To consider the responses from Essex County Council for suggested Highway schemes.
The Area Highways Manager presented the panel Members with the Officers assessments of the programme of works 2010/11 for Carriageways, Footways and Traffic Improvement requests. The programme contained references to the Parish and Town Councils’ requests and other works that the ECC Officers had identified and suggestions previously received.
The schedules of highway and footway maintenance had been ranked in priority order 1 – 5; 1 being those identified that had extensive, potholing, wheel tracking, skid deficiency or patching, through to 5 being identified that had required maintenance in approximately 10 years or more.
The schedules for traffic improvements had been prioritised by a traffic light system with red being a priority.
Each scheme identified by Parish and Town Councils for carriageways, footways and traffic improvements had been acknowledged in the Officers comments column.
The Area Highways Manager explained that the budget would dictate the amount of schemes that would be included in 2009/10 programme of works. He requested that the panel agree for all the priority 1 and 2 schemes, to be costed and assessed for the next meeting.
Members raised concerns about the timescale they had been given to consider the schemes and that the schemes would need to be viewed, but agreed that the priorities 1 and 2 schemes could be assessed and costed for the next meeting. Members enquired whether the schemes could be rearranged if required. The Area Highways Manager advised that the schemes had been quickly assessed in time for this Local Highways Panel meeting and that recommendations could be made.
Councillor Mrs E Webster advised that due to the new set up of the panel, that Members should perhaps rely on the Officers opinions and incorporate schemes afterwards, depending on the budget.
Councillor J Whitehouse enquired whether repairs, dips in and similar damage in footways would be picked up if a slurry seal were applied. The Area Highways Manager advised minor repairs, such as regulating, would be completed prior to the slurry seal application.
Councillor R Frankel enquired about the pedestrian crossing requested in North Weald. The Area Highways Manager advised that they had been liaising with North Weald Parish Council about the pedestrian crossing and were awaiting comments regarding the purchase of land.
Councillor Mrs J Whitehouse asked who could make Highways applications. The Area Highways Manager advised that anyone could make an application for a Highways Scheme but members may wish to contact the local Council to confirm whether they had already to raise the scheme. The Director of Environment and Street Scene advised that the highways forms had been placed in the Members bulletin after the last meeting, but late submissions would be considered.
Councillor Mrs C Pond requested a historical copy of requested schemes to identify whether the Highways officers had received all the Parish and Town requests and how they had been prioritised.
1. Agreed that 1 & 2 priority ranked schemes would be costed, including late submissions for the next meeting.
2. Officers would supply the panel with a historical copy of the highways schemes.
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