Agenda item

Reports from the Leader and Members of the Cabinet

To receive reports from the Leader and members of the Cabinet on matters falling within their area of responsibility:


(a)         Report of the Leader;

(b)     Report of the Asset Management and Economic Development Portfolio Holder;

(c)         Report of the Environment Portfolio Holder;

(d)     Report of the Finance and Technology Portfolio Holder;

(e)         Report of the Housing Portfolio Holder;

(f)      Report of the Leisure and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder;

(g)         Report of the Planning Portfolio Holder;    

(h)     Report of the Safer, Greener and Transport Portfolio Holder;

(i)      Report of the Support Services Portfolio Holder.


The Council received written reports from the Asset Management and Economic Development Portfolio Holder, the Environment Portfolio Holder, the Finance and Technology Portfolio Holder, the Housing Portfolio Holder, the Leisure and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder, the Planning Portfolio Holder, the Safer, Greener and Transport Portfolio Holder and the Support Services Portfolio Holder.


The Chairman invited the Leader to provide an oral report and other members of the Cabinet give an oral update of their written reports.


(a)          The Leader of the Council


Councillor Whitbread advised that he had attended the Economic Development Group on 12 November to discuss potential improvements to the rail link between Stansted Airport and London. He also went to a separate meeting at Stansted Airport where he met the new director of the airport.


Councillor Whitbread said he met the Leader of London Borough of Redbridge Council regarding the Central Line. At the meeting they had requested assurances from Transport for London that there would be better investment in the line and that resources would not be diverted to Crossrail.


The Leader had hosted the Joint Locality Board where they received a presentation about Health and Social Care. He also advised that they had also received a report advising that the switching off of street lighting in some parts of the district would not be operated until first week in January 2014.


The Leader reported that he had attended a meeting of Leaders of Essex authorities at which he had been advised that the police  would be withdrawing match funding  for PCSOs. Attempts were being made for the decision to be revisited.


(b)          Planning Portfolio Holder


Councillor Bassett reported that a presentation by the Planning Barrister, Mr M Beard, had taken place on 18 November. The current Local Plan was mainly consistent with the National Planning Policy Framework. The Portfolio Holder believed that there was a 5 year land supply in the district. He advised that due to the district’s exceptional setting, the Lee Valley Regional Park and motorways he believed it was less vulnerable to potential development than other areas.


(c)          Support Services Portfolio Holder


Councillor Ulkun updated his report regarding the Electoral Canvass 2013. The figure relating to updates made to the register by text, internet or telephone now stood at 22,475. The number of households having completed registration was now 94.5%, with the total of voters yet to register reduced to 3,300.


(d)          Finance and Technology Portfolio Holder


Councillor Stavrou updated members on her report. The Chancellor of the Exchequer’s autumn statement had shown signs of an improvement in the economy. He had acknowledged that local authorities were making large savings and they had been excluded from further reductions in funding. The proposal to take away money from New Homes Bonus and allocate it to Local Enterprise Partnerships was no longer being pursued but the scheme remained under review. The increase in business rates had been capped at 2% with the Government promising to compensate local authorities for any losses.

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