Agenda item

Corporate Performance Reporting - Q4

To consider the attached report and note the progress of project delivery against Q4 milestones.


The Chairman, Councillor Bolton, introduced the report on the results of corporate performance for quarter 4. He took each page of the report and asked for members to stop him if they wished to discuss any of the outcomes.


Commenting on page six of the supplementary agenda ‘Museum Collection Rationalisation’, Councillor Sartin noted that the comments did not make any sense. L Wade said that it was referring to refreshing the collections to ensure a rotation of exhibits that were available, and which was constantly being update and rationalised when it was not being used.


Councillor Bassett made a general point on the report saying that generally when there was a red coded item the route to green was just to reset the target.  L Wade said that it showed where milestones had not been achieved, which may have indicated that the dates were not right in the first place. Councillor Bassett said that he did not like it when a red indicator said it was to re-baseline to go back to a green indicator. He was told that was just a date change, not a change to the delivery or the outcomes.


Councillor Jon Whitehouse noted that the ‘Private Sector lettings’ item was now abandoned and asked if we still did not have the resources to achieve this as it was important that we did. L Wade said that she would ask the appropriate officers to provide a response to this.


Councillor Sartin asked what was meant by ‘reduced mobile phone ownership and usage’ under the ‘Mobile Phone Review’ item. She was told that it was to enable the council to look at new Mobile Phone providers as we now used a lot of other applications such as ‘Teams’. The policy was now being reviewed for potential savings.


Councillor Sartin then asked why we were “onboarding suppliers” and was told that this was the start of engaging with the suppliers.


Councillor Jon Whitehouse asked if the applications for the Council Housebuilding programme had gone in on 29 March? He was told that yes they had gone in.


Councillor Neville noted that under the Local Plan item there was to be a consultation in May/June 2020 – should this be 2021? He was told that yes this was a typo and it should be 2021.


Councillor Sartin commented on the appointment of the Town Centre Project Manager, had this been completed and the report written? Officers were unsure about this and would have to come back to her with an answer.


L Wade noted that the KPIs would be updated within the minutes as there were not available at the time the agenda went out. She briefly went through some of the exceptions listed.


Councillor Neville noted that the figures for Household waste was much higher for this last year due mainly to the fact that people were confined to their households and noted that this may go on for some time yet. It may be that we would need to rethink the target figures for the future. Councillor Bassett noted that these were rolling figures increasing every quarter but the target figures did not increase for Q2 and Q3 so the figures may be misleading. L Wade said she would feed this back to the appropriate director to address the figures and set a realistic target for next year.


Councillor Bassett also noted that a lot of the major planning applications were over their due date. He was told that this would be taken on board and discussed with the Portfolio Holder and officers.




That the committee reviewed the report and noted the progress of project delivery against Q3 milestones, specifically the projects currently highlighting exceptions.



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