Agenda item


(a)       Apologies for Absence


(b)       Announcements


To consider any announcements by:


(i)         the Chairman of the Council;


(ii)        the Leader of the Council; and


(iii)       any other Cabinet Member.


(c)      Mindful Employer Symbol


To note that the Council has signed up to the Mindful Employer Symbol.


(d)      Disability (Two Ticks) Symbol Accreditation


To note that the Council has been awarded the Disability (Two Ticks) Symbol Accreditation by the Department of Work and Pensions, Jobcentre Plus.


Stuart Bennett, District Manager of Jobcentre Plus will be in attendance to make the presentation to the Chairman and the Support Services Portfolio Holder.


(e)       Park Mark


The Park Mark scheme is managed by the British Parking Association and supported by the Home Office. The Council has been awarded Park Mark in recognition of all of its car parking facilities that have demonstrated they are concerned with safety and in respect of which steps have been taken to ensure the facilities are secure and safe from crime.


John Hills, Essex Police accredited assessor and Mike Bibby, South East Development Manager will be in attendance to make the presentation to the Chairman and the Safer, Greener and Transport Portfolio Holder.


(a)        Chairman’s Announcements


(i)         Events


The Chairman reported on some of the events she had attended since the last meeting of the Council. The Council noted that the Chairman had visited the southern part of the district , attended church services in Essex and attended the High Sheriff’s Garden Party. The Annual Chairman’s Golf Day had taken place on 2 July, the Chairman thanked officers for organising the event which raised just under £500.00 for her charities. A White Water Rafting Event took place on 19 July, the Chairman extended thanks to officers for their organisation and the webcast recording of the event. Over £500.00 was raised for the charities.


The Chairman informed the Council that on Saturday 3 August the District Council would be playing Epping Town Council in the Petanque match. The Chairman said she was hoping for a victory and would like to see the trophy back at the District Council. Councillors Mrs A Grigg and D Stallan would be representing the District Council.


Members noted that the Alzheimer’s Society were arranging a walk on Sunday 15 September around Chingford Golf Course. They were in need of volunteers, the Chairman asked for members interested to speak with her after the meeting.


On Sunday 18 August, the Chairman was inviting people to join at her home for afternoon tea. Tickets were £8.00. Members interested could contact her by phone or email, details would be placed in the Bulletin.


(ii)        Floral Display


The Chairman announced that she intended to send the flowers from tonight’s meeting to the residential home, Frank Foster House, Theydon Bois.


(b)       Announcements by the Leader of Council


The Leader advised that he had no announcements to make under this heading.


(c)        Announcements by Portfolio Holders


(i)         Planning Portfolio Holder


Councillor Bassett announced that the Local Plan Population Workshop scheduled for 28 September had been cancelled, but would take place in October.


(ii)        Safer, Greener and Highways Portfolio Holder


Councillor Waller advised that in relation to the Buckhurst Hill Parking Review he had met with officers from Essex County Council Highways Directorate on 17 April to discuss the implementation of just over 30 changes which had been agreed by members for improving the situation for local residents. Officers had indicated that they intended to carry out public consultations in July.


The Portfolio Holder advised that he had signed a Portfolio Holder Decision enabling a legal agreement with Essex Highways for delivery of this scheme. The Portfolio Holder expressed his disappointment that Essex Highways had reneged on their commitment to commence the public consultation in July. Part of the reason for the delay was due to an officer being moved to another role and unfortunately he had overseen this project Councillor Waller stated that the delay was unacceptable.


The Portfolio Holder said he had looked at alternative ways of delivering this scheme, but the District Council did not have in-house highway engineering expertise, he added that only Highways had the legal powers to make the necessary changes to traffic orders. He said that he would ask officers to explore alternative means of delivering the parking review schemes. He asked for Members’ support in making representations to the County Council Cabinet Member for Highways, seeking reassurances that adequate resources would be allocated to the parking review schemes. He was aware that while the public consultation was delayed, residents’ lives were blighted by inconsiderate parking and with issues relating to commuter parking. He said that he was doing all he could to relieve the process.


Councillor G Waller advised of the redesignation of Cottis Lane Car Park, Epping for short term parking. He referred to his recent report to Council on the work taking place to assess the best way of addressing the problems experienced by shoppers and other visitors to Epping who were having difficulties finding somewhere to park. One of the main reasons for this problem was an influx of long term commuter parking following the increase in charges at the NCP station car park.


The Portfolio Holder advised that he had held two meetings with local councillors and with other stakeholders, as a result he agreed that the Cottis Lane Car Park should have its designation changed from combined tariff to a wholly short term tariff, his Portfolio Holder Decision had just been signed. He reported that the public consultation on the changes would start on 31 July and last for 21 days. He thanked the North Essex Parking Partnership who were overseeing the consultation.


Councillor Waller reported that it should be possible for Cottis Lane to re-open as a short term car park with parking available for up to five hours starting at 10p for 30 minutes.


(d)       Mindful Employer Symbol


The Chairman was delighted to announce that the Council had signed up to the Mindful Employer Symbol. Mindful Employer was about increasing awareness of mental health, helping employers deliver their business, providing support networks and making it healthier talking about mental health.


(e)       Disability (Two Ticks) Symbol Accreditation


The Chairman announced the award to the District Council of the Disability (Two Ticks) Symbol accreditation last month by the Department of Works and Pensions, Job Centre Plus. The accreditation was awarded to employers who demonstrated that they had achieved, and were committed to, continually achieving commitments regarding the employment, retention, training and career development of disabled people.


The Chairman welcomed Debbie McMahon from Jobcentre Plus to the meeting. Debbie McMahon advised that the accreditation would increase the employment levels for disabled people. The certificate could be displayed corporately and demonstrated fairness towards disabled employees.


(f)        Park Mark


The Chairman announced that the Council had been awarded Park Mark in recognition of its car parking facilities that had demonstrated they were concerned with safety and in respect of which steps had been taken to ensure the facilities were secure and safe from crime. The Chairman welcomed to the meeting Mr J Hills, Essex Police Accredited Assessor and Mr M Bibby, Area Manager, British Parking Association, who thanked Council for its support and advised that 19 awards had been made to the District.