To consider the attached report (C-012-2019-20).
(3) That, the overall value of the works be capped to the sums included in the Capital Programme identified for Tiled Roof replacements on an annual basis; and
(4) That, this contract be designated as a serial contract to facilitate the annual adjustment to the tendered rates in accordance with the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) BCIS ALLCOS Resource Cost Index of All Construction: All Repair and Maintenance Work #7419.
The Housing and Property Services Portfolio Holder introduced the report for the tender for the planned renewal of the Tiled Roof Covering and Responsive Repair works.
In order to undertake the Planned Renewal of the Tiled Roof Covering and Responsive Repair Works 2019-24 to Council-owned properties during the financial year 2019-20 and over the following 4-year period it was necessary to undertake a procurement exercise based on the Most Economically Advantageous Tender (MEAT) taking cost and quality into account to satisfy the Council’s Procurement Rules.
(3) That, the overall value of the works be capped to the sums included in the Capital Programme identified for Tiled Roof replacements on an annual basis; and
(4) That, this contract be designated as a serial contract to facilitate the annual adjustment to the tendered rates in accordance with the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) BCIS ALLCOS Resource Cost Index of All Construction: All Repair and Maintenance Work #7419.
Reasons for Proposed Decision:
The existing tiled roof covering installed in some Council owned properties were in a poor condition and in need of replacement. Under the Decent Homes Standard roof structure and covering were listed as a “Key Building Component” and it was recognised that further deterioration could have an immediate impact on the integrity of the building and cause further deterioration in other building components. If the tiled roof covering components deteriorate further, they could cause adverse safety and security implications.
A 5-year contract was required for the Planned Renewal of the Tiled Roof Covering and Responsive Repair Works 2019-24, to Council-owned properties to ensure the Council’s housing stock remained in a decent condition.
The undertaking of a procurement exercise for works of this value was not only a requirement of the Council’s Procurement Rules but was also a requirement of Section 20 of the Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act 2002 when tiled roof covering renewal works were undertaken on Council owned and managed blocks of flats.
Other Options for Action:
The main alternative options considered were:
(1) To re-tender the contract on an annual basis. However, this would be time consuming and inefficient. Re-tendering would not guarantee more competitive tenders.
(2) To re-tender the works based on price alone. However, this would not necessarily return a more competitive tender and would not identify or quantify a quality commitment from the lowest tenderer.
(3) To seek quotations on an individual basis for every planned tiled roof covering replacement project and for every tiled roof covering repair HRP Works Order issued. However, this was very time consuming and was not cost effective and given the volume of planned tiled roof covering replacement projects and tiled roof covering repair HRP Works Order issued carried out per annum, this would breach the Council’s Procurement Rules C2 (9) with the works exceeding £25,000 in value during one financial year.
Supporting documents: