Agenda item

Corporate Risk Update

(Director of Resources) To consider the attached report (FPM-012-2015/16).


The Director of Resources advised the Cabinet Committee that the Corporate Risk Register had recently been reviewed by both the Risk Management Group on 27 August 2015 and Management Board on 2 September 2015 and a number of amendments had been identified and incorporated into the register which included;


1.    Risk 1 Local Plan


Key dates within the Action Plan had been updated to advise the current status, which included the confirmation that the new staffing structure had been implemented.


2.    Risk 2 Strategic Sites


The Effectiveness of controls/actions had been amended to advise the updated position for the key sites.


3.    Risk 4 Finance Income


The Key date had been amended to Autumn, when the outcome of the Comprehensive Spending Review would be available.


4.    Risk 5 Economic Development


Recruitment of experienced staff had been removed from the required further management action as staff were now in post. The key date had been revised to January 2016 for the completion of the Economic Development Strategy.


5.    Risk 6 Data / Information


The required further management action had been amended to advise the required implementation of a new system for handling Freedom of Information requests. The suitability to extend the use of the system for Data Protection would be considered after a further six months.


6.    Risk 7 Business Continuity


The required further management action had been amended to include the need to arrange periodic testing and exercises.


7.    Risk 8 Partnerships


The Existing Control had been updated to advise the structured reporting was to Select Committee rather than Scrutiny Panels.


8.    Risk 9 Safeguarding


An additional Existing Control and required further management action had been added to advise the establishment of a Nursery Worker Accommodation Task Group and the need for an action plan for the group. Also within the existing Controls it was noted that the Safeguarding Strategy and Action Plan was adopted by Cabinet. An additional required further management action had been added to reflect the Cabinet decision to support a growth bid to make the Safeguarding posts permanent.


9.    Risk 10 Housing Capital Finance


An additional Vulnerability and Trigger had been added should there be any legislative change which reduced income to the Housing Revenue Account (HRA).




(1)          That the Key dates within the Action Plan for Risk 1, Local Plan be updated;


(2)          That the Effectiveness of controls/actions for Risk 2, Strategic Sites be updated;


(3)          That the Key date for Risk 4, Finance Income be amended;


(4)          That the Required further management action and updated Key Date for Risk 5, Economic Development be amended;


(5)          That the Required further management action for Risk 6, Data/Information be amended;


(6)          That the Required further management action for Risk 7, Business Continuity be amended;


(7)          That the Existing Control within Risk 8, Partnerships be amended;


(8)          That the Existing Control and Required Further Management Action for Risk 9, Safeguarding be updated;


(9)          That the Vulnerability and Trigger within Risk 10, Housing Capital Finance be added;


(10)        That no new risks were identified by the Cabinet committee for inclusion in the Corporate Risk Register; and




(11)        That the amended Corporate Risk Register be recommended to Cabinet for approval.


Reasons for Decisions:


It was essential that the Corporate Risk Register was regularly reviewed and kept up to date.


Other Options Considered and Rejected:


Members may suggest new risks for inclusion or changes to the scoring of existing risks.

Supporting documents: