Agenda item

Overview and Scrutiny

(a)   Report of the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (attached);


(b)   Reports of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (if any); and


(c)   Reports of Overview and Scrutiny Panels:


(i) Senior Recruitment Task and Finish Panel (attached).


(a)        Report of the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee


The Committee received a written report from the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


In the absence of the Chairman of the Committee, Councillor Wixley, Vice-Chairman of the Committee drew attention to the Joint Overview and Scrutiny training being arranged with Harlow District Council on 15 and 29 March 2012.  He encouraged members of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Standing Panels and Task and Finish Panels and others having an interest in scrutiny to attend.


(b)       Reports of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee


The Chairman announced that there were no reports to be considered under this item.


(c)        Reports of Overview and Scrutiny Panels


(i)         Senior Recruitment Task and Finish Panel


Mover: Councillor Angold-Stephens, Chairman of the Panel


Councillor Angold-Stephens submitted a report of the Panel following a review of the procedures for the reporting of complex and sensitive contracts to members.  


Councillor Watts drew attention to the need for the Audit and Governance Committee to consider the report and stated that the Committee would receive the report at its next meeting.  He accepted that decisions taken by the Council in relation to the report would not to be subject to the views of that Committee.


Report as first moved ADOPTED




            (1)        That the flow chart attached as Appendix 1 to the report of the Panel and the guidance note attached as Appendix 2 to the report of the Panel be approved for use in future senior recruitment exercises to provide a framework within which the Appointments Panel can work;


            (2)        That the process should only apply to Chief Executive; Deputy Chief Executive; Directors; Assistant to the Chief Executive and the three statutory officers;


            (3)        That delegation to the Appointments Panel be carefully drafted and to be clear about the extent of powers to recommend to Council any contract variations, appointment, short/long listing etc;


            (4)        That reports to members be made in the standard template giving all relevant information which will include financial implications; risk assessments and advice from statutory officers;


            (5)        That specialist legal advice be made to members through the Public Law Partnership and Human Resources advice through VINE or another appropriate body and budgeted for by Council;


            (6)        That an evaluation process be carried out as a matter of course after each senior recruitment event and reported to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee;


            (7)        That after the conclusion of the current exercise, the Officer Employment Procedure Rules be redrafted to:


            (i)         incorporate the applicability of Section 4 to the Statutory Officer position;


            (ii)        include more detail of the objection to the appointment process set out in the Constitution; and


            (iii)       consider its ongoing appropriateness;


            (8)        That the suggestion that the Constitution and Member Services Scrutiny Panel should undertake the task referred to in (7) above be approved;


            (9)        That the Committee for the Appointment of a Chief Executive be asked to consider the following issues specific to the post of the Chief Executive;


            (a)        clear and measurable performance management and supervision arrangements;


            (b)        ensuring those undertaking performance management and supervision to have undertaken appropriate training and to have access to advice; and authority from Council to undertake this role; and


            (c)        whether there should be any process put in place for dealing with employment issues short of formal dispute; and


            (10)      That the new arrangements be reviewed after one year of operation and thereafter annually.

Supporting documents: