Agenda item

Taxi Knowledge Test

(Assistant Director Legal) To consider the attached report.



The Licensing Committee were updated on the introduction of a taxi knowledge test for new applicants for a Hackney carriage and Public Hire Drivers Licence. The software package had been purchased with funding from Essex County Council through the Taxi Quality Partnership and a number of questions had been prepared by the Senior Licensing Officer and a temporary member of staff will be employed to administer the tests until the Cabinet decides whether to approve the employment of a part time member of staff to undertake this work.


Councillor Angold-Stephens asked if there was a pass or fail mark. He was told that the test was broken down into categories such as knowledge of area, council conditions, the Highway Code, motorway rules and bye laws. They have to get a certain pass mark in each section. Officers still had to test the system using ‘guinea pigs’ and amend where necessary.


Councillor Cohen asked if they used the same questions every time; was there some variety; and would they take the knowledge test before or after they saw the Licensing Sub-committee. He was told that is was the same procedure as before, if they have to go to the sub-committee they would go there first. It could be arranged that they see the Sub-committee after they have taken the test. This was agreed by the Committee.


AGREED: that any applicant would take the ‘Taxi Knowledge Test’ before they were referred to the Licensing Sub-Committee (if necessary).


Councillor Mrs Smith said she would like to volunteer to do the test, so did Councillors Cohen and Gadsby.


Councillor Cohen said it was worthwhile to have Councillors from each of the main geographical areas test it. Mrs Tuckey said she would send the Councillors a pack so that they could see and comment on the test.


Councillor Mrs Smith asked if the applicant would sit the test in this building. Also would an applicant be allowed an interpreter if needed.  She was told that they would take the test in the IT suite. They are asked if they have any special needs, such as if they are dyslexic and arrange for a member of staff to sit with them.


Mrs Tuckey said the questions were multiple choice, with no two sets of questions being the same. Mobile phones had to be handed in before the test. The system would give you the pass mark and let them know where they went wrong.


Councillor Mrs Richardson asked if they needed an interpreter for the test would they need an interpreter for their daily work. Mrs Tuckey responded that the Act stated that they must have a reasonable grasp of the English language. They were only planning to have someone to read questions but not an interpreter.


Councillor Mrs Gadsby asked if this would give the sub-committee more leverage to reject an applicant or would it help them. Councillor Cohen said this was the right way round to do this as it needed serious reasons to reject them.


Councillor Mrs Smith remarked that a lot of work had gone into putting this system together. The report mentioned resourcing this and rolling out the programme. How much was dependent on how much officers were asking Cabinet for. Alison Mitchell agreed that a lot of work had gone into it; the intention was for this to be self-financing eventually. Officers would monitor the costs, but it would need a dedicated officer to look after the programme. At present they are working out how much it would cost and are in discussions with Finance. At present there is an agency member of staff, who is more expensive than a recruited staff member.


They were also looking to install a DVD on disability for applicants and looking to increase taxi driver’s knowledge skills.




That the progress made on the knowledge test for taxi drivers be noted.

Supporting documents: