Agenda item

Ongar Playing Fields/Waltham Abbey Town Mead Development

(Leisure & Wellbeing Portfolio Holder) To consider the attached report (C-079-2009/10).


(1)       That, as the anticipated external funding was no longer available and as new playing pitch facilities had recently been installed in neighbouring authority areas, the proposed development of the Ongar Leisure Centre all-weather pitches be considered no longer viable;


(2)        That, subject to further negotiations with Waltham Abbey Town Council with respect to management arrangements and income share, the re-allocation of the £527,000 Capital Provision for the Ongar Scheme to provide a new full sized third generation floodlit all-weather pitch at Town Mead Recreation Ground, Waltham Abbey be agreed in principle;


(3)        That, as a result of further negotiations with Waltham Abbey Town Council,  a further report on the full revenue consequences be submitted to the Cabinet before final approval be given to proceed to tender;


(4)        That, if required, a planning application be submitted at the appropriate time for the new floodlit pitch at Town Mead Recreation Ground; and


(5)        That the existing grass pitches in Ongar be maintained to a suitable standard by the Grounds Maintenance section.


In the absence of the Portfolio Holder for Leisure & Wellbeing, the Assistant Director (Community Services & Customer Relations) presented a report regarding the previously proposed Ongar Playing Fields Development and the possible provision of an all-weather pitch at Town Mead Recreation Ground in Waltham Abbey.


The Assistant Director reminded the Cabinet that the Council had devised a comprehensive Playing Pitch Strategy for the District in 2007/08, which had highlighted a shortage of football pitches in key locations across the District, and in particular junior and youth facilities in the Ongar area. To address this identified lack of provision, the feasibility of external funding opportunities were investigated and approval was given by the Cabinet in October 2008,to actively pursue the development of the Playing Fields at the Ongar Leisure Centre. The Cabinet also agreed to commit up to £527,000 from the Council’s Capital Programme, depending upon the amount of external funding gained.


The Assistant Director reported that a bid for £727,000 was submitted to the Football Foundation, but this was rejected. A subsequent submission was then made to Sport England’s Rural Fund, but this bid was also unsuccessful. The Council was successful in its bid to the Essex Football Association for £200, but due to the delays in receiving notification from the other potential funders, could not meet the installation timescales required. However, in the intervening period, the need for an all weather pitch had diminished in Ongar, after the provision of new additional facilities in Brentwood and Shenfield, and with the anticipated external funding no longer available to the Council, the proposed development was now not considered viable at the Ongar Leisure Centre.


The Assistant Director stated that other opportunities within the District had been investigated which would also meet with the Council’s principal to only provide capital funding for revenue generating schemes. There was potential for the installation of a new Astroturf facility at the Town Mead Recreation Ground in Waltham Abbey that was expected to meet this criteria. Meetings had been held with the Town Council and a site visit undertaken where there was currently a floodlit all-weather pitch that needed replacement. The proposal was to provide a third generation Astroturf pitch, using the funds previously allocated for Ongar Leisure Centre. Further meetings would be required with Waltham Abbey Town Council to determine the basis for managing the facility and sharing the profits, but a further report would be submitted prior to gaining approval to proceed to tender and submit a planning application.


A local Ward Member for Ongar acknowledged the provision of the new facilities in Brentwood and Shenfield would be accessible to residents in Ongar, although it was pointed out that there were areas of deprivation within the town. The Assistant Director added that the relevant local organisations in Ongar would be advised of the Cabinet’s decision after tonight’s meeting. The proposed facility in Waltham Abbey would be welcomed by residents as the grass football pitches were over utilised. It was felt that the current grass pitches in Ongar should be maintained to a suitable standard; the Assistant Director stated that the Grounds Maintenance section currently maintained the grass pitches in Ongar, and that the installation of improved drainage would cost approximately £100,000.




(1)       That, as the anticipated external funding was no longer available and as new playing pitch facilities had recently been installed in neighbouring authority areas, the proposed development of the Ongar Leisure Centre all-weather pitches be considered no longer viable;


(2)        That, subject to further negotiations with Waltham Abbey Town Council with respect to management arrangements and income share, the re-allocation of the £527,000 Capital Provision for the Ongar Scheme to provide a new full sized third generation floodlit all-weather pitch at Town Mead Recreation Ground, Waltham Abbey be agreed in principle to assist with the reduction in health inequalities in this part of the District;


(3)        That, as a result of further negotiations with Waltham Abbey Town Council,  a further report on the full revenue consequences be submitted to the Cabinet before final approval be given to proceed to tender;


(4)        That, if required, a planning application be submitted at the appropriate time for the new floodlit pitch at Town Mead Recreation Ground; and


(5)        That the existing grass pitches in Ongar be maintained to a suitable standard by the Grounds Maintenance section.


Reasons for Decision:


The anticipated external funding for the development of playing pitches at Ongar Leisure Centre was now not available and the strategic need for an all-weather pitch in Ongar had been greatly reduced by additional provision in Brentwood and Shenfield.


Football facilities at Town Mead Sports Ground in Waltham Abbey were currently utilised for training but were in significant need of improvement; the installation of a third Generation Astroturf Pitch would enable increased use by local groups and would encourage people to be more physically active, therefore helping to reduce health inequalities.


The new facility could be used by the Council to encourage positive activity by young people to address local issues of anti-social behaviour.


Other Options Considered and Rejected:


To not to use the allocated funding for Ongar Playing Fields within the Capital Programme, or to allocate to another non Leisure capital priority.

Supporting documents: