Agenda item


(a)            Apologies for Absence


(b)            Announcements


To consider any announcements by:


(i)         the Chairman of the Council;


(ii)        the Leader of the Council; and


(iii)       any other Cabinet Member.


(a)       Announcements by the Chairman of the Council


(i)         Civic Lunch – 27 September 2012


The Chairman reported on the Civic Lunch held at the Lambourne End Outdoor Centre which had been attended by the Chairmen and Mayors of other local authorities.  He advised that this had been an opportunity for the Centre to make itself known to the civic representatives throughout the county and that as a result of the day he understood that Southend Borough Council would be considering the arrangement of trips and courses to the Centre for people from Southend.  The Chairman reported that all the food for the lunch had been produced on the site.  He advised members that he had donated £1,000 from his charity to the Centre to assist them in furthering their work.


The Chairman reported that during the day he had agreed to attend the opening of a new 350 metre zip-wire at the Centre and as a result had been expected to ride on the wire.  He reported that he had successfully completed the run and he thanked those members who had agreed to sponsor him for his charity and encouraged others to do so even though it was now after the event.


(ii)        International Day for the Elderly


The Chairman reported that the UK Older People’s Day had been held on 1 October 2012 to coincide with the UN International Day for Older Persons.  The main aim of the day had been a national celebration of the achievements and contributions that older people had made to society.  He advised that it had presented an opportunity for older people to meet with younger people and that the celebrations in this district had been a great success.


(iii)       Carol Service


The Chairman referred to the Council’s Carol Service being held at St John’s Church, Epping on 14 December 2012.  He advised members that they had already received an invitation to this event and he expressed the hope that they would all be able to attend.


(iii)       Floral Display


The Chairman announced that he intended to send the flowers from tonight’s meeting to Frank Foster House at Theydon Bois.


(b)       Announcements by the Leader of the Council


The Leader advised that he had no announcements to be make under this heading.


(c)       Announcements by Portfolio Holders


(i)         Asset Management and Economic Development Portfolio Holder


Councillor Grigg referred to the request made by Councillor Watson at the last meeting as to how the review of North Weald Airfield was to be managed to ensure that it dovetailed with the development of the Local Plan.


Councillor Grigg stated that at the last meeting she had confirmed that a review of the Airfield would be a material part of the development of the Local Plan.  She continued that the brief to be issued to consultants, as part of the procurement process, was considered and approved, subject to any amendments agreed by herself, at the North Weald Airfield and Asset Management Cabinet Committee on 30 October 2012.  The Portfolio Holder stated that the brief emphasised the linkages between the two exercises and required that the Airfield review was completed with recommendations able to be considered by the Cabinet such that they could be included within the Local Plan “Preferred Options” Consultation Exercise scheduled around the middle of 2013. 


Councillor Grigg stated that she was unable at present to provide members with firm dates since they were still subject to review by officers and Fortismere, the Council’s appointed Local Plan Project Management Consultants, and ultimately by the Planning Portfolio Holder.


Councillor Grigg stated that this information had also been provided to members in a recent Council Bulletin.