagement work on behalf of the Council. This includes Organising and supporting initiatives such as Crucial Crew and Reality Roadshow, volunteering work and targeted youth programmes in communities.


The financial spreadsheets attached, gives the details of the actual breakdown of expenditure for the operational budget over the last six years and the current total budget for the two posts associated with the Youth Council. The actual time allocation to support the Youth Council is estimated as 60% of the total amount.


The spreadsheets also highlight the amount of External Funding secured by the Youth Council over the last six years.


The Community, Health & Wellbeing Manager, G Wallis presented the details of the finance for the Epping Forest Youth Council (EFYC) which included the operational budget, external funding secured and the total salaries for the staff supporting the Youth Council, of which it had been advised that 60% of their time had been allocated to the Youth Council.


The operational budget for each financial year and had been split into three key areas which included Training, Development and Events; Transport and Travel; and General, Publicity, Equipment etc. G Wallis advised that Youth Councillors had previously attended annually the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to bid for their funding from the District Development Fund (DDF) which had changed two years ago and they were now funded from the General Fund.


Councillor Murray stated that the external funding secured over the life time of EFYC also translated into around 39% of the funds allocated to them. 


Councillor Mohindra enquired whether the external funding offset the expenditure of the Youth Council. G Wallis advised that this was additional funding that the Council was able to access because of the youth engagement the Youth Council had been involved in and had been used specifically to deliver project work through EFYC. Therefore, it did not serve to reduce the actual cost of the Youth Council.


Councillor Patel asked about the external funding and whether any other sources had been pursued. G Wallis advised that the Essex County Council funding opportunities had reduced significantly since the creation of EFYC and other funding which they provided through the Youth Strategy Group was aimed at other voluntary groups in the District.


Councillor Patel enquired whether private companies were able to sponsor the EFYC. M Tinker advised that they had contacted local business to support events such as the Intergenerational events and Fyfield Rural Roots event, for raffle prizes. G Wallis advised that sponsorship would be welcomed by the Youth Council.


The Panel felt that the EFYC had been effectively delivered and financially controlled.


Agreed that the Panel noted the following comments;


(a)  that the EFYC budget and associated costs had not increased since EFYC had began in 2008;

(b)  that the EFYC had generated the equivalent of 39% of it’s running costs in external funding; and

(c)  that the Youth Councillors themselves had independently applied and acquired external funding for EFYC.


School Questionnaire pdf icon PDF 442 KB

At the inaugural meeting of the Review Panel, Members were advised that the Youth Council includes representatives from every secondary school in the District and Epping Forest College and a number of Councillors who are home schooled or who live in the District but go to school across the District border.


Panel members were keen to receive feedback from the local schools and a questionnaire was distributed for this purpose. The responses to the questionnaire are attached.


G Wallis advised that she had received all school questionnaire responses, which varied considerably.


M Tinker advised the Panel that Roding Valley High School had a dedicated teacher who supported the Youth Councillors in their roles within the school and had even allowed them to lead the School Council.


Councillor Mohindra asked whether a teacher was appointed within the school as a direct contact and support to the Youth Councillors. J McIvor advised that problems arose when the support teachers left and were either not replaced or the same support level and interest was not given.


Councillor Neville asked what had been done to encourage participation and what was the age range. J McIvor advised that EFYC attended various events across the District which included volunteering and conferences to promote the Youth Council. G Wallis advised that the age range for EFYC was between 13-17 years old and they served for a two year term. The promotion for the elections involved around 25 assisted assembles, social media, press releases, posters and various events attended by the EFYC in the run up to the elections which were all held within each school in a week period in February.


Councillor Mohindra asked about the turn out at elections. G Wallis advised that the turn out was very high because it was a captive audience and all voters were given the chance within the school day to vote. J McIvor also advised that he had spoken on radio, which helped to make the parents aware of the opportunity and elections.


The Assistant Director (Community Services and Safety), J Chandler advised that the types of candidates nominated and elected varied. Nevertheless they were all nurtured and supported through their term of office, which improved their knowledge and confidence.


M Tinker advised that he was a member of Youth Parliament (YP) which required schools to sign up to ‘Make your Mark’ campaign. The campaign required him to distribute ballot papers across the District for young people to have their voice heard and vote on issues that affected them on a national level. EFYC enabled him to contact and distribute these ballot papers in the schools through the Youth Councillors, which would not be possible without the existence and input of the EFYC.


Councillor Mohindra asked how EFYC compared to peer groups met through YP. J McIvor advised that EFYC was very productive, consulted and delivered on projects within their term of office compared to others.


Councillor Surtees enquired about promoting EFYC to year 6 pupils. J Chandler  advised that they had not pursued mainly because it was evident that some Year 6 pupils already struggle with the transition to secondary school, so most initiatives (with the exception of Crucial Crew) were held off until Year 8. However, it could be considered.


Councillor Mohindra enquired about the EFYC Chairman’s position. J McIvor advised that the Chairmanship rotated around the group to allow everyone to have the chance to chair a meeting and use the training  ...  view the full minutes text for item 20.


Feedback from Local Partners pdf icon PDF 353 KB

The Youth Council works with a range of local statutory, community and voluntary sector partners. As part of the review process, some of the key organisations have been asked to submit their views on the efficacy and success of the Youth Council within the District (attached).


G Wallis advised that feedback had been received from all the Local Partners contacted, which included local statutory, community and voluntary sectors such as Loughton Town Council, City of London, The Red Balloon Family, Voluntary Action Epping Forest (VAEF) and Essex County Council.


M Tinker advised that EFYC had been involved in various events that the Youth Council had been invited to by Local Partners. J McIvor indicated that the EFYC was established group and local partners were now inviting them as standard.


Councillor Mohindra asked the Youth Councillors what legacy they wanted for the EFYC in five years. M Tinker advised that he wanted to see a Youth Council still present. J McIvor stated that he felt that EFYC was an established group and that it had made a difference, allowing young peoples voices to be heard, so he would like that to continue.


Councillor Surtees asked whether EFYC was consulted by the Council. G Wallis advised that EFYC had been consulted on various third party consultations but although they were already a consultee on various Council items, perhaps this could be pursued further.


M Tinker suggested that Councillors be emailed a copy of the British Youth Council – Positive Stories document each month to allow Councillors to compare nationally the youth groups.


The panel agreed for British Youth Council – Positive Stories document to be emailed by Di Butler to all Members.


The Panel noted that positive comments had been received from all the Local partners (attached).


Comparisons from London Authority and Similar District Council in Essex pdf icon PDF 63 KB

Details of Youth Councils provided by other local authorities in Essex and further afield have been sought as part of the review (attached).


The Community Policy and Grants Manager, C Overend presented comparative  information with regards to youth councils in a range of other local authority areas which included Harlow Youth Council, St Albans, Hillingdon Young People/Youth Council and Bromley Youth Support Programme and Youth Hubs. The local authorities assessed were chosen because of the more extensive breadth of their youth councils.  The work being carried out at other several other local authorities was also looked at but in many instances consisted of no more than a brief summary.  In comparative terms, the work being carried in Epping Forest was more extensive and impressive.


The Panel noted the comparative information of Harlow Youth Council, St Albans, Hillingdon Young People/Youth Council and Bromley Youth Support Programme and Youth Hubs.


Items for the next meeting

On the 8 July 2015 the Panel would consider the following items;


1.            The Wider Youth Strategy and Engagement undertaken by the Council; and


2.            Essex County Council Services for Young People.


Agreed that on the 8 July 2015 the Panel would consider the following items;


1.            The Wider Youth Strategy and Engagement undertaken by the Council; and


2.            Essex County Council Services for Young People.


3.            Parish and Town Engagement with the Youth Council.


Date of Next Meeting

To note that the next meeting will be held on Wednesday 8 July 2015 at 19.00 in Committee Room 1.


The Panel noted that the next meeting would be Wednesday 8 July 2015 at 19.00 in Committee Room 1.


The Panel noted that future dates for the Task and Finish Panel were;


·                     Tuesday 11 August 2015; and

·                     Monday 14 September 2015.