Agenda item

Loughton Broadway Town Centre Enhancement Scheme - Final Account

(Environment Portfolio Holder) To consider the attached report (C-072-2009/10).


(1)        That the completion of the Town Centre Enhancement Scheme and the commencement of the 12-month maintenance period be noted, after which the scheme would be adopted by Essex County Council as the Highways Authority;


(2)        That the net saving of £595,000 for the project allocation be noted; 


(3)        That, subject to full compliance with the Council’s CCTV Strategy and Policy and monitoring by the Safer Cleaner Greener Scrutiny Panel, a sum of £100,000 from the above saving be allocated in 2010/11 for the installation of CCTV systems and the enhancement and improvement of existing systems in the Broadway area;


(4)        That a sum of £25,000 be set aside and carried forward into 2010/11 for:


(a)        any final works at the end of the 12-month maintenance period;


(b)        signing off legal agreements; and


(c)        internal staff costs; and


(5)        That, in view of  the County Council’s reluctance to adopt or maintain any such feature, the earlier decision of the Cabinet to construct an amenity feature at the Broadway be referred to the Town Centre Partnership for further discussion.


The Environment Portfolio Holder presented a report regarding the final account for the Loughton Broadway Town Centre Enhancement Scheme, as it was a requirement of Council’s Constitution to present a final account for any scheme in excess of £1 million. 


The Portfolio Holder advised that the Loughton Broadway Town Centre Enhancement  Scheme (TCE) had been conceived back in the late 1990s following a large public consultation exercise involving the three town centres of Buckhurst Hill, Loughton and the Broadway. Design guides were produced and adopted by the Council. Phase 1 of the works had been carried out in Burton Road and Vere Road in 2008 but Phase 2 of the project, consisting of improvements to the Broadway itself, had been delayed due to the presence of a medium pressure gas main within the central reservation of the carriageway. A revised scheme design addressing the difficulties of construction around the gas main was approved by Cabinet in July 2008 along with the associated supplementary capital estimate and contingency for unforeseen construction risks.


The Portfolio Holder reported that a significant saving in the sum of £595,000 had been achieved the construction risks associated with the presence of a medium pressure gas main and the reconstruction of the road surface did not materialise. This provided an opportunity to further enhance and improve CCTV systems in the Broadway area, and a proposal had been made to utilise £100,000 of the savings for this purpose. A twelve-month maintenance period had now begun and it was felt that a further £25,000 should be retained for 2010/11 for any further works and staff costs.


The Portfolio Holder had originally reported that the Cabinet’s earlier decision to provide an amenity feature should be rescinded. However, it was felt that, out of courtesy, the Town Centre Partnership should be consulted first and it was agreed to refer this issue to the Partnership for further discussion. It was also agreed that the proposed installation and enhancement of CCTV systems in the Broadway area should be monitored by the Safer Cleaner Greener Scrutiny Panel.




(1)        That the completion of the Town Centre Enhancement Scheme and the commencement of the 12-month maintenance period be noted, after which the scheme would be adopted by Essex County Council as the Highways Authority;


(2)        That the net saving of £595,000 for the project allocation be noted; 


(3)        That, subject to full compliance with the Council’s CCTV Strategy and Policy and monitoring by the Safer Cleaner Greener Scrutiny Panel, a sum of £100,000 from the above saving be allocated in 2010/11 for the installation of CCTV systems and the enhancement and improvement of existing systems in the Broadway area;


(4)        That a sum of £25,000 be set aside and carried forward into 2010/11 for:


(a)        any final works at the end of the 12-month maintenance period;


(b)        signing off legal agreements; and


(c)        internal staff costs; and


(5)        That, in view of the County Council’s reluctance to adopt or maintain any such feature, the earlier decision of the Cabinet to construct an amenity feature at the Broadway be referred to the Town Centre Partnership for further discussion.


Reasons for Decision:


It was a constitutional requirement to report on the final account for all capital schemes costing in excess of £1million.


Recent crime figure analysis had suggested that other areas surrounding the Broadway could benefit from new CCTV systems.  The modernisation of all systems would enable them to comply with the Council’s soon to be adopted CCTV Strategy and Policy.


Following the County Council’s reluctance to adopt an amenity feature, the Partnership could agree a different feature that would require little maintenance.


Other Options Considered and Rejected:


To take the full savings of £595,000 back into the capital fund and not carry out CCTV improvement works. However, improved CCTV systems would reduce the local fear of crime as well as assisting the Police in the detection and prevention of criminal activity.


To rescind the Cabinet’s earlier decision to provide an amenity feature, however it was felt that it would be courteous to refer the matter to the Partnership for further discussion.

Supporting documents: