Agenda item

Local Highways Panel Report

To receive a report from the Highways Liaison Officer.(attached)


The Highways Liaison Officer provided Members with a report on the Capital works programme for 2010/11 along with the budget and programmes that had been adjusted following the Government spending announcements within Epping Forest District.


A reduction of funding for the Safer Roads Improvement Programmes had resulted in schemes that had been started in 2009/10, being given priority. In addition the Passenger Transport Improvements budget had been reduced which affected improvements to the bus infrastructure upgrades and a reduction in the Safer Journeys to School Programmes.


The Developer Section 106 funding secured for A1168 Chigwell Lane/Langston Road/Oakwood Hill junction would enable improvements on the traffic capacity. Although officers reported that it had not been possible to install pedestrian phases into the traffic signal design because of the reduction in traffic capacity. Members asked officers to provide them with an explanation on the why the pedestrian phases would not be included in the junction improvements.


Members raised concerns over other Developer Section 106 funding secured for a pedestrian crossing at High Street, Ongar. An increase in traffic volumes and a recent accident had increased resident’s pressure, to progress negotiations with the required land owners and create a retaining structure. Members felt that if the situation was not resolved shortly the funding would diminish and result in no further progress. The District Manager, Traffic and Projects advised that he would provide a progress report for the next meeting.


The locally determined revenue budget remained at £129,275 for Epping Forest District. The budget had been allocated to include the completion of 2009/10 schemes, disabled bays, signs and lines, Highway Rangers and two options to fund  the Manor Road, Chigwell pedestrian crossing agreed at the meeting. The Panel were asked to consider options A and B, which involved either a reduction in the Highways Rangers Service or a further reduction in the footway maintenance scheme at Mount Pleasant Road, Chigwell.


The Chairman asked the Assistant Director (Technical), Kim Durrani to advise the panel why EFDC were now unable to provide an alternative low-cost Highway Rangers Service. The Assistant Director (Technical) informed the panel that after consultation with EFDC procurement officer, it was established that European Procurement Regulation prevented this work being awarded to the District Council contractor. In order to comply with Regulations a fresh tendering exercise would be required and this would not be possible in the time available.


Members discussed the options and considered the Highways Rangers service, to be more beneficial to the District as a whole and that although the footway maintenance scheme would be reduced at Mount Pleasant Road, Chigwell, the funding would remain within Chigwell.




1.                  That the report of the Highways Liaison Officer be noted;

2.                  That the District Manager report back to panel on the why pedestrian phased traffic lights would not be included in the junction improvements at A1168 Chigwell Lane/Langston Road/Oakwood Hill junction;

3.                  That the District Manager will investigate the progress of the pedestrian crossing and Developer Section 106 funding for the High Road, Ongar; and

4.                  That Members' agreed to Option B for the provision of Highway Ranger service, which would reduce the footway maintenance scheme on Mount Pleasant Road, Chigwell in order to fund the pedestrian crossing at Manor Road, Chigwell. 

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