Agenda item

Invest to Save Proposals

(Director of Resources) To consider the attached report (FPM-011-2015/16).


The Director of Resources presented report on Invest to Save Proposals for additional grass cutting equipment, LED lighting in car parks and the consideration of other proposals being developed.


The Director of Resources reported that in setting the budget for 2015/16, the Cabinet had decided that as the balance on the General Fund Reserve exceeded the minimum requirement and further savings were required, a £0.5 million should be transferred from the General Fund Reserve into an Invest to Save earmarked reserve. It was intended that this earmarked reserve would be used to finance schemes that would reduce the Continuing Services Budget (CSB) in future years. Management Board had received two proposals, so far and business cases were being developed for several other suggestions. It had been appropriate at this stage to seek Member approval for the proposals and give the Members an opportunity to put forward additional or alternative proposals.


The Cabinet Committee were pleased with the proactive approach of Officers coming forward with ideas and the evaluation process of Management Board considering items before they were presented to the Cabinet Committee.


Councillor Stavrou suggested that a pool of hybrid vans could be considered for the Housing department.


Councillor Stallan praised the proposal for Hill house, Waltham Abbey and how this could be regenerated for the benefit of the residents with partners working together on the site, if the proposal stacked up.


The Director of Neighbourhoods advised that after market testing the external specialists for the off street parking was approximately £15,000, which would provide the expertise, capacity and resources to progress the business case and provide further detail on the costs and benefits.


Councillor J M Whitehouse suggested that when the carpark at St John’s Primary School was acquired by the Council, that cars with business permits for Bakers Street Carpark could be moved to this site, whilst the development was being progressed.


The Director of Communities advised that officers were currently working up a business case for additional funding being provided for rental loans to homeless single people, to avoid the use of bed and breakfast accommodation, thereby saving the significant loss in housing benefit subsidy as a result.


The Cabinet Committee concluded that they would look to receive all suggestions with enthusiasm.




(1)          That  the proposals to invest in additional grass cutting equipment and LED lighting in the car parks be recommended to Cabinet;


(2)          That the proposals currently being developed be supported in principle, which included;


(i)            Replacement of the cash taking facilities with Cash Kiosks within the District;

(ii)           Taking Off Street Parking back in house;

(iii)          Master Planning exercise for the redevelopment of Hill House Site, Waltham Abbey for co-location of services; and

(iv)         Provision of additional rental loans to homeless single people, to avoid the use of bed and breakfast accommodation.


(3)          That the proposals suggested for a pool of hybrid vans for the Housing department be investigated; and


(4)           That when the carpark at St John’s Primary School was acquired by the Council, the  use of the site be used for business permits users from Bakers Street Carpark for the interim of the development on the site be considered.


Reasons for Proposed Decisions:


To seek Member approval for Invest to Save proposals before they were implemented.


Other Options for Action:


Members may decide not to support the proposals and suggest additional or alternative uses for the Invest to Save Fund.



Supporting documents: