Agenda item

Questions by Members Without Notice

Council Procedure Rule 10.6 provides for questions by any member of the Council to the Leader, Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee or any Portfolio Holder, without notice on:


(i)   reports under item 5 above; or

(ii)  any other matter of a non operational character in relation to the powers and  duties of the Council or which affects all or part of the District or some or all of  its inhabitants.


Council Procedure Rule 10.7 provides that answers to questions without notice may take the form of:


(a)     direct oral answer from the Leader or, at the request of the Leader, from another member of the Cabinet;

(b)     direct oral answer from the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee or, at their request, from another member dealing with that issue as part of an Overview and Scrutiny review;

(c)     where the desired information is in a publication of the Council or other published work, a reference to that publication;

(d)     where the reply cannot conveniently be given orally, a written answer circulated later to the questioner; or

(e)     where the question relates to an operational matter, the Leader, Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee  or a member of the Cabinet will request that a response be given direct to the questioner by the relevant Chief Officer.


In accordance with the Council Procedure Rule 10.8, a time limit of twenty minutes is set for questions. Any question not dealt with within the time available will receive a written reply. The Chairman may extend this period by up to a further 10 minutes to ensure that all political groups and independent members may have their questions answered.


(a)        Caring and Repairing in Epping Forest


Councillor Murray asked the Housing Portfolio Holder if he could give any assurances in relation to the funding of this service having regard to the proposed withdrawal of funds by the County Council.


Councillor Stallan, Housing Portfolio Holder stated that the Director of Housing was in discussions with County Council officers about the delivery of this service.  Strong representations were being made for the protection of this front line service drawing attention to the impact of any reduction in the service.


(b)       Health Works Project


Councillor P Brooks referred to the reduction in funding for this project and asked the Leisure and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder how this would affect the budget.


Councillor Rolfe, Leisure and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder stated that he could not provide any information on this matter at present.


(c)        Caring and Repairing in Epping Forest District


Councillor J H Whitehouse asked the Housing Portfolio Holder if he agreed that it was important to retain this service at its current standard.


Councillor Stallan, Housing Portfolio Holder gave an assurance that this view would be made known to the County Council.  He confirmed that as soon as he received further information from the County Council he would share this with all members.


(d)       Highways – Winter Gritting Arrangements


Councillor Finn referred to the detrimental effects of using salt mixed with molasses.


Councillor Stavrou, Operational Planning and Transport Portfolio Holder noted the views of Councillor Finn but pointed out that the County Council had already made its decision in relation to the salt being used during this winter.


(e)       Fixed Penalty Notices


Councillor Wixley asked why the public notice regarding the introduction of fixed penalty notices had only appeared in the Loughton and Buckhurst Hill edition of the Ilford Recorder and not in the Epping Forest Guardian.


Councillor Sartin, Environment Portfolio Holder, advised that she was not aware of the arrangements made for placing a public notice but pointed out that the public awareness campaign had also involved the issue of press releases and publicity on the front page of the Council’s website.  She agreed to provide a written answer in the Council Bulletin in relation to Councillor Wixley’s question.


(f)        Discontinuation of the Choice-Based Lettings Free Sheet


Councillor R Brookes questioned how residents not having access to Broadband would be notified of the advertisement of available properties.


Councillor Stallan, Housing Portfolio Holder, emphasised that approximately 92% of all expressions of interest in available properties had been made via the website.  He continued that the free sheets were rarely used and approximately 80% of all free sheets had to be destroyed each fortnight.  He pointed out that discontinuation of the free sheets would save approximately £18,000 per annum.  The Portfolio Holder confirmed that officers would print off copies of all vacancies from the website and make black and white copies available at Council Offices and Information Desks.  He invited Councillor Brookes to approach officers if she had details of residents who would face difficulties with the new arrangements.


(g)       Community Services – External Funding Schedule 2009/10


Councillor Wixley asked the Leisure and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder to thank officers for the external funding they had secured via competitive bidding processes.


Councillor Rolfe, Leisure and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder agreed to pass on those comments to the appropriate officers.


(h)       Educational Maintenance Allowance


Councillor Murray asked the Leader of the Council if she had any intention to make representations to the Government in relation to its decision to discontinue Educational Maintenance Allowance.  He pointed out that this would deter 16 year olds from low income families from staying in education.


Councillor Collins advised that she had already drafted a letter making such representations to The Rt Hon Michael Gove MP, Secretary of State for Education on behalf of Epping Forest College.  She agreed to add the Council’s views in that letter.


(i)         Publication of Expenditure Over £500


Councillor J M Whitehouse asked what progress was being made in advertising the Council’s expenditure on items over £500.


Councillor Whitbread, Finance and Economic Development Portfolio Holder advised that details would be published early in the New Year.  He pointed out that although some authorities were already publishing details it had been decided to await Government guidance before providing this information.


(j)         Housing Development – Millfield, High Ongar


Councillor McEwen referred to the decision of the Cabinet to develop the vacant Council-owned land to the rear of 25/29 Millfield, High Ongar for affordable housing.  She stated that local residents would be surprised by this decision and asked if the development could be a rural housing scheme.


Councillor Stallan, Housing Portfolio Holder confirmed that the Cabinet had agreed that the land should be developed for affordable housing.  He advised that he was not sure whether it would be possible to pursue a rural housing scheme but he agreed to discuss this matter with officers and to advise Councillor McEwen of the outcome of these discussions.


(k)        Loyalty Card Initiative for the District’s Town Centres


Councillor J H Whitehouse pointed out that the Finance and Economic Development Portfolio Holder had agreed to report further to this meeting on the introduction of a loyalty card initiative for the District’s town centres.  In view of the lack of any written report she asked the Portfolio Holder to update the Council.


Councillor Whitbread, Finance and Economic Development Portfolio Holder apologised for not providing a written report to the Council.  He stated that he hoped to launch the scheme early in the New Year and that details would be made available to members in the Council Bulletin.  Publicity would also be given by way of a press release and the Council’s website.


(l)         Park Homes


Councillor Rolfe requested an update on the consultation exercise in relation to the licensing of Park Homes.


Councillor Stallan, Housing Portfolio Holder stated that the consultation exercise would commence at the beginning of the following week.  He advised that documents would be delivered by hand by Council officers to the affected residents and confirmed that all members of the Council would receive copies of the consultation document.  Councillor Stallan advised that the consultation period would run until 21 January 2011.


(m)       Epping Parking Review


Councillor J H Whitehouse drew attention to the consultation arrangements in relation to the Epping Parking Review.  She pointed out that although the consultation period ran until 7 January 2011 the documents on deposit at the Civic Offices would be unavailable during the Christmas/New Year break.  She asked what alternative arrangements would be made for residents to view the documents.


Councillor Stavrou, Operational Planning and Transport Portfolio Holder advised that the period of consultation had been extended in recognition of the Christmas/New Year break.  She advised that the documents were also available for inspection at County Hall, Epping Library and on the County Council’s website.


(n)       Park Homes


Councillor Murray referred to the earlier response of the Housing Portfolio Holder and questioned whether a consultation exercise on such an important issue should take have been commenced immediately before Christmas.  He asked the Portfolio Holder why the consultation had not been delayed until the New Year.


Councillor Stallan, Housing Portfolio Holder advised that it had been necessary to commence the consultation without delay.  He accepted that undertaking the consultation period over the Christmas/New Year break was not ideal but he pointed out that a longer than normal consultation period had been allowed to reflect this situation.


(o)       Park Homes


Councillor Webster asked the Housing Portfolio Holder if the consultation period could be extended until the end of January as residents might have difficulty responding as a result of being  affected by inclement weather. 


Councillor Stallan, Housing Portfolio Holder reported that the consultation documents had already been printed with the consultation period specified.  He assured members that the consultation documents would be delivered by hand the following week irrespective of the weather.  He continued that in the event of further inclement weather during December/January he would consider an extension of the consultation period if necessary.


(p)       Brochure on Local Development Framework


Councillor Jenny Hart pointed out that some residents had not received this brochure early enough in order to attend the published workshops.  She asked the Leader of the Council if she was aware of this situation.


Councillor Collins, Leader of the Council stated that the Council had paid for the brochures to be delivered and that if Councillor Hart could provide details of properties which had not received the brochure she would ask officers to pursue the matter.