Agenda item

Any Other Business

Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972, together with paragraphs 6 and 24 of the Council Procedure Rules contained in the Constitution requires that the permission of the Chairman be obtained, after prior notice to the Chief Executive, before urgent business not specified in the agenda (including a supplementary agenda of which the statutory period of notice has been given) may be transacted.


In accordance with Operational Standing Order 6 (non-executive bodies), any item raised by a non-member shall require the support of a member of the Committee concerned and the Chairman of that Committee.  Two weeks' notice of non-urgent items is required.


(a)  (Finance and Economic Development – Cllr J Philip) To consider the final revenue and capital budget proposals for 2024/25.


Please note that Appendix Eii is CONFIDENTIAL items that will be published separately as a Restricted Second Supplementary Agenda.


(a)           Draft Budget Proposals for 2024/25


(1)        That the Cabinet considered the final revenue and capital budget proposals for 2024/25 as presented in Appendices A to E of this report, together with the comments received from the Overview & Scrutiny Committee.


(2)        That the Leader and the Finance and Economic Development Portfolio Holder (in conjunction with other Cabinet members if necessary) could agree any further minor changes prior to the Draft Budget 2024/25 being recommended to Full Council for approval.


(3)        That the Cabinet recommended to Council:


(a)       The budget for 2024/25 and the updated Medium-Term Financial Plan; and


(b)       The level of Council Tax increase for 2024/25.


(a)           Draft Budget Proposals for 2024/25


The Finance and Economic Development Portfolio Holder remarked that the Fit for the Future programme was a key part of the draft budget. Through transformation some of the financial impacts would decrease and the Council might be able to reduce staff numbers through natural wastage rather than by redundancies. The General Fund MTFP included a £2.152 million contribution to the Transformation Revenue Reserve. The report listed the budget cuts, but this draft budget was allowing the Council to preserve the Police for a short time, keep the Highway Rangers and allocate funding to some of the Youth Council’s projects. Inflation would continue, as would Council costs continue to rise. With staff salaries likely to increase next year, the Council must continue to balance outgoings with incoming revenue.


The Housing and Strategic Health Partnerships Portfolio Holder welcomed the retention of the Police for a further year and was of the opinion the Council should publicise the achievements of the Police, who continued working on County Lines operations and dealing with anti-social behaviour in The Broadway, Loughton. The Finance and Economic Development Portfolio Holder stated it was important that residents understood the importance of the Police achievements especially in the rural areas of the district, such as with thefts of farm vehicles, and the additional services provided to our residents.


Several Cabinet members praised the exceptional services the Highway Rangers provided, which benefited the district and helped local councils save money. Councillor N Bedford commented that from the increase in fees and with more planning applications coming into Planning (Development Management), this would all help to increase revenue. The Leader and Finance and Economic Development Portfolio Holder had been reluctant to increase Council Tax, but it was proposed to go up by 2.99%, which equated to 9 pence per week for a Band D property. Income from Qualis and the Government grants announced on 5 February all contributed to the Council’s income.


Councillor S Murray thanked the Finance and Economic Development Portfolio Holder for the draft budget but voiced his concern over the removal of grants to Citizens Advice (CA) and Voluntary Action Epping Forest (VAEF) which helped people in the district. Councillor J Philip replied that all service directorates had been tasked with making savings. Therefore, it was unfair for voluntary groups not to have a reduction, but the impact had been reduced for this municipal year and to lessen the impact further, the Council could schedule in the payment reductions.


Councillor Janet Whitehouse welcomed the news on the Highway Rangers but the proposed reduction in funding for CA and VAEF would be significant for residents. There was often no other alternative for residents other than CA. She was also concerned about the proposed savings in Democratic Services and with their staff reduction last year would feel reluctant to increase their workload, e.g. with a Task and Finish Panel. Councillor J Philip recognised it was not ideal for the funding reductions proposed for CA and VAEF and might relook at these. He continued that greater savings on Member allowances would be achieved as only 54 councillors would be elected this May, so the impact on Democratic Services would be as less. It was important scrutiny members looked at their options on what could be achieved by reviewing particular reports or policies, so that time could be freed up for a Task and Finish Panel if this was what they wanted to do. In reply to Councillor D Wixley’s query on scrutiny, Councillor J Philip would not tell Overview and Scrutiny what to scrutinise, but it might help to establish if there was enough support and interest to scrutinise something or scrutinise in a different way.


Councillor R Brookes remarked that there was still much to be done on The Broadway redevelopment, which had been allocated some funding in the budget. Councillor J Philip agreed that the Council needed to preserve the funding for the development of The Broadway.


The report set out the options considered, if any, and the reasons for the recommendation and the decision.




(1)        That the Cabinet considered the final revenue and capital budget proposals for 2024/25 as presented in Appendices A to E of this report, together with the comments received from the Overview & Scrutiny Committee.


(2)        That the Leader and the Finance and Economic Development Portfolio Holder (in conjunction with other Cabinet members if necessary) could agree any further minor changes prior to the Draft Budget 2024/25 being recommended to Full Council for approval.


(3)        That the Cabinet recommended to Council:


(a)        The budget for 2024/25 and the updated Medium-Term Financial Plan; and


(b)        The level of Council Tax increase for 2024/25.

Supporting documents: