Agenda item

Questions by Members Without Notice

Council Procedure Rule 10.6 provides for questions by any member of the Council to the Leader, Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee or any Portfolio Holder, without notice on:


(i)   reports under item 7 above; or

(ii)  any other matter of a non operational character in relation to the powers and  duties of the Council or which affects all or part of the District or some or all of  its inhabitants.


Council Procedure Rule 10.7 provides that answers to questions without notice may take the form of:


(a)     direct oral answer from the Leader or, at the request of the Leader, from another member of the Cabinet;

(b)     direct oral answer from the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee or, at their request, from another member dealing with that issue as part of an Overview and Scrutiny review;

(c)     where the desired information is in a publication of the Council or other published work, a reference to that publication;

(d)     where the reply cannot conveniently be given orally, a written answer circulated later to the questioner; or

(e)     where the question relates to an operational matter, the Leader, Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee  or a member of the Cabinet will request that a response be given direct to the questioner by the relevant Chief Officer.


In accordance with the Council Procedure Rule 10.8, a time limit of twenty minutes is set for questions. Any question not dealt with within the time available will receive a written reply. The Chairman may extend this period by up to a further 10 minutes to ensure that all political groups and independent members may have their questions answered.


(i)         Changing the Structure of Policing in Essex


Councillor Murray asked the Safer and Greener Portfolio Holder what would be the effect on this district of recurring revenue savings for Essex Police of approximately £41 million per year by 2014/15 including a loss of 388 Police Officer posts and over 100 Police Community Support Officer posts across the County bearing in mind that research suggested such reductions would result in an increase in crime.


Councillor Smith, Safer and Greener Portfolio Holder, stated that the combination of cuts in grant and other financial pressures necessitating the revenue savings of £41 million by 2014 were regrettable.  She continued that whilst she did not have details of the operational impact of the changes on this district, it was clear the Police would have to adjust to a different way of working.  She drew attention to the detail contained in the foreword written by the Chief Constable to the consultation document which included an aim to make communities even safer and she said she expected that the Police would continue to maintain a good service for the district.


(ii)        Waste Management Partnership Board


Councillor Stallan asked a question in relation to the Environment Portfolio.  He stated that he had attended the Safer, Cleaner, Greener Scrutiny Standing Panel meeting on 7 July 2011 and had asked two questions in relation to the minutes of Waste Management Partnership Board meetings.  He advised that he had not yet received responses and sought an undertaking to provide such answers.


In the absence of the Environment Portfolio Holder, the Leader undertook to arrange for replies to be sent to Councillor Stallan.


(iii)       North Essex Parking Partnership


Councillor Jacobs asked the Safer and Greener Portfolio Holder if surpluses acquired by the Council in relation to its car parking arrangements would be kept and spent within the district and not be transferred to the North Essex Parking Partnership.


Councillor Smith, Safer and Greener Portfolio Holder, advised that it was her understanding the surpluses would be retained and spent within the district but she would check this point with officers and if the position was any different she would advise Councillor Jacobs accordingly.


(iv)      Sustainability


Councillor Markham asked the Safer and Greener Portfolio Holder when the results of the investigations referred to in paragraphs 7 (suitability of the Council’s commercial waste to Sita’s waste separation/recycling process) and 8 (Council’s energy and fuel use for the past three years) would be available.


Councillor Smith, Safer and Greener Portfolio Holder, stated that work was ongoing and that she would ensure the results were made available to members as soon as possible either via the Safer, Cleaner, Greener Scrutiny Panel or the Council Bulletin.


(v)       Epping New Road – Speed Limits


Councillor Spencer asked the Safer and Greener Portfolio Holder if the proposals to introduce speed limits on the Epping New Road would be accompanied by the installation of speed cameras.


Councillor Smith, Safer and Greener Portfolio Holder, advised that she was aware of discussions between Essex County Council and the Corporation of London regarding the introduction of traffic regulation orders aimed at reducing speeds on the Epping New Road but that at present she had no information as to how such restrictions would be enforced.


(vi)      North Weald Airfield Maintenance


Councillor Grigg asked the Finance and Economic Development Portfolio Holder when work on the embankment adjoining the M11 motorway would be undertaken bearing in mind that this work had been included in the Council’s Corporate Risk Register.


Councillor Mohindra, Finance and Economic Development Portfolio Holder advised that a sum of £5,000 had been approved for this work.  He continued that he would speak to officers about the timescale for undertaking the work and that when he had obtained these details they would be published in the Council Bulletin.


(vii)     Langston Road Development


Councillor Jennie Hart asked the Leader of the Council to give an undertaking that the Council as joint landlord with Polofind of land in Langston Road would not give permission for a food hall or supermarket to trade on the land and that only one or two small coffee shops would be provided in association with fashion outlets.


Councillor Wagland, Leader of Council, stated that she could give an undertaking in relation to permission not being granted for a food store or supermarket on the land.  In relation to refreshment outlets she advised that there were no proposals for a destination restaurant but she would need to see what was required. She said she envisaged sufficient refreshment availability to enable the stores in Langston Road to function. She continued that this was her view and it would be a matter for the Cabinet and/or Council to determine. The Leader referred to discussions with the Federation of Small Businesses and she asked members not to talk down The Broadway or suggest that it would not survive competition with new outlets. She said The Broadway had already shown its resilience during difficult times and  she encouraged members to promote a compact between the Broadway shopkeepers and local shoppers aimed at encouraging expenditure to be retained within the locality and not taken out of the district.


(viii)    Forward Planning Team – Staff Shortages


Councillor J M Whitehouse drew attention to the written report of the Planning and Technology Portfolio Holder that further consultation on the core Planning Strategy Issues and Options consultation document had been delayed due to staff shortages within the Forward Planning team.  He asked the Portfolio Holder what steps were being taken to address this issue.


Councillor Philip, Planning and Technology Portfolio Holder advised that interviews were to be held later in the week following which it was hoped that some of the vacancies would be filled.  He also advised that an exception could be made to the current external recruitment freeze if a vacant post resulted in regulatory problems or it could be shown that an appointment would be income-generating.


(ix)       Lake in the Roding Valley


Councillor Wixley asked a question in relation to the lake.  He expressed concerns about disabled access whilst the platform remained fenced off and stated that it did not seem to him that the reed beds would recover.  He asked what proposals the Portfolio Holder had for addressing these problems and repeated the view he had expressed at a previous meeting that there was a need for increased publicity in relation to the current position.


Councillor Wagland, Leader of the Council, in the absence of the Environment Portfolio Holder advised that the lake appeared to be filling quite well.  She agreed to establish the position in relation to disabled access and the reed beds and to advise the councillor accordingly.  She also stated that she would ensure up to date publicity was provided on the notice board in the vicinity of the lake.


(x)        Food Banks


Councillor Murray referred to the oral report of the Leader of Council regarding evidence of increased hardship in an adjoining borough.  He asked the Leader if she shared his view that this was unacceptable in 2011.


Councillor Wagland, Leader of the Council, said that she shared Councillor Murray’s views.  She advised that she was well aware of these problems and had been dealing with such an issue for several hours earlier in the day.


(xi)       Footpath between Traps Hill and Brooklyn Avenue, Loughton


Councillor Leonard referred to the redevelopment of the swimming pool at Traps Hill some seven years ago and asked the Safer and Greener Portfolio Holder if she would arrange for the footpath between Traps Hill and Brooklyn Avenue to be dedicated as a public right of way.


Councillor Smith, Safer and Greener Portfolio Holder, asked Councillor Leonard to send her full details of this issue following which she would discuss the matter with officers and respond.


(xii)      Parking Reviews


Councillor Richardson referred to the question asked by Councillor Jacobs and asked the Safer and Greener Portfolio Holder why parking reviews had been shelved due to a lack of money when it was apparent a surplus had been acquired from parking.


Councillor Smith, Safer and Greener Portfolio Holder, pointed out that the Buckhurst Hill and Loughton Parking Reviews had been delayed not shelved.  She advised that a report would be submitted to the Cabinet later in the year after the completion of the Epping Parking Review.


(xiii)     North Weald Airfield – Halcrow Report


Councillor Stallan asked the Finance and Economic Development Portfolio Holder for an update on the aviation intensification study being undertaken by Halcrow in order to examine the potential for an intensification of flying activity at the airfield.


Councillor Wagland, Leader of Council advised that she would respond to this question.  She stated that she was looking at the ability to get professional advice in relation to property aspects and that a report would be submitted for consideration by members in due course.