Agenda item



To receive reports from the Leader and members of the Cabinet on matters falling within their area of responsibility:


(a)   Report of the Leader;

(b)   Report of the Asset Management and Economic Development Portfolio Holder;

(c)    Report of the Environment Portfolio Holder;

(d)   Report of the Finance and Technology Portfolio Holder;

(e)   Report of the Housing Portfolio Holder;

(f)    Report of the Leisure and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder;

(g)   Report of the Planning Portfolio Holder (report to follow);

(h)   Report of the Safer, Greener and Highways Portfolio Holder;

(i)    Report of the Support Services Portfolio Holder.


The Council received written reports from the Asset Management and Economic Development Portfolio Holder, the Environment Portfolio Holder, the Finance and Technology Portfolio Holder, the Housing Portfolio Holder, the Leisure and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder, the Planning Portfolio Holder, the Safer, Greener and Highways Portfolio Holder and the Support Services Portfolio Holder.


The Chairman invited the Leader to provide an oral report and other members of the Cabinet to give an oral update of their written reports.


(a)        Leader of the Council


Councillor Whitbread reported that since the last meeting of the Council he had attended a number of external meetings of importance to the future of the District as well as hosting a number of key internal meetings. 


The Leader advised that he had attended a meeting of the Essex Leaders and Chief Executives’ Forum which had concentrated on the Whole Essex Community Budget Project and the potential for Essex authorities to bid to Central Government for a "City Deal" for growth.  The Council noted that Essex was one of only four Community Budget pilots nationally, designed to explore how statutory agencies could work together more collaboratively on a number of key issues, increase efficiency and deliver savings.  He reported that a number of business cases had been developed for submission to the Department for Communities and Local Government and the Treasury.  He emphasised that although being engaged in the development of the business cases and supporting their aspirations in principle he had been consistent in stating that any future joint working on community budgets would not be at the expense of any loss of sovereignty to this Council and certainly at no financial disadvantage.


Councillor Whitbread reported that on 7 September, as Chairman of the Local Strategic Partnership, he had hosted a visit of the West Essex Economic Development Alliance, led by its Chairman, Nick Barton, who was Chief Executive of BAA Stansted Airport.  He advised that the visit had also been attended by the Asset Management and Economic Development Portfolio Holder and a range of partners across West Essex, the Lee Valley Regional Park Authority and the Chairman of the London Anglia Growth Partnership.  A number of locations across the District had been visited designed to demonstrate the potential and priority areas within the emerging local economic development strategy.  The tour had finished with a visit to Valley Growers in Waltham Abbey who produced a third of Britain's cucumbers. 


The Leader reported that he had met with Eleanor Laing MP, the Planning Portfolio Holder, the Acting Chief Executive and the Director of Planning and Economic Development to discuss the Local Plan and, in particular, the Issues and Options consultation process.  Councillor Whitbread thanked local ward members, the vast majority of whom had been very helpful and supportive at the local consultation meetings, in support of the Council's Planning Officers. 


The Leader reported that he had chaired the LSP Steering Group on 14 September when consideration had been given to the affects of the downsizing of the County Council's Youth Service in the District and the cessation of the Connexions Service.  Councillor Whitbread said that he was keen to see how best the Council could help meet the needs of young people in the District. 


The Leader advised that he had attended the dedication of the commemorative Olympic Shield on the Highbridge Roundabout, Waltham Abbey funded by the "Olympic Look and Feel” money.  The plaque had been unveiled by the Waltham Abbey Town Mayor and Etienne Stott, one of the gold medal winning canoeists.


In closing the Leader drew members' attention to the Medium?Term Financial Forecast presented to the Finance and Performance Management Cabinet Committee.  He emphasised that despite uncertainty about the future of local government financing this Council continued to benefit from prudent financial decisions and policies.


(b)       Finance and Technology Portfolio Holder


Councillor Stavrou reported that on 20 September, the Finance and Performance Management Cabinet Committee had considered the Annual Outturn Report on the Treasury Management and Prudential Indicators 2011/12 and the Financial Issues Paper for the budget 2013/14.  She pointed out that recommendations on those matters would be considered by the Cabinet on 22 October.


The Portfolio Holder advised that the Council was in a stronger financial position than had been anticipated.  This was due to a greater level of savings in 2011/12.  She continued that there were uncertainties and challenges to be faced and the level of Government funding for 2013/14 would not be known until late December 2012.  Councillor Stavrou advised that through the proposals to retain business rates the Government was adding to the existing incentive of the New Homes Bonus to encourage authorities to promote growth and economic development.  Members noted that those authorities that were more successful in growing their Council Tax base and rating list would gain at the expense of others. 


Councillor Stavrou reported that despite the uncertainties she was confident that the Cabinet would be able to recommend a nil increase for the District Council Tax for 2013/14. 


(c)        Planning Portfolio Holder


Councillor Bassett reported that "Drop?In" sessions had been held across the District in relation to the Local Plan Consultation, Community Choice–Issues and Options.  He advised that 927 members of the public had attended the first 13 sessions.


Councillor Bassett stressed that it was important the public should understand that the Council had made no decisions at present and that the consultation exercise related to a list of issues and options on which views were being sought.  At the end of the consultation period all of the responses would be considered and later in the year a series of workshops for councillors would be held as part of that process.  He advised that following those workshops a number of "preferred options" would be chosen which again would be subject to a consultation exercise before a final Plan was submitted for public examination. 


The Portfolio Holder urged the public to engage with the process as the Local Plan would shape the District for the next 20 years.  He drew attention to the various ways in which responses could be made to the consultation exercise.

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