Agenda item

Gypsy & Traveller DPD - Consultation

Local Councils to be briefed by Andrew Lainton on the imminent opening of the Gypsy and Traveller Consultation on this issue.


Mr A Lainton, Planning Services Consultant for the Gypsies and Travellers Consultation, gave a presentation regarding the Gypsies and Travellers Development Plan Consultation.


The consultation was both serious and controversial. He understood the underlying sentiments from the settled and Gypsy/Traveller communities. However Gypsies and Travellers were confronted by particular social problems, Mr A Lainton suggested that some comments made about them generally bordered on prejudice. The Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 paid “due regard” to the need for eliminating unlawful racial discrimination, promoting equality of opportunity and promoting good race relations. Romany Gypsies and Irish Travellers were a legally recognised ethnic group.


Mr A Lainton said that the consultation process was completely open, the District Council’s website was being updated with information on the consultation and advice for local councils and action groups with advice on how to get involved.


The plan, which would emerge from the consultation, needed to be sound, with supporting evidence. Objections must have been made on the grounds that the plan did not meet the tests laid down by the consultation. Alternative sites to those proposed, needed to have access to amenities. The new Google Pinpoint mapping system, available on the District Council’s website, should assist residents in framing their arguments for alternative sites.


Mr A Lainton pointed out that Epping Forest had a good record on taking action against illegal Gypsy/Traveller sites. However it was much harder to evict Gypsies and Travellers if there was not adequate site provision. Essex currently had a large number of illegal sites. Although the Government’s objective was in providing smaller Gypsy and Traveller sites, a smaller number of sites would mean more site proposals in the future.


There were essentially three options for the distribution of Gypsy and Traveller sites within the district, these were based around economic factors such as employment opportunities. The options for the distribution of sites was as follows:


Option One – Edge of the urban area


Option Two – Rural areas


Option Three – Wider distribution


The recent “Call for Sites” had not revealed any potential urban sites. There was a shortage of vacant and derelict sites in the district, those that were available were being used for social housing. Sites outside the Green Belt were unlikely to be viable for Gypsy and Traveller sites. Most of the sites identified within the consultation were privately owned, it may be the case that those owners may not wish to sell their land for a Gypsy and Traveller site. Mr A Lainton advised that the District Council was unlikely to compulsorily purchase a site.


Mr A Lainton advised that it was most important for matters of relevance only to be made when responding to the consultation. It was best for respondents to pool their responses through an action group.


Following the presentation a number of points were raised.


Councillor Mrs P Smith, Epping Forest District Councillor, asked about identifying potential sites that were not in the consultation. Mr A Lainton urged people to identify sites which they thought should be included in the consultation. The consultation would be extended to investigate new proposed sites for pitches.


Mrs J Ballard, Parish Clerk of Roydon Parish Council, commented that there had not been an exhibition of the Gypsy and Traveller Consultation in Roydon. Mr I White, Forward Planning Manager, advised that an exhibition was being put on in Roydon as soon as possible. There was concern that some residents had not received consultation document packs they had asked for. Mr A Lainton said that the District Council was writing to all residents who were within 300 yards of a proposed Gypsy and Traveller site. Staff were visiting individuals to explain the consultation process.


Councillor J Farren of Stapleford Abbotts Parish Council asked the officers if it was possible for an individual within a household to respond on behalf of their family. Mr A Lainton replied that they could. Councillor J Farren asked if Stapleford Abbotts Parish Council could distribute the consultation documents themselves within their area. Mr I White, Forward Planning Manager, replied that any member of the public could phone or write to Planning Services requesting a consultation pack. However, he advised that there would be a problem if Parish and Town Councils delivered packs to their local residents, the District Council would not know who these residents were. Planning Services were required to keep a record of where packs were sent, so they could update those respondents who had received a pack on any new developments. Councillor J Farren suggested that the local councils could collate the information themselves. Mr A Lainton warned that in some authorities, consultation documents had been returned only partially filled in by residents, this did not constitute a correct consultation. Subsequently the Government had instructed those authorities to carry out the consultation again. Mr I White advised that the public needed to read the whole consultation document before completing the questionnaire.


Councillor J Farren asked about Gypsy and Traveller sites on the border between Stapleford Abbotts and Brentwood District Councils. Mr A Lainton advised that Brentwood District Council. did not want to make provision for any Gypsies and Travellers. However this was not possible. Councillor G McEwen thought that the District already made good provision for Gypsies and Travellers, he did not believe that more sites were needed.


Councillor Ms Patricia Jones of Epping Upland Parish Council said that objectors’ arguments needed pinpointing more closely, they should formulate their views with other groups. She asked if the Gypsies and Travellers on permanent sites would leave the sites in the future. Mr A Lainton replied that in order to justify a site, roots had to have been shown. The Gypsies and Travellers living in Epping were amongst the most settled in the county.


Councillor B Surtees was concerned about the anxiety and upset that this process was causing to residents and Gypsies and Travellers. What was the District Council doing to address this issue? Mr J Preston, Director of Planning Services, replied that the District Council had employed consultants to facilitate the consultation process and produced a DVD as well. There were stresses and strains on councillors and officers alike, but the Government had directed the Council to undertake this task. Staff were dealing with the public sensitively, particularly assisting elderly residents with responding to the consultation. Members and public alike needed to recognise that the District Council was following a Government directive by initiating a consultation. Although this was unpopular, there had to be recognition of the issues. Mr A Lainton had represented the District Council well in negotiating the number of sites proposed. Brentwood District Council had not been accurate about their figures for the number of sites they thought they should have. An audit trail would facilitate an open and transparent process. The Chairman asked about the possibility of a judicial review of the consultation. Mr J Preston said this would bring the consultation to a halt. The Chairman next asked if the consultation was discriminatory. Mr J Preston replied that the District Council had adopted an equalities policy. The District Council’s website did not provide details of action groups which were against the consultation.