Agenda item

Reports from the Leader and Members of the Cabinet

To receive reports from the Leader and members of the Cabinet on matters falling within their area of responsibility:


(a)         Report of the Leader and Legal Portfolio Holder;

(b)         Report of the Environment Portfolio Holder;

(c)     Report of the Finance and Economic Development Portfolio Holder;

(d)        Report of the Housing Portfolio Holder;

(e)         Report of the Leisure and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder;

(f)      Report of the Planning and Technology Portfolio Holder;

(g)     Report of the Safer, Greener and Highways Portfolio Holder;

(h)     Report of the Support Services Portfolio Holder.


The Council received written reports from the Environment Portfolio Holder, the Finance and Economic Development Portfolio Holder, the Housing Portfolio Holder, the Leisure and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder, the Planning and Technology Portfolio Holder, the Safer, Greener and Highways Portfolio Holder and the Support Services Portfolio Holder.


The Chairman invited the Leader and Legal Portfolio Holder to provide an oral report, and the other members of the Cabinet to give an oral update of their written reports.


(a)        Leader and Legal Portfolio Holder


Councillor Wagland thanked the Chairman and the officers involved, especially Pat Seager (Chairman’s Secretary) for organising a very enjoyable Civic Awards evening.


Councillor Wagland advised that earlier in the day John Houston, Local Strategic Partnership Manager, had helped to complete a bid by Waltham Abbey for some of the money available as a result of the Mary Portas Review of Town Centres.  She announced that the Town Centre Partnership and the Town Council as well as the Local Strategic Partnership and the Chamber of Commerce, local businesses and Council officers had worked hard together to produce a bid within a very tight timescale.


Councillor Wagland reported that she had attended a meeting of Essex Leaders and Chief Executives at which County Councillor Castle had made a presentation regarding the Olympics.  He had emphasised the role being played by the county of Essex and had drawn attention to the fact that the torch mechanism had been designed in Basildon and manufactured in Harlow.  Councillor Wagland stated that there had been some discussion about the number of contracts secured by Essex companies in relation to the Olympics and that as part of the legacy over 5,000 Essex companies would receive training in PPQ and procurement which should be of great assistance to them in securing contracts in the future.  The Leader pointed out that this would be the first Olympics to incorporate an “Inspire Mark” which would enable places and events to use the branding “Inspired by the Olympics”.  In relation to transport issues information was expected shortly from the London Councils’ Transport Adviser which would hopefully provide a better picture of the overall transport arrangements in and around London.  Councillor Wagland also reported that the meeting had discussed the proposed Council Tax benefit changes and the difficulties which would arise due to the necessary software not being available when required. She advised that representatives were continuing to be made to the Government about this aspect. The meeting had been advised that in relation to Community Budgets, 15 projects were being pursued across the four areas of focus.


Councillor Wagland reported that she had attended a further meeting of the South East Local Enterprise Partnership.  A further £16 million funding had been attracted to add to the previously allocated £33 million for the Growing Places Fund.  She advised that the Partnership had called for reports on the Third River Crossing and Aviation Capacity.  Representations were being made about the shortage of engineers having regard to the number of construction projects being promoted by the Government.


The Leader advised that she had attended a full board meeting of the Local Strategic Partnership at which concern had been expressed about children’s deprivation in this district catching up with that in Harlow.  Information was awaited from Essex County Council regarding 16-19 year olds not in employment, education or training, the tracking of whom had been lost following the demise of the Connexions service.


The Leader advised that she had received good feedback in relation to the Local Strategic Partnership Stakeholder Conference at which there had been a good attendance.


The Council noted that a meeting of the West Essex Alliance had received a presentation on how existing airports in the South East could accommodate air traffic within the next 10 to 15 years.  The Alliance was also investigating the possibility of an initiative to replace the Jobs Fund and officers were working on a bid for such a scheme.


Councillor Wagland advised that together with the Deputy Leader she had met representatives of the Corporation of London and the Lee Valley Regional Park in relation to the production of the Local Plan.


The Leader referred to the advertisement which had appeared in the Municipal Journal regarding the Chief Executive vacancy.


In relation to the legal aspects of her Portfolio, Councillor Wagland advised that the defendants in relation to the Council’s health and safety prosecution regarding the unfortunate death of a child at a nursery in Buckhurst Hill had entered a not guilty plea. 


The Leader reported that in her view a totally disproportionate amount of time and money was being spent on trying to resolve neighbour disputes.  She said that she was looking to support ward councillors with initiatives in relation to such matters and would welcome any suggestions.


(b)       Finance and Economic Development Portfolio Holder


Councillor Mohindra drew attention to the key points for local government in the recent Budget.


(c)        Leisure and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder


Councillor Gadsby referred to the press launch which had been held to publish the torch route for the Olympics and at which it had been announced that the torch would visit the District on 7 July 2012 at approximately 8 am. 


Councillor Gadsby referred to the success in obtaining external funding of over £180,000 for a range of sports and community activities.


(d)       Planning and Technology Portfolio Holder


Councillor Philip referred to the National Planning Policy Framework which had been announced earlier in the day and also to the Planning Policy for Traveller Sites which had been published the previous day.  The Portfolio Holder reminded members that both policy documents had been subject to consultation and this Council had made comments some of which had been taken into account in the final versions of the documents. He stated that the Policy Framework placed emphasis on sustainable development with economic, social and environmental aspects being taken into account.  He also stated that the Green Belt continued to be recognised as an area for restraint not to be overridden by the presumption for sustainable development.  He pointed out that as expected a period of 12 months had been specified for transitional cover pending adoption of new Local Plans. 


Councillor Philip advised that in relation to the provision of Traveller sites, there was an expectation that authorities would agree pitch targets with neighbouring authorities.  He also advised that there would be a need to continue to consider applications from all travellers and not just those with local connections.


Councillor Philip emphasised that these policy documents were now in force.


(e)       Support Services Portfolio Holder


Councillor Wyatt reported that the Youth Council elections had taken place and he advised members of those elected.  He congratulated the successful candidates and advised that together with the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Council he would be meeting the new Youth Councillors at an induction session during the following week.


Councillor Wyatt also reported on his attendance at a Rest Centre Exercise organised by the Council’s Emergency Planning Team.  He praised the staff and representatives from other organisations involved in the exercise and paid special thanks to Paul Banks, the Head Teacher of Roding Valley High School, his staff and the students.

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