Agenda item

Sheltered Housing Scheme - Jessop Court, Waltham Abbey

(Housing Portfolio Holder) To consider the attached report (C-024-2011/12).


(1)        That, following Essex County Council’s decision to cease the provision of on-site 24 hour staffing at Jessopp Court in Waltham Abbey, the scheme be re-modelled to a sheltered housing scheme and an additional post of 1 FTE Scheme Manager be added to the Council’s Establishment;               


(2)        That additional income of approximately £9,000 per annum received from Essex County Council’s Supporting People Team for the provision of housing-related support services at Jessopp Court be used to part-fund the new Scheme Manager post, which (when taking into account the additional income from self-funding tenants of approximately £2,600 per annum) left a remaining amount of around £9,830 to be met from the Housing Revenue Account (HRA);


(3)        That the Day Centre provision at Jessopp Court be continued, with the Council entering into an agreement with Essex County Council for the use of the lounge and the provision of associated cleaning services;


(4)        That the transfer of the two cleaning staff employed by Essex County Council under the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations (TUPE) arrangements be noted and that the net cost of £10,500 for the cleaning service be funded by the HRA; and


(5)        That, subject to legal advice regarding the contractual rights of staff, a review of the cleaning service at Jessopp Court be undertaken to ensure that the full cost of the cleaning service was met from the income received from tenants’ cleaning charges and the charge made for this service under the Day Centre Agreement in the future.


The Housing Portfolio Holder presented a report concerning the Sheltered Housing Scheme at Jessopp Court in Waltham Abbey.


The Portfolio Holder informed the Cabinet that Jessopp Court, Waltham Abbey had been built to meet the needs of older people who required a higher level of support than that provided in sheltered accommodation. The scheme was described as being “very sheltered housing”, or “housing for frail elderly people”, and comprised 39 flats. The Council had entered into an agreement with Essex County Council, with the District Council being responsible for the landlord functions and the County Council providing twenty-four hour waking cover, including personal care to tenants. The County Council also operated a Day Centre at the scheme. 


The Portfolio Holder advised that Essex County Council had notified the Council the current scheme did not meet with the new national Extra Care Standards and there was no scope for adapting the premises.  Therefore, the County Council was intending to phase out the provision of an on-site twenty-four hour Care service, which would leave little alternative but for the scheme to become sheltered housing in the future. The County Council’s Social Care staff would be undertaking assessments of residents’ care needs, and following these assessments, Officers would be meeting with Social Care to discuss the level of care services that would be provided at the scheme.   


The Portfolio Holder reported that the District Council would need to appoint a full-time Scheme Manager at Jessopp Court, for which Supporting People funding would be granted by the County Council. This would result in £9,000 per annum being received, which (when taking into account some additional income from self-funding tenants of around £2,600 per annum) would leave a remaining amount of £9,830 per annum to be met from the Housing Revenue Account (HRA). It was also recommended that the Council entered into an agreement with Essex County Council for the continuation of the Day Centre.


The Portfolio Holder concluded that the two cleaners at Jessopp Court, currently employed by the County Council, would also need to be transferred to the District Council, under the TUPE regulations. This would result in a net cost to the District Council of £10,500 per annum from the Housing Revenue Account. Following the transition to sheltered accommodation, it was intended to undertake a review of the cleaning service at Jessopp Court to ensure that the cost of this service was met by the income received from the tenant cleaning charges and the charge made for this service under the Day Centre Agreement in the future. This review would be subject to legal advice regarding the contractual rights of the employees transferred from the County Council.


In response to questions from the Members present, the Portfolio Holder reassured the Cabinet that the existing tenants would continue to receive appropriate levels of care, commissioned by the County Council, during the transition period.




(1)        That, following Essex County Council’s decision to cease the provision of on-site 24 hour staffing at Jessopp Court in Waltham Abbey, the scheme be re-modelled to a sheltered housing scheme and an additional post of 1 FTE Scheme Manager be added to the Council’s Establishment;               


(2)        That additional income of approximately £9,000 per annum received from Essex County Council’s Supporting People Team for the provision of housing-related support services at Jessopp Court be used to part-fund the new Scheme Manager post, which (when taking into account the additional income from self-funding tenants of approximately £2,600 per annum) left a remaining amount of around £9,830 to be met from the Housing Revenue Account (HRA);


(3)        That the Day Centre provision at Jessopp Court be continued, with the Council entering into an agreement with Essex County Council for the use of the lounge and the provision of associated cleaning services;


(4)        That the transfer of the two cleaning staff employed by Essex County Council under the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations (TUPE) arrangements be noted and that the net cost of £10,500 for the cleaning service be funded by the HRA; and


(5)        That, subject to legal advice regarding the contractual rights of staff, a review of the cleaning service at Jessopp Court be undertaken to ensure that the full cost of the cleaning service was met from the income received from tenants’ cleaning charges and the charge made for this service under the Day Centre Agreement in the future.


Reasons for Decision:


Following the County Council’s decision, the Council had little alternative but to provide a Scheme Manager Service at Jessopp Court, to deliver housing-related support and monitor the well-being of the residents living there. In addition, it was proposed to continue the well-attended Day Centre provision.


Other Options Considered and Rejected:


To not  provide a Scheme Manager service.


To only agree the appointment of a part-time Scheme Manager with the remaining hours being met from existing resources. However, this would result in a detrimental and reduced service to existing residents at other schemes with the associated increased risk to both residents and the Council.


To provide the Scheme Manager service from existing resources, again with a detrimental and reduced service to existing residents at other schemes as a result  and again with the associated increased risk to both residents and the Council.


To not continue to provide a Day Centre at Jessopp Court.

Supporting documents: