Agenda item




(1)            That the attached Scheme of Officer Delegation for plate Exemptions be endorsed;


(2)            That, based upon the Scheme, authority to issue Private Hire Vehicle Plate Exemptions be delegated to the:


(a)            Head of Environmental Services; and


(b)            Environmental Health Manager; and


(3)            That the appropriate amendments be made to the Schedule of Delegation to Officers in the Council’s Constitution.


At the last meeting of the licensing Committee, held on 13 October 2005, Officers reported on the situation in respect of applications for Private Hire Vehicle Licence plate Exemptions. Members requested that a Scheme of Delegation be developed and submitted to this meeting for consideration by the Committee.


Please find attached to the agenda the draft Scheme of Delegation, the draft Application Form, and the draft Certificate of Exemption.


The Chairman presented a report regarding a Scheme of Delegation for an Exemption from Displaying a Licence Plate on a Private Hire Vehicle, which included the draft Scheme, an Application Form and a draft Certificate. The Committee were reminded that at the last meeting of the Licensing Committee held on 13 October 2005, it had been requested that a scheme of delegation in respect of Exemptions from Displaying a Licence Plate on a Private Hire Vehicle be developed and submitted to the Committee for consideration.


The Environmental Health Manager explained that the rationale behind the display of a small self-adhesive identity badge in the rear window of the vehicle was to identify vehicles in a non-obtrusive manner. The Chairman agreed that this would be more discreet than a plate, as clients would not notice it and it would provide an identity for the relevant authorities. The Scheme referred to “owners” as it was felt that “operators” would be too confusing. The Environmental Health Manager added that the Scheme also included a list of possible vehicles that could be classed as high range prestige vehicles as Officers had felt that some guidance was required in order to prevent numerous appeals to the Sub-Committee. The Chairman highlighted that vintage vehicles had not been included in the list. It was felt that the Scheme should just make reference to “high value prestige vehicles” and that the list in the draft Scheme should be removed.


The Chairman queried why applicants only had to submit letters of support from agencies willing to employ them, rather than offering employment. In addition, the Committee felt that applicants who were not employed by agencies would not be covered by the scheme. The Chairman suggested that such applicants would require letters of support from their customers otherwise the application should be referred to the Sub-Committee for adjudication.


Finally, the Committee considered whether applicants should pay an annual fee for the renewal of their Plate Exemption, or whether there should be an initial fee and free renewal. The Environmental Health Manager favoured applicants reapplying each year if they wished to continue their Plate Exemption, which the Committee agreed with. The Assistant Head of Legal, Administration and Estates advised the Committee that the Council was not to make a profit from processing Licensing applications, and the cost implication of handling such applications needed to be calculated. The Committee agreed that the fee set should cover the cost of processing such applications, including the cost of the self-adhesive identity badges.




(1)            That the Scheme of Officer Delegation for Exemption from Displaying a Licence Plate on a Private Hire Vehicle be agreed, subject to the following amendments:


(a)            The Scheme to refer to “high value prestige vehicles” and the list of examples be removed;


(b)            The Scheme to request non-agency drivers to submit two letters of support from their customers otherwise the application be referred to the Sub-Committee for adjudication;


(c)            an annual fee to be charged for the initial application and each annual renewal thereafter; and


(d)            the annual fee set to cover the cost of processing the application, including the cost of the self-adhesive identity badge;


(2)            That, based upon the Scheme, authority to issue Private Hire Vehicle Plate Exemptions be delegated to the:


(a)            Head of Environmental Services; and


(b)             Environmental Health Manager; and


(3)            That the appropriate amendments be made to the Schedule of Delegation to Officers in the Council’s Constitution.

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