Agenda item

Latton Priory Masterplan Allocation Sites

(Place – Cllr. N Bedford) To approve the draft Latton Priory Strategic Masterplan Framework and commencement of the public consultation for the Latton Priory Strategic Masterplan (C-022-2022/23).



NB – The Latton Priory Masterplan Framework Document is too large to be attached to this agenda and will be available as a background paper to view online.




(1)        The Cabinet approved the draft Latton Priory Strategic Masterplan Framework and commencement of the public consultation for the Latton Priory Strategic Masterplan Area allocation identified as SP 5.1 in the Local Plan Submission Version 2017


(2)        The Cabinet noted that the staged public consultation would take place over a minimum of six weeks from mid-November 2022 and will run through December 2022. It would be planned to allow the widest possible contribution and taking into account the Christmas / New Year period.


(3)        The Cabinet noted that a further update would be provided to share the results of the public consultation, any updates to the masterplan and/or framework document to reflect consultation and to endorse the masterplan, so that it could be given appropriate weight as a material planning consideration in the determination of future planning applications.




The Place Portfolio Holder, Councillor Bedford, introduced the report on the Latton Priory Masterplan Allocation Site.


The Harlow and Gilston Garden Town aims to coordinate and enable delivery of 16,000 homes by 2033, along with associated infrastructure, in and around Harlow, East Herts and Epping Forest Districts, delivering the Garden Town Vision, principles and guidance that has been agreed by the five partner councils. 3,900 of these homes are allocated within Epping Forest District, making up over a third of the District’s allocated housing to be built to the TCPA’s Garden City Principles.


Latton Priory Masterplan Area located within the Parish of North Weald Bassett. It is bounded to the north by the border between Epping Forest District and Harlow District. The masterplan is allocated for a minimum of 1,050 homes, primary and secondary schools, 1ha of employment land, 0.5ha for up to 5 Gypsy & Travellers pitches, a vibrant local centre and community facilities. The masterplan will also feature extensive green and blue infrastructure to promote natural and sustainable drainage and improved biodiversity, along with a large Suitable Alternative Natural Green space (SANG) to the southeast of the site to improve biodiversity and alleviate mounting pressure on the EFDC Special Area or Conservation (SAC).


The site promoters for Latton Priory Commercial Estates Group (CEG) and Hallam Land, had been engaging with EFDC officers since 2018 in the development of the Latton Priory SMF following the Strategic Masterplanning Briefing Note, which was agreed by the Council’s Cabinet in October 2018. This document set out the requirement for the endorsement of Strategic Masterplans and Concept Frameworks as allocated in the emerging LPSV.


Councillor Philip noted that a potential issue was that it may clash with the Main Modifications Consultation. Could we make sure that we signpost clearly the two different consultations taking place. He would also like to know what form the Latton Priory response were likely to take and who would be processing them. He was told that officers were working closely with EFDC’s communications team to make sure there was no confusion. The consultation responses were to be collected a few different ways to allow maximum responses. There will be a consultation platform to enable us to collect responses digitally, this would be based around a questionnaire. We will also accept hard copies and email responses. These will be processed by the developer.


Councillor Lion asked if the infrastructure delivery plan referenced broadband infrastructure. He was told that from the start of this development it had always been key they would put in the best infrastructure that they could. It was also noted that provision of broadband was in the Local Plan.


Councillor Jon Whitehouse brought up some general area of concerns such as having sustainable transport links into the wider area and not just into Harlow. He asked if there was a mechanism to achieve Modal Shift to destinations other than to Harlow. Finally, was there any assurance that the aspirations in the Masterplan would feed through into practice. He was told that the sustainable transport links beyond the Masterplanning area (other than to Harlow) were being considered by officer who were looking to make it viable. As for a Modal Shift they have polices around this and would also welcome comments on this in the consultation. As for the commitments of the masterplan  and how they carried on into planning applications. This was in the forefront of officers thinking as it was there to fix how things came forward in planning applications so the community could have clarity on what the expectations were.


Councillor Wixley asked if any land had been identified for sports facilities. He was told that there had been, and it formed part of the consultation process.





(1)        The Cabinet approved the draft Latton Priory Strategic Masterplan Framework and commencement of the public consultation for the Latton Priory Strategic Masterplan Area allocation identified as SP 5.1 in the Local Plan Submission Version 2017


(2)        The Cabinet noted that the staged public consultation would take place over a minimum of six weeks from mid-November 2022 and will run through December 2022. It would be planned to allow the widest possible contribution and taking into account the Christmas / New Year period.


(3)        The Cabinet noted that a further update would be provided to share the results of the public consultation, any updates to the masterplan and/or framework document to reflect consultation and to endorse the masterplan, so that it could be given appropriate weight as a material planning consideration in the determination of future planning applications.



Reasons for Proposed Decision:


To ensure that members were kept fully up to date on the progress of Masterplans and Concept Frameworks and other major proposals being promoted within the District.


To comply with the Council’s general obligations as a local planning authority and the requirements set out in national planning guidance.


Other Options for Action:





Supporting documents: