Agenda item


(a)       Apologies for Absence


(b)       Announcements


To consider any announcements by:


(i)         the Chairman of the Council;


(ii)        the Leader of the Council; and


(iii)       any other Cabinet Member.


(c)      Councillor D Johnson




  That the resignation of D Johnson as a District Councillor with effect from 18 March 2013 be noted.



(Assistant to the Chief Executive/Returning Officer) On 18 March 2013, D Johnson gave notice of resignation from the office of District Councillor for the Waltham Abbey Honey Lane ward of the District.


His normal term of office would have expired in May 2014. Notice has been received signed by two electors requesting an election to fill the casual vacancy and an election will be held at the same time as the scheduled County Council elections on 2 May 2013. 



Background Papers: Letter of resignation dated 18 March 2013. Notice signed by two electors.



(a)       Chairman’s Announcements


(i)         Events


The Chairman reported on some of the events he had attended since the last meeting of the Council.


The Chairman thanked members for supporting and officers for arranging the Civic Awards event held at Gilwell Park.


The Council noted that the Chairman had attended a number of musical events including Motivat at Epping Forest College, Local Music Awards held at Loughton Methodist Church and Youth Makes Music held at the Royal Festival Hall.  The Chairman referred to the success achieved by local youth groups at the High Sheriff’s Awards, the Millennium Fund and the Essex Chairman’s Awards.


The Chairman advised that he had attended the Declaration Ceremony for the new High Sheriff of Essex, Mrs Julia Abel-Smith.


Members noted that the Chairman had opened the Epping Forest Re-use Project in Bower Hill Epping.


The Chairman referred to his attendance at the St George’s Day Parade and National Scout Service held at Windsor Castle at which her Royal Highness, the Duchess of Cambridge had been present.


(ii)        Floral Display


The Chairman announced that he intended to send the flowers from tonight’s meeting to Ann Crabb a resident of Lambourne End. 


(b)      Announcements by the Leader of the Council


The Leader advised that he had no announcements to make under this heading.


(c)       Announcements by Portfolio Holders


(i)         Safer, Greener and Highways Portfolio Holder


Councillor Waller referred to the problems being experienced by visitors and shoppers seeking a car parking space in the Epping Town Centre car parks owned by the Council.  He advised that there was little doubt that the current problems were linked to the substantial tariff increases, implemented on 5 January this year, in the station car parks operated by NCP on behalf of London Underground Limited.  He advised that many commuters who had previously parked at the station were now opting instead to use the combined stay car parks at Bakers Lane and Cottis Lane and this was a matter of concern for local retailers who feared their customers might look elsewhere if they were unable to park at convenient locations in the town. 


The Portfolio Holder advised that extensive studies had been conducted of the usage of the Council’s car parks in an attempt to determine the extent of the recent changes.  He said that he was satisfied that there were now times during the week when availability of the short term spaces was unacceptably low, requiring users to spend time driving around seeking a space and this situation had worsened noticeably as a result of the tariff changes at the station car park.


Members noted that in seeking a solution, the Portfolio Holder had been mindful of the need to avoid, if possible, an undue impact on local residents including those working for employers in the town.  Councillor Waller advised that although further research was required he believed the most effective action would be to reintroduce dedicated short-stay car parking spaces and to limit their use clearly as short-stay only.  Accordingly, he was proposing to create at least 100 dedicated short-stay spaces in one of the car parks, which would be restricted to stays of no longer than three hours.  The Council noted that it would be necessary to review the way in which any revised tariff structure operated for the 100 spaces as it was necessary to monitor the Council’s finances carefully.


Councillor Waller advised that he would discuss his proposals with Epping ward councillors, the Town Council and other interested parties at an early date.  He agreed to keep all members informed of the proposals as the situation developed.


(ii)        Housing Portfolio Holder


Councillor Stallan advised that on 12 April 2013 thieves had gained access to six separate electrical intake cupboards serving the maisonette blocks in Limes Avenue and Copperfield Chigwell and had stolen a quantity of relays, time-clocks, fuses and lighting controls that served the communal lighting and emergency lighting to the blocks.


The Council was informed that on 16 April 2013 an electrician had attended a job to switch on the communal lights as requested by officers at the Limes Farm Office who had noticed that the lights were not working in the stairwells.  The electrician had discovered the theft and had worked late into the night with Council officers to trace the cable routes and rewire the emergency lights on a temporary basis so as to make the staircases and balconies safe.  Members noted that for the time being the communal emergency lights would remain on until a permanent repair could be arranged.


Councillor Stallan reported that the Police and the Council’s Insurers had been notified and images from the Council’s CCTV system had been provided to the Police who were investigating the incident.  Members noted that letters had been sent to residents, ward members and the Community Association explaining the situation.


(d)       Councillor D Johnson


The Council noted the resignation of D Johnson as a District Councillor with effect from 18 March 2013.  Members were advised that notice had been received signed by two electors requesting an election to fill the casual vacancy and an election would be held at the same time as the scheduled County Council elections on 2 May 2013.