Agenda item


(a)                 Updated Schedule


The Committee are asked to note the updated schedule. This reflects the work programme achieved by each Panel.


(b)       Next Year’s Work Programme


To consider any late requests to go into next year’s Work Programme:



(c)               Reserve Programme


A reserve list of scrutiny topics is required to ensure that the work flow of OSC is continuous.


OSC will ‘pull out’ items from the list and allocate them accordingly once space becomes available in the work plan following the completion of existing reviews.


Members can put forward any further suggestions for inclusion in the reserve list either during the meeting or at a later date. A request form is attached for use.


Existing review items will be dealt with first, and then time will be allocated to the items contained in the reserve work plan.


Any space within the work plan is filled on an ongoing basis.



Work Programme


(a)       Overview and Scrutiny Committee


The Committee noted their work programme at the end of the year and that any uncompleted work would be kept over for the next year.


(b)       Housing Scrutiny Standing Panel


The Chairman of the Housing Standing Panel, Councillor Murray noted that the work programme showed the completed work for the year and the items deferred until the next. He acknowledged that it had been a very busy year and praised the professionalism, knowledge and ability of the officers.


(c)       Constitution and Members Services Standing Panel


The Chairman of the Constitution and Member Services Standing Panel, Councillor Stallan noted that they also had a busy year. He noted that item 16 on their work programme ‘review of petitions’ was to be carried over into the new year and that item 20 ‘review of member representation on outside bodies’ was to be considered again in the new year.


(d)       Safer Cleaner Greener Standing Panel


The Chairman of the Safer Cleaner Greener Standing Panel, Councillor Sartin, informed the Committee of their last meeting held on 10th April, where they had considered the new Highways Panel arrangements and whether we should opt into the County’s arrangements. She noted that the county were looking to set up a Highways Panel for the district. They had set aside just under £700k plus £135k for the Highway Ranger Service.


The Committee agreed that the District should join up to the new Highway Panel arrangements.


The Panel would be made up of 7 County Councillors and 7 District Councillors, to be appointed by the Appointments Panel. There would be no Town or Parish council representatives on this Panel. However, they were recommending that the Panel be held in public so that the Town and Parish councillors could attend.


The County would provide technical support to the Panel and the Acting Chief Executive, Derek Macnab, reassured the Committee that the officer earmarked for our Panel had worked with us before and was a competent Civil Engineer.


The Standing Panel also recommended that the District take over the administration of these Panels, arranging and clerking the meetings. This would give a measure of control over the meetings. This was agreed.


Councillor Stallan asked if we could opt out if this did not work out and suggested that it should be reviewed after a year. This was also agreed.




(1)               That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee agreed that Epping Forest District Council should join in the new arrangement for a Local Highways Panel;

(2)               That the meetings should be held in public and that the allocation of membership be referred to the Appointments Panel;

(3)               That the District Council take on the administration of the Highways Panel; and

(4)               That the Terms of Reference of the Safer Cleaner Greener Standing Scrutiny Panel be amended to enable them to monitor and review the Local Highways Panel.



As an aside the Portfolio Holder for Safer, Greener and Highways, Councillor Smith, informed the meeting that the new Parking Manager for the North East Parking Partnership would be happy to make a presentation to either this Committee or the Safer Cleaner Greener Standing Panel. The Chairman, Councillor Bassett, agreed that we would consider this when the Committee were considering their new Work Programme at their first meeting in the new year.


(e)       Planning Services Standing Panel


The Committee noted their new work programme.


(f)        Finance and Performance Management Standing Panel


The Chairman of the Finance and Performance Management Standing Panel, Councillor Jacobs, noted that their work programme had been completed, except for scrutinising the quarter 4 figures for the Council as they would not be ready until the new council year.


Next Years Work Programme


To be reviewed at the Committees first meeting in June.


(b)             Reserve Work Programme


See item below for new Task and Finish Panel request. Members were reminded that they could still submit topics for consideration by using the appropriate request form and handing it in to Democratic Services.


Supporting documents: